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Home » “Girls who want to be transgender” released today despite “threats to cancel publication”

“Girls who want to be transgender” released today despite “threats to cancel publication”

Sankei Shimbun Company
“Girls who want to be transgender” released today despite “threats to cancel publication”
Sankei Shimbun Publishing, a member of the Sankei Shimbun Group, will release “Girls Who Want to Become Transgender: The Tragedy of an Epidemic Fueled by SNS, Schools, and Medical Care” by Abigail Schreier on April 3rd (Wednesday) on Sankei iD and online shopping site Amazon. It was released on.
[Sankei iD]
[Image 1:×1280.jpg] In recent years in Western countries, there has been a rapid increase in the number of girls who claim that they are transgender, where the gender of their minds and bodies do not match. The author interviewed approximately 200 people and 50 families and revealed the reasons for this social trend and the reality in the United States where it is easy to change gender.
We also sound the alarm by interviewing girls who regret irreparable damage such as hormone replacement therapy and mastectomy. This book has been selected as one of the best books of the year by The Economist and The Times, and has been translated in nine countries around the world.
Regarding the release of this book, there were threats against Sankei Shimbun Publishing and multiple bookstores, demanding that they “stop publishing.” The plan is to demand that the book’s publication be stopped, saying that the content of the original book incites discrimination against transgender people, and to set fire to bookstores that carry the book as a protest if it is released. This book is a Japanese translation of the American bestseller “IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE”, and major publisher KADOKAWA has stopped publishing it. Sankei Shimbun Publishing decided to publish the book as scheduled, believing that canceling its release due to threats could set a precedent that threatens publishing culture and freedom of expression.
[List price] 2530 yen (tax included)
[Online shopping]
《Sankei iD》
《Amazon》 *This book is number one in book sales at the pre-order stage.
Currently, some bookstores are temporarily postponing the sale of this book as a measure to prevent damage to people and property.
[Author Profile] Abigail Shrier
 Independent journalist. Winner of the 2021 Barbara Olson Award for Excellence in Journalism and Independence. The book was also selected as one of the best books of the year by The Economist and The Times (London).
[Image 2:×2494.jpg] ■Comment from Abigail Schreier
“This is the way!” Trans activists were unable to prevent its publication in Japan, but they are concerned that they are now threatening to burn down bookstores that carry the book. I believe that the experiences of many American families identified in this book apply to Japanese families, so I was very happy to hear that it would be published.”
■Comment from Sankei Shimbun Publishing
“Of course I wanted many people to read the content, but I also wondered why an American bestseller could not be published in Japan.I decided to publish it without giving in to undue pressure. Threatening a bookstore where people gather is an unforgivable act. Sankei Shimbun Publishing believes that responding to the threat could set a precedent that threatens publishing culture and freedom of expression, so we will publish the book as scheduled. Please report the damage. We will continue to sincerely consult and cooperate with all relevant parties to ensure that no damage is caused to people or property.” More details about this release: