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Home » Nursing care staffing service “+Hop” opens new offices in Nagoya and Fukuoka!

Nursing care staffing service “+Hop” opens new offices in Nagoya and Fukuoka!

Plus Pivot Co., Ltd.
Nursing care staffing service “+Hop” opens new offices in Nagoya and Fukuoka! Strengthen nursing care human resources services in the Tokai and Kyushu areas by expanding bases
Plus Pivot Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Nao Yamamoto), which operates +Hop, a registered temporary recruitment service specializing in nursing care personnel, has so far mainly worked in Tokyo, Osaka, and Sendai. We have been providing staffing services for nursing care staff as a base. As part of our further business expansion, we are pleased to announce that we have opened new offices in Nagoya and Fukuoka on Monday, April 1, 2024.
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Nagoya office
The Nagoya office is located near Meieki Station, the center of Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture. By establishing a new office in a location with good access not only within Aichi Prefecture but also to neighboring prefectures, we will be able to provide human resources more quickly than ever to meet the needs for nursing care personnel throughout the Tokai region, including Gifu, Mie, and Shizuoka. We believe that this will become possible.
■Address: 6F Ito Building, 5-3-21 Meieki, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, Aichi ■TEL: 052-990-3493
Fukuoka office
The Fukuoka office is located in Hakata Ward, Fukuoka City, and dispatches excellent nursing care personnel to local nursing care facilities and medical institutions. In Fukuoka Prefecture, where 28% of the population is over 65 years old (*), the population is aging, and we will support the provision of higher quality nursing care services and contribute to the welfare of the community. *Source: Fukuoka Prefectural Government Website Trends in elderly population and aging rate in Fukuoka Prefecture (as of October 1, 2020) ■Address: 4F Hakata Pearl Building, 1-3-8 Hakata Station Minami, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka ■TEL: 092-600-2042
“+Hop” unique welfare program
At Hop, we believe that by valuing our temporary staff, we can provide the best service to our customers, and we have created welfare programs that support those who continue working more than those who are just starting out.
1. Plus α to hourly wage! Original point system
In addition to your hourly wage, you will be awarded hop points based on your working hours. You can check your hop points on your My Page, and the points you have accumulated can be redeemed for cash. 2. I’m happy to have clear evaluation criteria! Member rank system This is a system where your membership rank increases depending on your working hours. There are “basic points” awarded according to working hours and “membership benefits” based on rank. Your evaluation rank becomes clear and your motivation to continue working increases. Even if your dispatch destination changes, your rank will remain the same.
3. Reduce monthly fixed costs! Hop covers mobile phone charges with “eSIM” You will be given an “eSIM” that can be used with your current smartphone, and Hop will cover your mobile phone charges. (Unlimited domestic calls/50GB of packet communication) No complicated
procedures, just scan the QR code! You can enjoy a comfortable smartphone life without worrying about call charges or packet charges. We also offer many other welfare benefits!
Please see the hop homepage for more details. ▶︎
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■What is Plus Pivot Co., Ltd.?
Operates +Hop, a nursing care human resources service specializing in the nursing care field. Based on our belief in “increasing the value of the nursing care profession,” we have independently introduced a “point-based welfare program” and a “rank evaluation system” that have never existed in the industry before. As a dispatch venture, we will continue to create services that change the image of the traditional nursing care industry.
-Company Profile-
●Company name: Plus Pivot Co., Ltd.
●Established: December 2022
●Capital: 80 million yen
●Representative Director: Nao Yamamoto
●Location: 7th floor, Shoratsu Building, 2-7-1 Yoyogi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo -Related page-
Company website:
Management site/+hop:
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