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Home » NEC Topics Quantum computing cloud service “Fixstars Amplify” and “NEC Vector Annealing Service” added to standard machines and launched

NEC Topics Quantum computing cloud service “Fixstars Amplify” and “NEC Vector Annealing Service” added to standard machines and launched

[NEC Topics] Quantum computing cloud service “Fixstars Amplify”, “NEC Vector Annealing”
service” added to the standard machine and started providing it.
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Press release: April 16, 2024
Quantum computing cloud service “Fixstars Amplify”, “NEC Vector Annealing” service” added to the standard machine and started providing it. Fixstars Amplify Co., Ltd., a quantum computing cloud company (Minato, Tokyo, Representative Director, President and CEO: Hiraoka)
Takuji) and NEC Corporation ([Note 1] hereafter NEC) are Fixstars Co., Ltd. Quantum computing cloud service “Fixstars” operated by Amplify Amplify,” a large-scale, high-speed annealing service provided by NEC for standard machines that can be used without entering into separate machine usage contracts with vendors.
Added “Vector Annealing Service” to Fixstars
It will be available as an optional service of Amplify from May 2024. Customer: Fixstars
By using it in combination with the easy-to-use SDK provided by Amplify, you can more easily develop production-level applications.

Amplify is a cloud service that allows you to develop and operate systems that solve combinatorial optimization problems [Note 2]. It is characterized by its compatibility, which allows it to handle both conventional computers and quantum computers alike, and the ability to easily develop highly versatile applications tailored to individual problems. When programming and implementing systems for end users, Fixstars
Amplify SDK (Software Development
Kit) is a very easy-to-use development environment that connects to multiple machines and is widely used.
The new service will collaborate with NEC Vector Annealing through this SDK. By adding “Service” as a new option and making it possible to start from a free service for evaluation purposes, you can start system development more easily and smoothly run and operate the system as a system that can be used in actual business. You can proceed with development.

Fixstars Amplify realizes the development and operation of systems that solve combinatorial optimization problems.
* Service collaboration between both companies to accelerate social implementation*

With the evolution of high-speed computing technology and the increasing number of options for system implementation such as cloud provision, the improvements in computing speed that customers are able to obtain are remarkable. On the other hand, the high degree of expertise required in the field of developing applications to solve complex optimization problems, such as the process of assembling mathematical formulas that requires specialized knowledge and knowledge of programming, is an obstacle to widespread use. It’s starting to appear.

Amplify is a cloud service that allows you to develop and operate systems that solve combinatorial optimization problems [Note 2]. It is characterized by compatibility that allows it to be used with both conventional computers and quantum computers, and a convenient SDK that makes it easy to develop highly versatile applications [Note 3]. Easily use quantum annealing [Note 4], Ising machines, mathematical optimization solvers, and gate-type quantum computers specialized for combinatorial optimization problems provided by various companies in a cloud environment without having specialized knowledge of each. can do.

NEC Vector Annealing service uses the computer SX-Aurora, which has large-capacity high-speed memory and high-speed matrix calculations. It is a large-scale, high-speed pseudo-quantum annealing platform that combines TSUBASA [Note 5] and a unique simulated annealing engine with excellent search efficiency. It is already in use in actual operations within the NEC Group, and has achieved results in DX promotion sites and operational performance improvement by solving optimization problems.

This time, through Fixstars Amplify SDK, NEC Vector Annealing It will provide an environment where you can connect directly to the service, making it possible to provide one-stop services from user registration to contracts and support. Fixstars
Amplify users can use NEC Vector Annealing
When used in conjunction with a service, there is no need to prepare or manage the execution environment for the service, allowing for smooth implementation and operation.

 The price for using the NEC Vector Annealing service is based on Fixstars Amplify’s optional service starts from 300,000 yen (excluding tax) per month and can be used immediately after purchase. Also, Fixstars When you register as an Amplify user, you will automatically be given a free token for the NEC Vector Annealing service usage option. Vector Annealing service is available immediately.

* Shigeki Wada, Head of Corporate Business Development at NEC, commented as follows: *
“Quantum computing technology is increasingly being introduced into operations such as delivery planning and production planning. Amplify’s SX-Aurora, a computer that enables high-capacity, high-speed memory and high-speed matrix calculations.
“NEC Vector” combines TSUBASA and a unique simulated annealing engine with excellent search efficiency.
Fixstars has started handling “Annealing Service”.
We are excited to be able to use it in combination with Amplify’s excellent development environment. We hope that this collaboration will create an environment that is easy for customers to use, and accelerate the resolution of business issues in more industries and over a wider range of areas. ”

* Takuji Hiraoka, President and CEO of Fixstars Amplify, commented as follows: * “This time, we have selected Fixstars as a partner for the NEC Vector Annealing Service.”
We are very happy that you have chosen Amplify service. In this industry where research and technological development are constantly evolving, we believe that the cycle of quickly solving problems faced by customers and accumulating practical application verification will accelerate social implementation. By appropriately combining quantum technology and current high-speed computing technology, we will further advance social implementation and make solutions to business challenges for our customers more affordable. ”

Through this environment, both companies will continue to work closely with customers from the consideration stage to implementation of optimization problems faced by society in various fields, and provide practical solution services that can solve not only research purposes but also practical issues. Masu.

* ■About NEC Corporation*
NEC operates globally as a leading company that provides cutting-edge IT and network technologies. “Orchestrating a
With the brand statement “world”, we provide solutions to adapt to rapid changes in society and the market. NEC creates social values ​​such as safety, security, fairness, and efficiency, and aims to realize a sustainable society where everyone can fully demonstrate their humanity. For more information, please visit the NEC website below.

* ■About Fixstars Amplify Co., Ltd.*
We are working to address social issues through our quantum computing cloud business, aiming to become a bridge between cutting-edge technologies such as quantum computers and society. By providing cloud services specializing in combinatorial optimization problems, system development services, and consulting, we will accelerate the path toward an optimized society.

*Note 1: NEC Corporation*
Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Director, Representative Executive Officer, President and CEO: Takayuki Morita

*Note 2: Combinatorial optimization problem*
Combinatorial optimization problems are problems with high
computational needs in various industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and finance. Search for the optimal combination for the purpose from among the possible combination patterns. For example, if we can calculate the optimal pattern for logistics transportation plans and manufacturing plans, it will be useful for improving the efficiency of business activities and predicting the return on investment. On the other hand, the number of combination patterns increases rapidly as the number of variables and conditions to be considered increases.

*Note 3: Programming using Fixstars Amplify*
By automating the three steps required in normal programming: logical model conversion, physical model conversion, and solution execution, we have achieved a more intuitive quantum annealing programming workflow.

*Note 4: Quantum annealing*
The idea is to solve combinatorial optimization problems by applying an algorithm called “simulated annealing”, which was developed to simulate and optimize “annealing” using software to improve the properties of metals through heat treatment, to the quantum world. The idea is “quantum annealing”.

*Note 5: NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA*
TSUBASA” is a power-saving server equipped with a large number of card-shaped vector engines (VE) that combine LSI technology, high-density packaging technology, and high-efficiency cooling technology that NEC has cultivated over many years in supercomputer development. High-speed processing of large-scale data is possible with world-class specifications.

* ■Quantum computing cloud service “Fixstars Amplify” * (Fixstars Amplify Co., Ltd.)

* ■Simulated annealing service “NEC Vector Annealing Service” * (NEC)

* ■Related information*
At NEC, Fixstars Amplify Co., Ltd.
An expert discussion between CEO Mr. Hiraoka and NEC quantum computing and optimization technology evangelist Chijima will be held on May 15, 2024.
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* Customer inquiries * NEC Quantum Computing Division

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