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Home » One-stop wholesale/purchase transaction “Goods” 670 million yen 1st financing closed, special website released

One-stop wholesale/purchase transaction “Goods” 670 million yen 1st financing closed, special website released

One-stop wholesale/purchase transaction “Goods” 670 million yen 1st financing closed, special website released

*View in browser* *goooods Co., Ltd.*
Press release: April 18, 2024
One-stop wholesale/purchase transaction “Goods” 670 million yen 1st financing closed, special website released
goooods Inc. (Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Keisuke Kanno), which provides a B2B commerce platform that provides one-stop wholesale and purchasing, has raised 670 million yen in funding at the first close of its second funding round. We would like to inform you that the procurement has been completed. *

In addition to Angel Bridge (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, representative partner: Yutaro Kasai), who led this round, existing investor XTech Ventures (Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Representative Partners: Hiromi Teshima, Shinichi Saijo), Vela Partners (Oakland, California, General Partner: Yigit Ihlamur), Incubate Fund
US (Mountain View, California, representative partner: Kazuki Nozu) participated.

Investor comments
We received the following comment from Angel Bridge, who led this round. *
We have invested in a goods company that aims to transform the huge B2B wholesale industry! Although there are many small and medium-sized retailers and manufacturers in the B2B wholesale industry, the current situation is that analog work is still deeply rooted, and the current situation is that they are busy with ordering and placing orders and financing, and work often extends into the middle of the night. * *
In order to overcome this situation, under the leadership of serial entrepreneurs Mr. Kanno and Mr. Matsumoto, we have built an attractive platform with overwhelming speed and have been able to acquire over thousands of retailers and brands. . We will do our best to support Goods Company’s challenge to grow the entire industry by supporting the challenges of people pursuing their passion! *
Mr. Yutaro Kasai
Mr. Tomohiro Kobayashi
Publication of special site
In conjunction with the announcement of this round, we have released a special website containing the latest updates. All at once, you can see customer case studies of goods, technology utilization such as business implementation of generative AI, and information about the team that supports customer success.

Special site:
View special site
Evolve into a one-stop community for wholesale and purchasing with growth funds About “Goods”, a B2B commerce platform that provides one-stop wholesale and purchasing services
Goods provides a one-stop platform that can simultaneously realize “marketplace function” that allows you to find new business partners in the huge wholesale industry, and “back office business automation” with advanced ordering and accounting business DX.
Productivity challenges despite huge market
The wholesale industry, which is a B2B field that purchases and sells products for stores and e-commerce, is a huge industry with a very broad base and a series of categories worth from trillions of yen to tens of trillions of yen. The standard for labor productivity is set at about one-third of the United States as 100, leaving a lot of room for efficiency improvements through the spread of digitalization. Utilizing the growth funds raised this time, we will evolve into a platform where goods can be easily wholesaled and purchased, and a one-stop community for brands and buyers who are forced to work in labor-intensive situations.
Introducing customer success stories on a special website
* New buyer image captured by goods *
* ・Use YouTube to communicate products more deeply*
* ・You can convey the appeal of Japanese products through cross-border EC* * ・Purchasing products with strict purchasing standards*
* ・Hotel shops are able to sell to foreign tourists even when there is a labor shortage*
*A new brand image that is successful with goods*
* ・Because we have a large number of brands and products, we could only manage large lots, but due to efficiency improvements we were able to expand into completely new wholesale customers *
* ・Because we were able to automate back-office operations, we were able to increase sales through a detailed network of sales channels and distribution measures.*
* ・While the brand was run by a small number of people and lacked sales capabilities, the merchandise led to large transactions* Details of successful customer cases using the goods are posted on the special website.
Special site:
Team focuses on impact per person, SO prepares twice as much as standard Rich human relationships already exist in the wholesale industry, with B2B communities forming between sellers and buyers. Regarding goods, we will promote industrial reform over the medium to long term by treating full-time employees, part-time employees, and outsourced employees as one community.

Furthermore, Goods is not only an online wholesale site, but also aims to establish a long-term operating system for the industry. Although the wholesale industry is huge, it is a sector with relatively low operating margins. We provide a one-stop problem-solving platform and strive to maximize the number of customers each employee can serve.

In order to achieve these, SO (stock options) are prepared
approximately twice the standard ratio, and “Everyone, entrepruener – We will persistently realize our mission of “maximizing
entrepreneurship among ordinary people.”

If you are interested in building an organization like this, please check out the content and available positions on the special website. *Currently recruiting positions*
List of job openings:
*Team introduction*
・Special site:
Company Profile
– Company name: goooods Co., Ltd.
– Head office location: 8-11-26 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo +SHIFT NOGIZAKA 3F – Representative Director: Keisuke Kanno
– Established: October 2021
– HP:
– For inquiries regarding this matter:

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