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Home » NEDO Technical report on collision avoidance of unmanned aircraft originating from Japan released by ISO

NEDO Technical report on collision avoidance of unmanned aircraft originating from Japan released by ISO

Technical report on collision avoidance of unmanned aircraft originating from Japan released by ISO
– Contributing to the prompt development of international standards and accelerating the social implementation of unmanned aircraft – ……
Based on the results of the NEDO-commissioned project “Project to Realize an Energy-Saving Society in which Robots and Drones Play an Active Part,” Japan Radio Co., Ltd. and Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. compiled a project on collision avoidance technology for unmanned aircraft (International Organization for Standardization). The ISO) technical report “ISO/TR 23267: Experiment results on test methods for detection and avoidance (DAA) systems for unmanned aircraft systems” (hereinafter referred to as “ISO/TR 23267”) was published on April 15, 2024. Ta.
The technical report “ISO/TR 23267” is positioned as the basis for the requirements of the standard “ISO/DIS 15964 Detection and avoidance system for unmanned aircraft systems” (hereinafter referred to as “ISO/DIS 15964”) regarding collision avoidance systems for unmanned aircraft. By contributing to the prompt development of new
international standards, we can expect to accelerate the social implementation of unmanned aircraft.
[Image 1:×339.png ]
Figure 1 Image of demonstration experiment for collision avoidance in NEDO commissioned project
1. overview
Small to medium-sized unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly called drones, are already widely used in fields such as agriculture, and there are great expectations for their use in other applications such as transporting supplies during disasters, searching for victims, and providing logistics infrastructure. I am. On the other hand, how to avoid collisions with other aircraft is an urgent issue in the safe use of unmanned aircraft.
NEDO’s “Project to Realize an Energy-Saving Society in which Robots and Drones Play an Active Part*1” began developing collision avoidance technology for unmanned aircraft in fiscal 2017, and will carry out various demonstration experiments by fiscal 2021. We have published the results of our research and development.
From FY2023, Japan Radio and Mitsubishi Research Institute have compiled the main research and development results, and ISO/TR 23267*2, which was proposed from Japan, was published on April 15, 2024.
Currently, ISO/TC 20/SC 16, which is responsible for the international standardization of unmanned aircraft systems, is developing ISO/DIS 15964*3, which concerns collision avoidance systems that incorporate radar, optical sensors (cameras), etc., on unmanned aircraft. The published technical report “ISO/TR 23267” is positioned as the basis for the requirements of ISO/DIS 15964.
2. Technical report content
Regarding collision avoidance of unmanned aircraft, in October 2023, the standard for operating procedures for unmanned aircraft, “ISO 21384-3:2023 Unmanned aircraft systems Part 3: Operational
procedures*4″ (hereinafter referred to as ISO 21384-3:2023), will be adopted. has added a new chapter called CONOPS (Concept of Operations) for collision avoidance, which defines a basic collision avoidance procedure consisting of six steps. Furthermore, the ISO/DIS 15964 standard is currently being developed as a collision avoidance system that embodies this six-step collision avoidance procedure.
The recently released technical report “ISO/TR 23267” is a “related IS (international standard) ) This is a compilation of important results from collision avoidance demonstration experiments commissioned by NEDO.
Specifically, we present the hardware and software used in the six steps of collision avoidance for unmanned aerial vehicles in the main text, provide evidence such as the results of various demonstration experiments in an annex, and cite references in Bibliography. Explains the procedure for a collision avoidance system using an aircraft equipped with a radar and an optical sensor (camera), with the configuration specified in .
In addition, by explaining the test method for stepping up to collision avoidance modeling and simulation, quantitative evaluation tests of individual equipment, and flight tests with prototype hardware and software installed, we will provide collision avoidance CONOPS that serves as the basis for the requirements. The role of various sensor devices and detection/recognition distance in the six steps are clearly explained.
[Image 2:×520.png ]
Figure 2 Six steps to avoid collision between unmanned aircraft and manned aircraft
[Image 3:×241.png ]
Table 1 Hardware and software used in the 6 steps of collision avoidance
[Image 4:×161.png ]
Table 2 Detection/recognition distance in collision avoidance test -Role of each company-
Japan Radio: Evaluation test and flight demonstration of collision avoidance system
Mitsubishi Research Institute: Preparation of technical report (draft) 3. Future plans
With the publication of the Japanese technical report “ISO/TR 23267,” stakeholders such as manufacturers, sellers, purchasers, customers, industry groups, users, and regulatory authorities related to unmanned aircraft around the world will be encouraged to proceed individually. It will be possible to provide a common concept for collision avoidance systems that have been developed in the past, and it will be positioned as the basis for the requirements of the international standard for hardware and software (ISO/DIS 15964), which is currently being developed. It is hoped that this will promote early international standardization and contribute to the
international social implementation of unmanned aerial vehicles in the future.
*1 A project to realize an energy-saving society where robots and drones play an active role
NEDO promoted the following projects from 2017 to 2022: [1]
Development of performance evaluation standards for robots and drones, [2] Development of unmanned aircraft operation management systems and collision avoidance technology, [3] Robots and drones. This is a project aimed at realizing an energy-saving society, consisting of four items: promotion of international standardization of technology, and [4] leading research on flying cars.
Business overview: *2 ISO/TR 23267
*3 ISO/DIS 15964
*4 ISO 21384-3:2023 Unmanned aircraft systems Part 3: Operational procedures  Overview:
*5 ISO/IEC Professional Guidelines 2023 (3rd edition) 3.3TR (Technical Report)

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