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Home » Keio Innovation Initiative (KII) KII invests in Red Arrow Therapeutics, which develops next-generation anticancer drugs using nanotechnology

Keio Innovation Initiative (KII) KII invests in Red Arrow Therapeutics, which develops next-generation anticancer drugs using nanotechnology

Keio Innovation Initiative (KII)
KII invests in Red Arrow Therapeutics, which develops next-generation anticancer drugs using nanotechnology
Promoting the development and manufacturing of anticancer drugs using innovative drug delivery technology
Keio Innovation Initiative (KII) has invested in Red Arrow
Therapeutics, which develops next-generation anticancer drugs using nanotechnology. With this capital increase, Red Arrow Therapeutics will raise a total of approximately 700 million yen and will accelerate the development and manufacturing of next-generation anticancer drugs using nanotechnology.
Keio Innovation Initiative (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Kotaro Yamagishi, hereinafter referred to as KII) is a fund managed by our company, Red Arrow Therapeutics, Inc. (Headquarters: Boston, Massachusetts, USA, President and CEO: Takuya Miyazaki, hereinafter referred to as KII) is a fund managed by our company. We made an investment in Red Arrow Therapeutics through a third-party allotment of capital. The total amount raised this time, including procurement from other investors, will be approximately 700 million yen. As a result, Red Arrow Therapeutics’ total funding amount, including funding from SkyDeck, an accelerator at the University of California, Berkeley, is approximately 830 million yen.
◆Promoting the development of anticancer drugs using pH-responsive smart drug delivery technology
Although therapeutic proteins have been discovered and developed to treat intractable diseases, many of them have not been put to practical use due to their high toxicity. Red Arrow Therapeutics has breakthrough nanotechnology that responds to the body’s pH and delivers drugs in a targeted manner. This makes it possible to develop therapeutic drugs with unprecedented safety. Through this, we aim to deliver drugs to patients with various intractable diseases including cancer.
With the funds raised this time, we will conduct non-clinical studies to examine the efficacy and safety of IL-12-encapsulating polymeric micelles, which is the first in our pipeline, and will begin manufacturing in collaboration with a contract pharmaceutical manufacturing and development organization. .
■Company overview
Company name: Red Arrow Therapeutics inc.
Address: 1 Broadway 14F, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142 USA
Representative: Takuya Miyazaki, Representative Director and President Established: August 19, 2021
Business content: Pharmaceutical development using innovative nanotechnology U R L:
[Image:×1120.jpg] ◆About Keio Innovation Initiative (KII)
KII was established in December 2015 primarily to support startups that utilize Keio University’s research results. In addition, from January 2020, with the mission of “until the research, the invention, and the innovation change society,” we will focus on making lead investments from the seed and early stages to develop society through digital technology. We have supported the social implementation of research and the resolution of social issues for all
academia-originated startups that work on innovation and solving problems in medicine and health.
In October 2023, we will establish the university VC’s first impact fund, “KII No. 3 Impact Fund,” aiming to “realize a society where all people can achieve a healthy and happy life (a society where everyone is active throughout their lives).” At the same time, by making impact investments in academia startups, we aim to create positive and measurable social and environmental impact alongside financial returns.
-Overview of KII-
Trade name: Keio Innovation Initiative, Inc.
Business content: Development of university-based technology venture companies, operation of venture capital funds
Capital: 100 million yen (including capital reserve of 50 million yen) Representative: Representative Director and President Kotaro Yamagishi URL:
The information contained in this release is current as of the date of announcement.
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