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Home » SHUIRO Inc. Everyone who answers the questionnaire about UMI + MIDORI delicate zone care (femtech) will receive a 1000 yen coupon, and 3 people will be randomly selected to win a product set!

SHUIRO Inc. Everyone who answers the questionnaire about UMI + MIDORI delicate zone care (femtech) will receive a 1000 yen coupon, and 3 people will be randomly selected to win a product set!

Everyone who answers the questionnaire about UMI + MIDORI delicate zone care (femtech) will receive a 1000 yen coupon, and 3 people will be randomly selected to win a product set!
Conducted a questionnaire survey regarding sensitive zones. Everyone who cooperates will receive a coupon (worth 1,000 yen)! Three people will be randomly selected to receive a UMI + MIDORI care set (worth 10,000 yen).
UMI+MIDORI is a delicate zone care brand launched by Tamairo Co., Ltd. in February of this year. Answer the survey by 5/10 to win a delicate zone care product!
[Image 1:×499.jpg] UMI+MIDORI
Sea and Green is a delicate zone care line born from the nature of Setouchi. “Oil cleanse that doesn’t wash away bacteria too much” that can be used in the bathroom is a new product that moisturizes while cleaning. It keeps the delicate zone healthy without impairing women’s natural self-cleaning ability.
The mugwort oil used as the main ingredient is grown without pesticides using fallow fields. The base is mugwort oil, which takes advantage of the effects of mugwort, which is said to be the queen of herbs.
Message from developer Saki Baba
[Image 2:×2605.jpg] Two months have passed since the release of UMI+MIDORI. Over the past two months, we have received surprising comments and reviews from users who have used the oil, and we are planning our products based on your feedback. We are increasingly receiving consultations from companies for study sessions to address femtech and women’s health issues, and we are currently accepting consultations for study sessions from companies based in Ehime Prefecture. .
About the survey campaign (until May 10th)
This time, we will be conducting a web survey with the aim of improving content, product development, and services that are useful to everyone.
Among those who cooperated with the online survey, 3 people will be randomly selected to receive a UMI + MIDORI product set (worth 10,000 yen).
[Image 3:×1280.png ]
Click here for the survey ▶︎ *Winners will be determined through a strict lottery from those who apply, and the winners will be announced once the prizes have been shipped. We would love to hear from you. Thank you for your
*Based on the information you provide, we will carry out procedures such as coupon distribution, lottery, and shipping. *Winner
announcements will be made to the email address you entered, so please let us know the shipping address and you will be considered a winner when the prize is shipped. (Scheduled to ship from late May to early June 2024) *Prizes will be sent to the address of the person who cooperated. Please note that if delivery is not possible due to incomplete registration information, relocation, long-term absence, etc., the right to win will be invalidated. *The personal information of those who applied will be used to carry out this project and will not be used for any other purpose. Tamashiro Co., Ltd. is responsible for the management of personal information, and will store and manage it strictly.
*If you are a man and will be responding to the survey, please check the question box on the survey.
■UMI+MIDORI official website
■Campaign survey link Tamairo Co., Ltd.
Through femtech, we will clarify women’s health issues that have not been verbalized until now and improve health literacy. Based in Setouchi (Ehime Prefecture), we carry out educational activities while taking advantage of the local characteristics. We look forward to hearing from you about holding study sessions and events for companies in the prefecture.
Click here for small lot orders for vendors (initial coupon distribution)

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