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Home » Marute LLC Survey Where can I find information on diet? Why is it more efficient to diet with someone else?

Marute LLC Survey Where can I find information on diet? Why is it more efficient to diet with someone else?

Marute LLC
[Survey] Where can I find information about diet? Why is it more efficient to diet with someone else?
Marute LLC (Hakata City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Representative: Shinpei Teshima) conducted a questionnaire survey regarding diet using a cloud service.
[Survey overview]
Survey target: Applicants
Number of people surveyed: 50 men and women from their 20s to 60s Survey period: April 21, 2024 to April 22, 2024
《Reason for deciding to go on a diet》
[Image 1:×584.png ]
In the survey, all respondents in their 20s to 60s answered that they were on a diet or were currently on a diet.
It seems that there were many respondents in their 30s and 40s who were starting to worry about their body shape.
・Make decisions based on numbers rather than appearances
The most common reason given for deciding to go on a diet was “because my weight exceeded 〇〇kg (hereinafter referred to as “weight ~”)”.
The second most common reason was “because I couldn’t fit clothes anymore” (hereinafter referred to as “clothes”).
More than 90% of respondents in their 30s to 40s answered “My weight is…,” while almost the same number of people in their 20s to 60s selected “My clothes…”.
The fact that clothes don’t fit into someone’s clothes is probably a more motivating factor than a numerical value like weight.
・Phrases often heard in advertisements do not lead to dieting. As summer approaches, phrases encouraging people to go on a diet, such as “before you wear light clothes” and “before you change to a swimsuit,” are often used in advertisements, but they may not actually resonate well with users.
As people in their 20s and 30s no longer go to the beach and swimsuits that hide their bodies are on sale, the concept of wearing less clothing = dieting may be becoming less appealing to users. not. 《How to find out information about diet》
[Image 2:×567.png ]
Youtube was the most used way to obtain diet information.
This is followed by web media such as personal and corporate blogs, and SNS. ・Training on Youtube and collecting information on blogs
Youtube is used because active trainers and dieters introduce exercise methods and train together, and provide information on products that are useful for effective weight loss. It seems.
The reasons why web media is used are as follows.
・Personal blog: You can hear real voices about the actual record of your diet and information about the products you use. ・Corporate blog: You can feel safe with the information provided by the company. ・Both things: Video and The difference is that the information remains as text, so the information can be checked immediately, and there is a large amount of information.
・There is little information on SNS
Although it is convenient to check information quickly on SNS, there is a tendency for information to become scarce.
Those who want to know information about effective diets may find it a bit unsatisfying.
《You can continue your diet if you have this》
[Image 3:×563.png ]
I learned that “systems and tools that can support you” are important in order to continue your diet.
This was followed by “clear goals,” and surprisingly, “words of praise from others” came in third place.
・Comments from those who answered “words of praise”
After all, if you go on a diet by yourself, it’s hard to stay motivated, so sometimes I get motivated when my wife and daughter encourage me. Therefore, if you have support from your family, you can continue your diet.
I think if you have friends who are working hard on your diet together, you will be able to continue without giving up.
If you always share diet information with someone and stay motivated, you can continue your diet!
・Diets cannot be continued alone.
Regarding compliments, encouraging comments and expressions are often used on diet apps and YouTube, and are considered to be a necessary element for continuing.
Particularly on YouTube, videos in which trainers encourage people to perform strenuous exercises have become popular.
Rather than continuing to diet alone, I think you can overcome the hardships by sharing your current situation with others, empathizing with them, and encouraging each other.
When we surveyed 50 people about where they get information about dieting, the most common answer was “YouTube,” followed by “web media such as blogs.”
In each age group, they watched videos to see the actual
implementation methods, gathered detailed information through web media, and seemed to place emphasis on word of mouth and diet results. In addition, what is needed when dieting is not only a support system and clear goals, but also praise from others.
This suggests that it may be more efficient to go on a diet while sharing information with multiple people, rather than going it alone. If you want to develop a diet support service, there seems to be room to consider ways to connect others, such as “group diets” and matching dieters with advisors.
【Related article】
・Publishing the effects of trying the DHC protein diet for one week
・Effects of trying a meal replacement diet for one week or one month
・Effects of a skipping rope diet for 1 week or 1 month
・-30kg actual experience! Introducing 3 of the best diets for those who really want to lose weight
[Research and author] Marute LLC URL: [About Marute LLC] We operate Sanniku Blog, a media site about gourmet food and daily necessities. In addition to operating the Sanniku blog, we also operate multiple media and SNS marketing.
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