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Home » Earth Care Co., Ltd. Be careful in May when you tend to feel tired and stressed in a new environment! Be careful not to push yourself too hard even after Golden Week.

Earth Care Co., Ltd. Be careful in May when you tend to feel tired and stressed in a new environment! Be careful not to push yourself too hard even after Golden Week.

[Earth Care Co., Ltd.] Be careful in May when you tend to feel tired and stressed in a new environment! Be careful not to push yourself too hard even after Golden Week.

*View in browser* *Earth Care Co., Ltd.*
Press release: May 5, 2024
Be careful in May when you tend to feel tired and stressed in a new environment! Be careful not to push yourself too hard even after Golden Week.
*Earth Care Co., Ltd. conducted a survey on 200 men and women between the ages of 20 and 25 regarding the “new environment.” *
As the new year begins, have you gotten used to the new environment and new relationships?
Even though it’s almost time to get used to it, people who continue to feel unmotivated or unable to get rid of their body fatigue may be suffering from * May Sickness *.

“May disease” is not the official name of the disease.
The name comes from the state of lethargy that occurs around the end of Golden Week, when new students who have finally passed the rigorous entrance exam and finally got into university. It is seen not only in university students but also in new employees.
We asked the following questions to 200 men and women between the ages of 20 and 25.
* ★Have you ever experienced “May sickness” yourself? *
*Female “Yes”: 77.7%, “No”: 22.3%*
*Male “Yes”: 69.5%, “No”: 30.5%*

If you accumulate too much stress, both your mind and body will fall apart. If symptoms of May disease persist for a long time, they can lead to depression and mental illness.

I’m depressed about work after “Golden Week”…
Don’t push yourself too hard and relax your shoulders.
[Survey overview]
Survey target: 200 men and women aged 20 to 25
Survey date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Survey conducted by: Earth Care Co., Ltd.
Survey method: Internet survey
The contents of this press release are published on our company’s website “Suhada Skin Care”.
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・Statement that the survey was conducted by Earthcare Co., Ltd. ・Installation of link (bottom) to Earth Care Co., Ltd.
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