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Home » Shingen Co., Ltd. More than half of the people have disaster prevention goods ready! The 2nd place “trouble” with disaster prevention goods is “I don’t know how much I need.” What’s the 1st place?

Shingen Co., Ltd. More than half of the people have disaster prevention goods ready! The 2nd place “trouble” with disaster prevention goods is “I don’t know how much I need.” What’s the 1st place?

[Shingen Co., Ltd.] More than half of the people have disaster prevention goods ready! The 2nd place “trouble” with disaster prevention goods is “I don’t know how much I need.” What’s the 1st place?

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Press release: May 6, 2024
More than half of the people have prepared disaster prevention goods! The 2nd place “trouble” with disaster prevention goods is “I don’t know how much I need.” What’s the 1st place?
“SHUFUFU”, an information media for housewives operated by Shingen Co., Ltd., conducted a questionnaire survey regarding “disaster prevention goods”. We will publish the results.
Survey overview
Survey method: Internet survey
Research institution: In-house research
Number of people surveyed: 200 men and women
Target audience: Adults
Survey gender: 88 men, 112 women
Survey age group: 20s: 22 people, 30s: 65 people, 40s: 70 people, 50s and above: 43 people
Survey period: April 2024
Research report:
*When quoting the results of this survey, please use the “SHUFUFU” URL (
Do you have disaster prevention supplies ready at home?
Do you have disaster prevention supplies ready at home? In response to this question, the most common answer was “I am reasonably prepared (48%)”.
This was followed by “I want to prepare, but I’m not ready (41.5%)” and “I don’t have any intention of preparing (5.5%).” It appears that more than half of the people are prepared to some extent. What is the status and reason for preparing the disaster prevention goods you selected above?
1st place: I am reasonably prepared.
Preparing a disaster prevention backpack, stocking up on water, retort food, etc. (Female in her 40s)

Recently, there have been a lot of earthquakes across the country, so I try to think of it as my own problem, not someone else’s. I just bought some canned food. (Male in his 40s)

There are many earthquakes in various parts of Japan, so I’m trying to prepare as much as possible to avoid any problems. We stockpile water and food. (50s~Male)

Just a flashlight and slippers. I think I can handle the rest. (Female in her 30s)

Water, food, and disaster prevention goods: Rolling use of retort food (female in her 40s)

I believe that water is our lifeline, so I bought a large amount of 2 liters of water. (Male in his 30s)

I stockpile emergency water, food, gas, etc. (Male in his 40s)

I keep water, simple food, aluminum sheets, etc. in a backpack for the whole family. We also have rolling stock on hand. (Female in her 40s)

We keep flashlights, portable toilets, etc. on hand in case of a disaster. (Male in his 30s)

I bought a backpack with a set of disaster prevention goods online. (Female in her 30s)

I always keep retort food and a mobile battery in case of emergencies (woman in her 20s)
I always keep emergency supplies in my emergency bag, and I always have the minimum amount of emergency food and water (male in his 30s)

There were many people who had purchased disaster prevention backpacks and prepared for food and drink, such as water and stockpiled food. Some people were also seen implementing rolling stock as a measure against expiration dates. *

2nd place: I want to prepare, but I can’t.
I live in a mountainous area where I don’t have to worry about tsunamis, and even if an earthquake does occur, I live in an inland area that doesn’t experience large tremors. My parents’ house is next door, and I feel like I’ll be able to handle it if the situation arises, so I think it’s better to prepare, but I’m putting it off (female in her 40s).

My daily life is so tough that I can’t afford the expenses. I’m not feeling well and don’t have the energy to prepare. (Female from 50s)

There was a big earthquake in Shikoku recently, so I was thinking of preparing water and food for a few days, but I wasn’t sure what to prepare. (Female in her 40s)

I can’t take the plunge because I feel it’s a hassle to prepare (man in his 40s)

This is because we do not know which disaster prevention supplies to purchase. (Male in his 40s)

I usually keep a rolling stock and replenish it when I use it, but I can’t say I’m prepared. (Female in her 30s)

I’m thinking of putting it all in a backpack, etc., but the hassle gets the better of me (woman in her 30s)

Because I want to improve something. (Male in his 30s)

There were many people who thought they needed to prepare after a major disaster, but were unable to prepare for reasons such as “I don’t know what to prepare” or “It’s too much of a hassle.” *

3rd place: I don’t think to prepare
Because I don’t have a place to store it in my room (male in his 30s)

When we die, we all die (female in her 20s)

I think it’s better to have a sense of crisis, but I’m not ready. (Female in her 20s)

When a disaster occurs, I don’t think we will know the situation until it happens. (Female from 50s)

I don’t think I’ll need it, and it costs money to maintain it (man in his 40s)

* Some people think that they are not prepared because they don’t have the money or space to prepare, or that there is no point in preparing. *

4th place: Well prepared
Floods and earthquakes occur every year, so there is no guarantee that your area will be safe. I read the disaster prevention handbook issued by the local government, prepare the necessary supplies, and conduct an inspection once a year. I sometimes try out how to use it so that I don’t suddenly run into problems. (Female in her 30s)

Create a checklist of disaster prevention goods and always keep the listed items on hand (50s ~ male)

I have emergency supplies prepared in my backpack and placed under my bed. (Female in her 30s)

* Not only do they purchase and prepare disaster prevention goods, but they also check them regularly and keep them within easy reach. *

What disaster prevention goods do you have at home? (Multiple possible) Regarding disaster prevention goods at home, the first place was “flashlights/lanterns” (63.5%), and the second place was “emergency food” (55.5%). The ownership rate of flashlights and lanterns may be high because they are not only used as disaster prevention goods but also used in everyday life and hobbies.
What disasters do you foresee that would require disaster prevention goods? (Multiple possible)
When asked what disasters they thought would likely require disaster prevention goods, first place was “earthquake (94%)” and second place was “heavy rain/flood (49.5%).” Due to the recent frequency of large earthquakes and strong memories of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Noto Peninsula Earthquake, it seems that this region has a widely held image of causing great damage.
What are the problems and bad impressions of disaster prevention goods? (Multiple possible)
When asked about the troubles and negative impressions of disaster prevention goods, the first response was “Managing expiration dates is a hassle (54.5%),” and the second response was “I don’t know how much I need (48.5%).” Food stocked for disaster prevention has a long expiration date, but you still want to check the expiry date at least once a year, and it’s a pain.
Summary of survey results
We conducted a questionnaire survey on “disaster prevention goods” among 200 men and women.
When asked whether they had prepared disaster prevention goods at home, the most common answer was “I have some preparation.” I’ve been hearing a lot about disasters lately, and if you’re prepared, you won’t have to worry.
Regarding disaster prevention goods at home, “flashlights/lanterns” were ranked first. Power outages are often caused by disasters other than earthquakes, so it’s a good idea to have some light available. Earthquakes were the most frequently cited disaster for which disaster prevention goods would be needed. There was a big earthquake this year since the beginning of the year, and you never know when a big earthquake will hit where you live, so it’s important to be prepared. When asked about the troubles and negative impressions of disaster prevention goods, the most common answer was “Managing expiration dates is troublesome.” Water and food inevitably become inedible over time, so having to check and replace them regularly can seem like a hassle.
Are you preparing disaster prevention goods?
■About Shingen Co., Ltd.
We operate the lifestyle information site “SHUFUFU
(” for housewives with the theme of “I’m a little happy to know.”
In addition to this, we also develop business management tools, operate owned media, and conduct site analysis surveys.
Company Profile
Company name: Shingen Co., Ltd.
Address: 1-15-3 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Representative Director Hiroyuki Takagi
Established: January 9, 2018
Capital: 1.5 million yen
Business content: Management of web media
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