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Home » Hikari JS Mirai General Incorporated Association “Grande Abrasso” was held to support children’s Japanese learning through Brazilian music!

Hikari JS Mirai General Incorporated Association “Grande Abrasso” was held to support children’s Japanese learning through Brazilian music!

Hikari JS Mirai General Incorporated Association
“Grande Abrasso” was held to support children’s Japanese learning through Brazilian music!
Hikari JS Mirai, a general incorporated association, held “Grande abraço”, a charity event to support Japanese language learning for children with foreign roots, on May 3, 2024.
What is “Grande abraço”?
Let’s connect through music! Let’s expand our circle of support! The keyword is “Brazil”. This event was born because of the connection between Brazil, which the organizers love so much. The event name “Grande abraço” means “big hug” in Portuguese. Through this event, we hope to be able to send a big gift of love to all the children who are working hard to learn Japanese. With this in mind, we held the first “Abraço” in March last year.
This year, in order to give an even bigger gift, we added the word Grande, which means “big” in Portuguese, and held “Grande Abrasso” at Koiwa Urban Plaza in Edogawa Ward.
[Video 2: ]
Many people join hands and send a lot of love
Part I will be a musical instrument making workshop, and Part II will be a charity concert by Duo Aquariano convida Yuichi Fukano. All the participants came together and enjoyed Brazilian music with their whole bodies.
“One person can only do so much, but I believe that if many people join hands, we can send a lot of love. I will continue to support you in whatever small way I can.”
“Through events like this, we hope that the necessity of our activities will be understood and the circle of support will expand. We hope that this will be an opportunity to give confidence and encouragement to all the foreign students.”
(From participant survey. Original text)
Through these events, we will gradually expand our circle of people and expand the community that will serve as a “cheer group” for the children.
Transforming Edogawa Ward into “Everyone is an Amigo Town”
In the future, we plan to develop community-based activities in Edogawa Ward. Currently, people from 124 countries and regions live in Edogawa Ward. Mr. Umemoto, the representative of our corporation and a resident of the ward, aims to create a city where everyone can live with smiles and peace of mind, while mutually respecting the culture, language, and customs of each country and region.
“The origin of our activities is Brazil. Hikari JS Mirai was born because I simply love Brazil and have ties to Brazil. ” because I fell in love with it. When I was living in Brazil, people accepted me as a “foreigner” and my colleagues and friends were always by my side, telling me, “We are amigos (friends), so don’t be shy.” I fell in love with Brazil and returned to Japan, and when I returned to the school field as an elementary school teacher, I was shocked at the gap, and wanted to create a community where everyone was an amigo, so I started this organization. I decided to start a Brazilian event in Edogawa Ward, hoping to connect Brazil with the warm-hearted people of Edogawa Ward and create a city where everyone is an “Amigo” like Brazil. This was the first time. I would like to further expand my circle of people by holding events related to Brazil in Edogawa Ward. ” (Umemoto) Everyone who participated in this event was able to enjoy the music as one, transcending nationality and language barriers.
We will continue to hold various Brazilian events focusing on music, language, cuisine, etc.
[Image 1:×921.jpg] Activities of Hikari JS Mirai General Incorporated Association Hikari JS Mirai Co., Ltd. provides support for foreign residents based on the following four businesses.
1. Japanese language learning support project (implementation of online Japanese classes/supplementary study time, provision of online Japanese teaching materials)
2. Awareness raising project (webinar management)
3. Multicultural society promotion project (event management) 4. Next generation development project (distribution of career design support video “JAPARIBA”, training of student instructors)
Since last year, we have been carrying out activities specialized in supporting Brazilians living in Japan, and we are also focusing on career education for Brazilian students and children of Brazilians living in Japan. This year, we are planning a Brazilian experience event called “Brazil Quest” in Edogawa Ward, a career education project with a Brazilian school, and regular video distribution of “JAPARIBA.”
[Image 2:×1414.jpg]

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