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Home » Review Co., Ltd. Research Report What kind of reviews do you refer to about companies you are interested in? 1st place was “Easy to work”!

Review Co., Ltd. Research Report What kind of reviews do you refer to about companies you are interested in? 1st place was “Easy to work”!

Review Co., Ltd.
[Research Report] What kind of reviews do you refer to about companies you are interested in? 1st place was “Easy to work”!
“Sablog” (, an information media useful for daily life operated by Review Co., Ltd.
(, is a We conducted a survey targeting people in their 20s and above, asking them, “What kind of reviews do you refer to about companies you are interested in?”
We will publish the results.
Survey overview
Survey target: Men and women in their 20s and above
Survey date: March 2024
Research institution: In-house research
Survey method: Voluntary response via the internet
Number of people surveyed: 100 (28 men, 72 women)
Research report: *When quoting the results of this survey, please use the “Sablog” URL (
Survey results summary
When we conducted a survey to find out what kind of reviews people look for regarding companies they are interested in, the number one answer was “Easy to work.”
We will also introduce other items in ranking format.
[Image:×768.jpg] “Easy to work” ranked first.
The second and subsequent rankings were “human relations” and “turnover rate,” followed by “corporate culture,” which came in 6th place.
1st place: Ease of work
・Although income from work may be important, I believe that
interpersonal relationships are also important, so I would prefer a workplace that is easy to work in. (Male in his 40s)
・Of course, income is important, but above all else, I think the most important factors are a good work environment, good human
relationships, and things that go smoothly. (Female 50s and up) ・It’s hard to quantify and it’s abstract, but I think it’s an important part, so I’m focusing on it. Ease of work also makes it easier to continue working, so I read a lot of reviews here. (Female in her 30s)
1st place was “Easy to work”.
Some respondents said that the ease of working is difficult to express in numbers, and that actual reviews are the most helpful.
2nd place: Human relationships
・I quit the company I used to work for because of this, so I would like to use this as a reference. Although other welfare benefits are important, I believe that interpersonal relationships at work are the most important factor in working for a long time. (Female in her 40s) ・If you have good interpersonal relationships, you will want to work even if the annual salary is a little lower. If human relationships are not good, it will not last long even if the annual income and other conditions are good (Female in her 40s)
・I think it will be very helpful as there are tips from former employees about internal rumors, mainly about interpersonal
relationships. (Male in his 30s)
2nd place is “human relationships”.
We can see that many people place importance on human relationships, as they are directly connected to the ease of working.
3rd place: Turnover rate
・I’m most concerned about reviews that have a high turnover rate even though the conditions are good. I think there are some dark aspects that you won’t understand until you actually work there, so this is very helpful. (Male in his 40s)
・It is possible that a person who only emphasizes good things is a quasi-black person, so refer to the part that shows the turnover rate. (Male in his 40s)
・I think this is reflected in the turnover rate in many ways. I think it reflects things that cannot be seen in job information, such as the difficulty of the job and the ease of communication. (Female in her 30s)
4th place: Welfare benefits
・I have never met a place with good benefits, so I think that even if the annual income is low and there are not many opportunities for raises, if the benefits are good, you can work for a long time. (Female in her 40s)
・I feel that there is not much difference between companies when it comes to money-related matters such as salaries and raises, so I would like to choose a company that offers a good welfare program. (Female in her 30s)
・If the welfare benefits are not good, you will have a hard time when you join the company, so I make sure to check carefully. (Female in her 20s)
5th place: Annual income
・Some review sites are affiliated with job change sites or job change agents. Many sites allow you to view reviews if you register with a partner job change service. (Male in his 40s)
・I have been hired under completely different terms, such as when the employment regulations stated that there was severance pay, but in reality there was none. (Female in her 30s)
・I think benefits, etc. are important, but there are big differences between individuals in terms of benefits, human relationships, company culture, and ease of working. Annual income is a very
easy-to-understand guideline because there is a simple average. (Male in his 40s)
6th place: Company culture
・You can get a feel for the atmosphere. I think things like the job content and whether it’s a good fit for you other than the
work-related aspects will be helpful factors in your decision. (Female in her 40s)
・Every company has its own unique culture, and if it doesn’t suit you, you will feel uncomfortable, so first check what kind of company culture it is. (Female in her 40s)
・Is company culture important? No matter how good the pay is, I want to avoid companies that have religious-like owners and presidents, or black-owned companies as much as possible. (Male over 50s)
“Company culture” came in 6th place.
Many people are curious about what kind of company culture they work in, which is something you can’t understand until you actually work there.
When we surveyed 100 people, 34.0% of them answered that it was an “easy place to work.”
Many respondents also said that they wanted to choose a workplace that was easy to work in because they would not be able to continue working unless it was a comfortable place to work.
Many people like to read reviews based on things that only people who actually work there can understand.
If you are interested in a company, why not read reviews from people who actually work there?
■About Review Co., Ltd.
Our company operates the information site “Sablogg
(” that is useful for daily life. We also manage YouTube channels, own media, and personal gyms. ■Company overview
Company name: Review Co., Ltd.
Address: GS Sakae Building 3F, 5-26-39 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture Representative: Representative Director Satoru Toda
Established: January 5, 2022
Capital: 1 million yen
Business content: Management of web media
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