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Home » otalab Editorial Department 1 in 10 Generation Z respondents answered, “I don’t want to communicate at all outside of work.” The percentage of people who are satisfied with their current workplace is…

otalab Editorial Department 1 in 10 Generation Z respondents answered, “I don’t want to communicate at all outside of work.” The percentage of people who are satisfied with their current workplace is…

Update Co., Ltd.
One in ten Gen Z respondents answered that they do not want to communicate at all outside of work. The percentage of people who are satisfied with their current workplace is…
otalab conducted a “Survey on the actual situation regarding work and work styles” targeting 727 Generation Z working adults living in 47 prefectures.
The survey results are as follows.
[Image 1:×616.jpg] Survey summary
・More than 30% of Generation Z answered that they are not satisfied with their current workplace.
・The most important thing for Generation Z when choosing a place of work is salary.
・The most common complaint about current workplace was “low salary,” followed by “human relations.”
・One in 10 Generation Z members think that they do not want to communicate at all outside of work at work.
・Approximately 30% of Generation Z say that they prefer to chat within the company
・Approximately 20% of people have no intention of working at their current workplace for more than 3 years
・If given the option to work, more than 30% of Generation Z would like to work remotely
More than 30% of Generation Z say they are not satisfied with their current workplace
[Image 2:×681.jpg] First, we asked a question to find out what percentage of Gen Z people are satisfied with their current workplace.
Looking at the responses, more than 30% of people said they were not satisfied, which revealed that there are a certain number of Generation Z who are not satisfied with their current workplace for some reason.
Salary is the most important thing for Generation Z when choosing a place to work.
[Image 3:×773.jpg] Next, in order to find out what aspects Gen Z people considered important when they got their current job, we asked the question, “What did you consider important when deciding on your current workplace?” I did it.
Looking at the answers, the most frequently asked question was “salary,” followed by “Saturdays and Sundays off,” and “work style (including telework and flexitime).”
These results suggest that people of Generation Z place great importance on having an environment where they can work while also enjoying a fulfilling private life.
The most common complaint about current workplace was “low salary,” followed by “human relations.”
[Image 4:×773.jpg] So, what kind of dissatisfaction do Gen Z people have with their current workplace?
When we asked questions to find out the truth, we found that the most common complaint was “low pay,” followed by “human relations.” Only about 20% of people answered “I have no dissatisfaction” to this question, indicating that the majority of Generation Z have some kind of dissatisfaction with their workplace.
[Image 5:×635.jpg] We also asked people who were dissatisfied with their current workplace the question, “Have you taken any action to resolve your dissatisfaction?” It was about 40%.
In other words, more than half of Generation Z are working in a state of dissatisfaction, so there is a need to create a more open environment in which employees can resolve their dissatisfaction. 1 in 10 Gen Zers think they “don’t want to communicate at all” outside of work.
[Image 6:×775.jpg] Next, we asked questions to find out what Gen Z people think about communication outside of work.
Looking at the answers, we found that the largest number of
respondents, about 50%, said, “I can take it if I need it.” In addition, the combined number of those who thought “I don’t want to take it if possible” and “I don’t want to take it at all” is about 30%, and it is clear that a certain number of Generation Z are not positive about communication outside of work within the company. Became.
Approximately 30% of Generation Z say that they prefer to chat in the office
[Image 7:×686.jpg] So, how do Gen Zers want to interact with people in the company? When we asked questions to find out the truth, we found that about 60% of respondents said they were “direct,” 30% were “chat,” and 10% were “phone/online.”
Most people thought that they would prefer to communicate directly within the company, but surprisingly, about 30% of them are “chat type”, and Generation Z is accustomed to communicating in writing through the use of SNS etc. This was a unique result.
Approximately 20% of people have no intention of working at their current workplace for more than 3 years.
[Image 8:×690.jpg] Next, we asked the question, “Do you plan to work at your current employer for more than three years, or are you still working there?” Looking at the responses, about 20% said they did not plan to work for more than three years, indicating that they did not intend to continue working at their current workplace for some reason.
Additionally, approximately 20% of people answered “I don’t know,” and it became clear that there were surprisingly few people who were confident that they would work for more than three years.
If given the option to work, more than 30% of Gen Z would like to work remotely.
[Image 9:×657.jpg] Finally, we asked the question, “If you could choose how to work, which way would you prefer to work?”
Looking at the responses, it became clear that more than 30% of Generation Z would like to work remotely.
I think it depends on the type of job, but remote work is certainly appealing because it allows you to create an environment that makes it easier for you to concentrate, and because it reduces commuting time and allows you to have more time for yourself. There are probably many people there.
These days, there are many companies that allow you to choose how you work, so I want everyone to be able to work the way they want and live a well-balanced work-life balance.
Questionnaire content
1.Are you satisfied with your current workplace? 2.What was important to you when deciding where you currently work? 3.What are your dissatisfaction with your current workplace? 4. Have you taken any action to resolve your grievances? 5.What do you think about communication outside of work at the company? 6. How do you prefer to communicate with people in your company? 7.Do you plan to work at your current workplace for more than 3 years? Or are you working? 8.If you could choose how to work, which way would you prefer to work? Survey overview
・Survey period: April 12, 2024 – April 13, 2024 ・Research
organization: Update Co., Ltd. (in-house survey) ・Survey target: Generation Z men and women living in 47 prefectures ・Number of valid responses: 727 ・Survey method :Internet survey (using “Fastask”) Regarding the use of this data
1.The data can be used freely. Please clearly indicate “otalab research” as the source of the information. 2. Please provide a link to the URL below as the source. or alteration of survey result data is not permitted. 4. If we determine that the content is inappropriate, we may revoke permission to reproduce it and request that the publication be discontinued.
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[Image 10:×178.jpg] A web media that distributes information on subcultures such as games, anime, and manga. We deliver the latest news articles, reviews, research articles, and other things that otakus are interested in from a unique perspective.
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