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Home » Meerkat Cafe googoo Kichijoji’s meerkat specialty cafe “googoo” is conducting crowdfunding for the opening of a community cafe! !

Meerkat Cafe googoo Kichijoji’s meerkat specialty cafe “googoo” is conducting crowdfunding for the opening of a community cafe! !

meerkat cafe googoo
Kichijoji’s meerkat specialty cafe “googoo” is conducting crowdfunding to open a community cafe! !
“Meerkat Cafe googoo” has begun expanding and renovating the community cafe on the upper floor of the store. They hope many people will use this space as a place for interaction between the store, the meerkat owners, and each other.
“Meerkat Cafe googoo” opened in Kichijoji, Musashino City last fall with the desire to let as many people know about the cuteness of meerkats and to help improve the breeding environment for meerkats. This time’s crowdfunding campaign aims to reach a goal of 5 million yen to launch a community cafe where meerkats and their owners can interact with each other.
[Crowdfunding page] [Official website URL]
[X(old twitter)]
[Image 1:×996.jpg] Meerkat Cafe googoo has steadily gained recognition since opening last fall, and its operations are gradually getting back on track. This time, they have finally decided to renovate the upper floor of the store (the 4th floor of the building), which they had not been able to do yet, into a community cafe, and are also seeking support through crowdfunding.
We hope that many people will use this community cafe as a place where googoo, meerkat owners, and the owners can deepen their communication. “There is no community space where meerkats and owners can play and gather.” According to manager Ai Tokaibayashi, “Meerkat Cafe googoo is finally getting back on track thanks to everyone’s support.We have therefore decided to renovate the upper floor of the cafe, which we had been thinking about for some time. Ta.
As far as I know, there is no community space where meerkats and their owners can play or gather together, so I have been wanting to create such a place for some time. ”, it seems that he had been thinking about this idea for some time.
“With this renovation, we plan to turn the upper floor of the cafe into a community cafe for meerkats and their owners.In this community cafe, meerkat owners can come together with their meerkats and interact with each other. We also hope that customers who are thinking about becoming meerkat owners will be able to communicate with other meerkat owners at the community cafe. We hope this will be an opportunity for you to take the first step towards becoming a meerkat owner.”This cafe will likely be useful for those who are already meerkat owners or those who are currently considering it.
[Image 2:×503.jpg] For meerkat owners and future owners
Tokairin says, “After actually running a meerkat cafe, I became aware of the various challenges that come with being a meerkat owner.” it is·····
●There is no community space where meerkats can play or gather. ●I want to welcome a meerkat as a family member, but I can’t imagine how to welcome a meerkat because I can’t actually see the person who is breeding it.
●There is no place to share the worries, anxieties, and joys of raising meerkats.
●There is no place that sells meerkat-specific goods, and even a single cage requires a lot of DIY work.
●There are few sources of information where you can get correct knowledge about training meerkats.
There are various challenges such as…
We would like to use the community cafe to help resolve each of these issues, even if only a little.
● Owners and those who are planning to become owners can feel free to stop by and share information and concerns.
●We plan to sell goods such as cages that currently have to be made by DIY in the space on the 4th floor.
●We also plan to hold seminars at community cafes.
It seems that various ways to use it are already being considered. “I’ve heard stories of people wanting to give up their pets because they can’t train them and can’t keep them, and I feel very sorry for them.I thought it would be great if we could use this community cafe to solve such problems and challenges. ”
So, if you are a meerkat owner or are thinking about becoming one in the future, why not try out crowdfunding, which offers attractive returns?
[Crowdfunding page]
[Image 3:×800.jpg] renovation schedule
I asked about the schedule until the community cafe opens.
“We are aiming to open in late April and open in July.As with last time, the building is originally a bar, so the demolition costs will be higher than expected.Also, since the structure has no windows, it will be air-conditioned and open. Efforts must also be made to ensure safety and safety in the design.
We are currently in talks with the interior construction contractor and are working hard to open the store by the end of May! ”
So, it is said that it is currently progressing.
[“Meerkat Cafe googoo” store overview]
Store name: Meerkat Cafe googoo
Phone: 070-8525-0587
Address: Kichijoji Daisho Building 3F, 1-5-4 Kichijoji Minamicho, Musashino City, Tokyo
Access: 2-3 minutes walk from JR Chuo Line Kichijoji Station Park Exit Business hours: 11:00-20:00 (closed on Thursdays)
Reservation URL:
Official LINE: (You can also make a reservation from the official line)
X (twitter):
30 minutes 1200 yen (excluding tax) One drink order system 500 yen (excluding tax)
[Image 4:×801.jpg] Message from the manager
There are still many hurdles to overcome before the adorable and friendly meerkats can be widely accepted by Japanese society as pets like dogs and cats.
For example, improved medical care, meerkat hotels, grooming, insurance, etc… In order to create this infrastructure, we believe that the
understanding and cooperation of many people and the formation of an enthusiastic community are essential.
We sincerely hope that your meerkat life will be even more fulfilling. And nothing would make me happier than if the community cafe that will be launched through this renovation can help with that.
We appreciate your cooperation.
[Image 5:×800.jpg]

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