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Adventure of exploration in Oahu, Hawaii Spring study tour “Hawaii Study Tour in Oahu” report

[Adventure of exploration in Oahu, Hawaii] Spring study tour “Hawaii Study Tour in Oahu” report

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Press release: May 8, 2024
*For those looking for information on overseas tours for children* [Adventure of exploration in Oahu, Hawaii] Spring study tour “Hawaii Study Tour in Oahu” report
*Consulting English conversation school GLI (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo) conducted a one-week overseas study tour to “Develop inquiry skills through experience in Oahu, Hawaii.” *
“Global Learner’s” is a consulting English conversation school for students entering boarding schools in Japan and overseas.
“Hawaii Study Institute” (GLI) will take advantage of Japan’s spring break period to conduct an overseas study tour “Hawaii Study” for 6 nights and 8 days starting March 27th.
Tour in Oahu (Hawaii Oahu)” was held.

GLI’s study tours are not outsourced, but are conducted entirely in-house, with the cooperation of many partners who have lived in the area for many years. And it makes impossible experiences and experiences possible. *
“A study tour where you can experience your child’s growth and changes on the final day”*
It has received favorable reviews from various quarters. This time, we would like to bring you a digest report of the overseas study tour held this spring. We will also provide information on overseas study tours planned for this summer.

Tour report digest
[First day]
[Bishop Museum]
After arriving in Hawaii, my first stop was Bishop.
It was Museum (BM). The museum is Hawaii’s largest facility dedicated to the study and preservation of Hawaii’s history. It was founded in 1889 in memory of Princess Bunise Pauahi by her husband Charles Reid Bishop. It is a place of learning that local children often visit as they can experience Hawaii’s history and culture. Tour participants also learned basic knowledge about Hawaii here. This is a place you should definitely visit when you go to Oahu.

[Hawaii State Legislature]
This is a place I visited on my previous Hawaii tour. At that time, we encountered an LGBTQ demonstration, which caused quite a culture shock for the tour participants. This time, I was invited to the state assembly’s secretary’s office and asked a variety of questions. I had the invaluable experience of having my passport stamped by the state legislature.
[2nd day]
[Mid Pacific Institute]
Mid Pacific is a private coeducational school founded in 1908. I visited the Institute (MPI). This school is a well-known preparatory school in Hawaii that provides integrated education from kindergarten to high school. The vast campus is surrounded by nature and has extensive facilities. MPI is one of the few schools in Hawaii to adopt the International Baccalaureate Program (IB Program), and is highly rated not only for academic courses but also for technology and art fields. We also actively accept international students, and we offer a wide range of English courses. Tour participants were impressed by the vast grounds and felt the warmth of the Hawaiian people as they watched the students greet each other in a friendly manner in the classrooms without walls. If you are thinking about studying abroad in Hawaii, this is a school that you should definitely consider.

[Genki Allawai Project]
The Ala Wai Canal is a symbolic canal that was completed in 1928 and runs from the north to the west of Waikiki. When you stand on the bridge, you can see hotels and condominiums on the right, the golf course on the left, and Diamond Head in front of you. However, the canal is currently suffering from severe pollution. Genki is a water quality improvement project led by Chikako (a Japanese woman from Okinawa who has lived in Hawaii for over 25 years), who agreed and cooperated with this study tour.
This is the Allawai Project.
Among the projects, the tour participants took part in a program in which microorganisms that feed on dirt were turned into mushy balls and thrown into a canal. The children made as many dumplings as they could and put them in the canal. I saw fish eating dumplings in the canal and realized how clean the canal is becoming.
In this way, from the third day onward, the children continued to visit places that are difficult to visit at tourist spots and engaged in exploration activities.

For more details and more information, please see the official blog with photos. Website:

[Why GLI study tours can grow through activities]
1. Curriculum design
One of the reasons why GLI’s study tours are able to grow through activities is the way the tours are conducted. In traditional school trips and educational tours, adults generally take charge and children follow instructions. However, on a GLI tour, the children are the main characters, and the teacher plays the role of facilitator. The destinations we visit are decided with an emphasis on safety, but all activities there are planned and carried out by the children. As a result, children develop a sense of independence, develop the habit of thinking for themselves, and feel a sense of accomplishment when they achieve something.
2. Cherish encounters with people
GLI’s study tours emphasize “people”. The places and activities they visit are important, but meeting and interacting with people has a big impact on children’s growth. For this study tour, we received cooperation from students from the local University of Hawaii. They treated the participating children like family. During the tour, we became like real brothers and sisters.
Every time, they treat me like a relative’s child, not a tourist. As a result, children have a stronger sense of belonging to Hawaii. By interacting with the local people like family, you will be able to leave your overseas study tour feeling like you want to come back again.
Children’s motivation increases through a variety of factors, including hands-on experience, a sense of accomplishment, and interactions with other people. Just studying at a desk will not improve your motivation to learn. If you want to increase your child’s desire to learn, we recommend that you let them experience the outside world and do activities together.

GLI’s study tours are not sightseeing tours, but exploratory tours that provide learning opportunities. We emphasize practical learning and focus on individual growth. During the tour, there will be a reflection session every night to look back and share what we learned that day. Check what you felt and how you grew through the activity.

・︎Seizing the opportunity for a dream
・︎Inquiry learning unique to the local area
・︎Improvement of teamwork skills
・︎Acquisition of leadership skills
The exploratory study tours offered by GLI are precisely designed to meet these needs.

From a survey of parents who participated in the tour
I’m really glad I participated. They were very sincere in everything from preliminary training to procedures and follow-up during the tour. During the tour, they frequently shared photos with my daughter’s parents, so I was able to wait for my daughter’s return with great peace of mind. My daughter also participated in the study tour and was able to interact with different cultures and local issues with friends of different ages, which led to a great learning experience for her. My daughter had hoped that there would be an educational tour like this every year. Thank you very much to the staff and teachers. ●I want them to participate in GLI’s overseas study tour!
●We want our children to gain experiences that they cannot do in Japan! ●I want to create opportunities for children to grow!
If you are interested in this, please join us at the information session. Applications will be closed once the recruitment capacity is reached.

GLI will be holding a study tour to Davao, Philippines this summer.

At the briefing session, we will do our best to help you resolve any questions or concerns you may have about your child’s overseas study tour, including providing detailed information about the program, consultation regarding participation conditions such as age and English proficiency, and confirmation of fees. Masu. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have so that you can have your child participate in an overseas study tour with peace of mind.

Study tour (Philippines edition) briefing session
May 10th (Friday) 19:00-20:00 (same content as the first time)

Online (Zoom) *Anyone can participate in the information session for free.

[About the Philippines Study Tour]
July 21st (Sun) – July 27th (Sat)

《Participation conditions》
●Able to understand the teacher’s instructions in English
*Japanese staff will accompany you and provide support.
●Ability to self-manage

《Number of people recruiting》
Limited to 15 people (*Minimum number of participants is 7 people)

《Target age》
10 years old or older (1st grade or older if accompanied by a guardian)

《Application deadline》
Sunday, May 19th

《Passport submission deadline》
Friday, May 31st

[Application for briefing session]
If you would like to participate in the “Free Briefing Session”, please register as a friend from the “GLI Official LINE” link below and send a message with “Davao Briefing Session”.

We will reply to your message with the Zoom URL etc.
We also hold individual information sessions for those who cannot make the schedule.
If you are interested, please contact us on official LINE.
[School information]
◇About GLI
A consulting-type English conversation school for elementary, junior high, and high school students preparing for British boarding schools with locations in Harumi, Hiroo, Musashi-Kosugi, and online. By conducting exploratory learning using the English learning style known as CLIL, we simultaneously develop English skills, thinking skills, and imagination, and design global education and career paths in a personal way.

■Click here for details on the school-based course “GLI”
■Click here for details on the online course “GLI Online”

■Click here for details on weekend English event membership “GEC (GLI Explorers Club)”

[Inquiries regarding this release]
Global Learner’s Institute
Person in charge: Ishii/Komura

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