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Home » Aising Co., Ltd. Jointly exhibited at AI/Artificial Intelligence EXPO Spring with global semiconductor companies including Arm

Aising Co., Ltd. Jointly exhibited at AI/Artificial Intelligence EXPO Spring with global semiconductor companies including Arm

AISING Co., Ltd.
Joint exhibition with Arm and other global semiconductor companies at AI/Artificial Intelligence EXPO [Spring]
~Creating new businesses and markets based on the concept of “AI starting small”~
AISING Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and CEO: Junichi Idezawa), which develops and provides edge AI, is collaborating with major global semiconductor companies such as Arm (Arm Corporation) on the “Starting Small AI Pavilion” ( We will be co-sponsoring and exhibiting at the 8th AI/Artificial Intelligence EXPO (Spring).
■ AI pavilion starting small
This pavilion is based on the concept of “Small Start MCU AI” and aims to raise awareness and popularize MCU-based AI. We will introduce the possibilities of MCU-based AI that does not require a high-end PC or processor.
AISing, a startup whose strength is unique AI technology that can be installed in MCUs, will use this pavilion as a starting point to create new businesses and markets for MCU-based AI.
■ Advantages of small AI
The MCU can be integrated into the device with a single chip. The advantages of being a single chip include a small footprint, low cost, and power savings. Additionally, it can be embedded in devices as firmware and does not depend on externally developed code.
It is an undeniable fact that processors have an advantage over MCUs in a simple performance comparison, but if you focus on development costs and material/manufacturing costs, you can see the value of small AI.
Taking automobiles as an example, central areas such as autonomous driving and connected cars require large-scale AI, but small-scale AI has value in peripheral areas such as battery management, safety control of small motors, and predictive maintenance for parts failure. Masu.
■ AISing’s endpoint AI
Of the learning and prediction performed on the cloud, AI that brings the prediction function to the edge (terminal device) is called edge AI. The AI ​​developed by AISING is classified as endpoint AI among edge AIs, and is capable of executing learning and inference functions on endpoints such as MCUs.
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Although cloud AI can utilize abundant computational resources, there is a risk of communication delays and information leaks during prediction. Although edge AI has constraints on computational resources, there is no communication delay during prediction, and the amount of communication is only required during learning. With endpoint AI, both learning and inference can be executed together with control processing on the endpoint, so inference results can be used in real time.
■ 8th AI/Artificial Intelligence EXPO [Spring]
Date: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 – Friday, May 24, 2024 10:00-17:00 Venue: Tokyo Big Sight (West Exhibition Building)
Booth number: 3-50
Advance visitor registration form: Exhibitor site:
Official website: AISING Co., Ltd.
Established in December 2016 based on many years of research results on machine control and AI. In October 2021, won the Grand Prix Category Award at “CEATEC AWARD 2021”. In August 2018, received the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award at the 2018 Award for Academic Startups. He has received numerous venture awards, including the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award at the Entrepreneur Expo in March 2018, and the Japan Research Institute Award at the Future 2017 final selection event sponsored by the Japan Research Institute, Inc. in February 2017. Among edge AI that performs inference on end devices, we are developing and providing endpoint AI that is lighter in weight and capable of learning in addition to inference.
Representative Director and CEO: Junichi Idezawa
Address: Akasaka Merck Building 1F, 6-19-45 Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo Established: December 8, 2016
Capital: 1,180 million yen (including capital reserves)
Corporate site:
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