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Home » ZAORIKU Co., Ltd. We asked a successful company! Points to prevent form withdrawal Improvement measures implemented to prevent form withdrawal The second place was “Implemented a form input assist function”, and the first place was…?

ZAORIKU Co., Ltd. We asked a successful company! Points to prevent form withdrawal Improvement measures implemented to prevent form withdrawal The second place was “Implemented a form input assist function”, and the first place was…?

Zaorik Co., Ltd.
[We asked a successful company! Points to prevent form withdrawal] Improvement measures implemented to prevent form withdrawal The second place was “Implemented a form input assist function”, and the first place was…?
– Approximately 80% of respondents answered that the difficulty level of measures to prevent form withdrawal is “difficult.” What is the reason? ~
Zaorik Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Representative: Manabu Tasaka) conducted a fact-finding survey on form withdrawal prevention among 111 web managers who improved the form withdrawal rate on their company’s site by 5.0% in one year. We would like to inform you that we have carried out this.
Survey summary
[Image 1:×1080.jpg] ▼Click here to download the report of this survey
Survey overview
Survey overview: Survey on the current situation regarding form withdrawal prevention
Survey method: Internet survey planned by research PR “Respy(R)︎” provided by IDEATECH
Survey period: March 25, 2024 to March 26, 2024
Valid answers: 111 web managers who improved the form abandonment rate on their own site by 5.0% in one year
*The composition ratio is rounded to the second decimal place, so the total does not necessarily add up to 100.
Reasons why you implemented measures to prevent form abandonment on your company’s website, such as “Because we received opinions and complaints from users” and “We wanted to make it easier to operate on mobile devices.”
When asked, “Q1. Please tell me why you implemented improvement measures to prevent form abandonment on your company’s website. (Multiple answers allowed)” (n=111) 48.6% said “Because I received a lot of requests,” 40.5% said “I wanted to make it easier to use on mobile devices,” and 38.7% said “I wanted to reduce input errors and missing information.”
[Image 2:×800.jpg] Q1. Please tell us why you implemented improvement measures to prevent form abandonment on your company’s website. (Multiple answers) ・Because we received opinions and complaints from users: 48.6% ・Because I wanted to make it easier to operate on mobile devices: 40.5% ・Because I wanted to reduce input errors and missing information: 38.7% ・Because the conversion rate was low: 36.9%
・Because I wanted to differentiate myself from competitors: 22.5% ・Others: 0.0%
・Don’t know/can’t answer: 3.6%
Improvement measures implemented to prevent form abandonment on the company’s website, such as “reducing the number of input items” and “implementing a form input assist function” were ranked high. When asked, “Q2. Please tell me about the improvement measures you have implemented to prevent form abandonment on your company’s website. (Multiple answers allowed)” (n=111), 45.0% answered “Reduced the number of input items” %, 43.2% said they had implemented a form input assist function, and 40.5% said they had introduced automatic input for addresses, addresses, etc.
[Image 3:×800.jpg] Q2. Please tell us about the improvement measures you have implemented to prevent form abandonment on your company’s website. (Multiple answers)
・Reduced the number of input items: 45.0%
・Implemented form input assist function: 43.2%
・Introduced automatic input of addresses, addresses, etc.: 40.5% ・Made the display of error messages easier to understand: 35.1% ・Changed items to multiple choice: 33.3%
– Clarified the purpose of the form to reduce user anxiety: 22.5% ・Displayed a confirmation dialog box such as “Do you want to finish inputting?”: 19.8%
・Enabled collaboration with IDs such as Google and SNS: 11.7% ・Others: 0.0%
・Don’t know/can’t answer: 3.6%
Improvement measures such as “monitor trial from an external department” and “describing input examples” are also available. For those who answered anything other than “I don’t know/can’t answer” in Q2, please ask “Q3. In addition to what you answered in Q2, if there are any improvement measures you have implemented to prevent form withdrawals, please feel free to tell me.” We received 64 answers, including “Monitor trial from an external department” and “Enter input examples.” (n=107).
-Free answers/partial excerpts-
・59 years old: Monitor trial from an external department.
・57 years old: Provide an input example.
・49 years old: A tree has been placed on each screen so that you can see where you are on the screen.
・43 years old: Confirmation from multiple directions.
・63 years old: Prevention through a thorough system.
・34 years old: Reduce the number of questions. Shorten the length of questions. ・57 years old: We asked various people within the company to test it. Among the input items that were reduced in forms on company websites, “furigana” was the most common input item at 68.0%.
Those who answered “I have reduced the number of input items” in Q2 were asked, “Q4. What kind of input items have you reduced in the forms on your company’s website? (Multiple answers allowed)” (n=50) , 68.0% said “furigana”, 38.0% said “type and details of inquiry”, and 34.0% said “gender”.
[Image 4:×800.jpg] Q4.What kind of input items have you reduced in the forms on your company’s website? (Multiple answers)
・Furigana (furigana): 68.0%
・Type and details of inquiry: 38.0%
・Gender: 34.0%
・Date of birth: 32.0%
・Postal code: 32.0%
・Address: 32.0%
・Telephone number: 20.0%
・Company name and department: 20.0%
・Other questions and requests: 18.0%
・Email address: 16.0%
・Occupation: 14.0%
・Check box for consent statement regarding personal information: 14.0% ・Others: 0.0%
・Don’t know/can’t answer: 0.0%
How to analyze the causes of form abandonment on your company’s website, such as “We used web analysis tools to track user behavior” and “Compared with competitors and other similar services.” When asked, “Q5. How did you analyze the causes of form abandonment on your company’s website? (Multiple answers allowed)” (n=111), the answer was “How did you analyze the causes of form abandonment on your company’s website?” (n=111). 49.5% said “Comparisons were made with competitors and other similar services,” 41.4% said “We conducted user testing,” and 36.9% said “We conducted user testing.”
[Image 5:×800.jpg] Q5. How did you analyze the causes of form abandonment on your company’s website? (Multiple answers)
・Used web analytics tools to track user behavior: 49.5%
・Comparisons were made with competitors and other similar services: 41.4% ・Conducted user testing: 36.9%
・A survey was conducted among users: 35.1%
・Verified device and browser compatibility: 24.3%
・Analyzed what kind of errors users were encountering: 16.2% ・Others: 1.8%
・Don’t know/can’t answer: 3.6%
Methods such as “user testing” and “count aggregation” are also available. For those who answered anything other than “I don’t know/can’t answer” to Q5, please ask “Q6. If you have any methods other than what you answered in Q5 to analyze the causes of form abandonment on your company’s website, please feel free to tell us.” When we asked the question “Open-ended responses” (n=107), we received 58 answers, including “user testing” and “count aggregation.”
-Free answers/partial excerpts-
・57 years old: AB test function.
・43 years old: Count tally.
・37 years old: Survey.
・33 years old: Based on review sites.
・46 years old: User test.
・36 years old: Pay attention to minority opinions.
・46 years old: Used by another company.
・Age 57: I observed and checked where I stumbled.
Approximately 80% of respondents answered that it is difficult to take measures to prevent form withdrawal.
When asked, “Q7. How do you feel about the difficulty of measures to prevent form withdrawal?” (n=111), 18.0% said it was “very difficult” and 18.0% said it was “somewhat difficult”. The answer was 60.4%.
[Image 6:×800.jpg] Q7. How do you feel about the difficulty of measures to prevent form withdrawal? ・Very difficult: 18.0%
・Somewhat difficult: 60.4%
・Not very difficult: 18.9%
・Not difficult at all: 0.9%
・Don’t know/can’t answer: 1.8%
Reasons why people find it difficult to implement measures to prevent form withdrawal, such as “I don’t know what effective methods are” and “It takes more time than I expected.”
For those who answered “Very difficult” or “Somewhat difficult” in Q7, “Q8. Please tell me why you feel it is difficult to implement measures to prevent form withdrawal. (Multiple answers allowed)” (n= 87), 56.3% said “Because I don’t know the effective method,” 50.6% said “It takes more effort than I expected,” and 32.2% said “I didn’t see any results even after implementing it.” It has been answered.
[Image 7:×800.jpg] Q8. Please tell me why you feel it is difficult to implement measures to prevent form withdrawal. (Multiple answers)
・Because I don’t know effective methods: 56.3%
・Because it takes more time than I expected: 50.6%
・Because there were no results even after implementation: 32.2% ・Because of operational costs: 32.2%
・Because it takes time to feel results: 29.9%
・Difficult to automate countermeasures: 11.5%
・Other: 1.1%
・Don’t know/can’t answer: 1.1%
82.9% answered that they would like to use a service that could automatically send emails or SMS to users who left the form while filling out a form, and prevent users from leaving the form by inviting them to the service site again.
“Q9. If there was a service that could automatically send emails or SMS to users who left while filling out a form, and prevent them from leaving the form by inviting them to the service site again, would you want to use it?” ” (n=111), 28.8% answered “strongly agree” and 54.1% answered “somewhat agree”.
[Image 8:×800.jpg] Q9. If there was a service that could automatically send emails or SMS to users who left while filling out a form and prevent them from leaving the form by inviting them to the service site again, would you want to use it?
・Strongly agree: 28.8%
・Somewhat agree: 54.1%
・I don’t really think so: 10.8%
・Not at all: 2.7%
・Don’t know/can’t answer: 3.6%
This time, we conducted a fact-finding survey regarding form withdrawal prevention targeting 111 web managers who had improved their company’s site’s form withdrawal rate by 5.0% in one year. First of all, the top-ranked improvement measures implemented to prevent form abandonment on the company’s website include “reducing the number of input items” (45.0%) and “implementing a form input assist function” (43.2%). It was done. Also, attention was focused on methods for analyzing the causes of disengagement, such as tracking user behavior using web analysis tools (49.5%) and comparative analysis with competitors (41.4%). The survey results show that about 80% of web managers find it “difficult” to implement form withdrawal prevention measures, with 56.3% saying “I don’t know what effective means” and “It’s more difficult than I expected.” The issue of “it takes a lot of time and effort” (50.6%) was highlighted. However, 82.9% of agents expressed an intention to use a service that could bring users who left the site while filling out forms back to the site, indicating that expectations for such a service are increasing. .
This survey revealed specific improvement measures and cause analysis methods to prevent form abandonment. In today’s increasingly digitalized society, website usability is an important issue for companies. The results of this study show that improving form exit rates not only improves user experience, but also directly leads to higher conversion rates for companies. A service that supports site improvement without any cost risks will be an effective means of solving the problem of form abandonment that many companies face.

▼Click here to download the report of this survey
If you want to reduce the number of users leaving the company, use Zaorik.
[Image 9:×129.png ]
For companies aiming to maximize sales and profits through the use of the web, we provide Zaorik, a CV support tool whose strength is reducing the number of users leaving the company, thereby maximizing sales and profits from attracting online customers. We provide marketing support to help you.
We value each and every encounter to make you feel, “I’m glad I met you.” We do our best to make our customers say “I’m glad we met.”
Company Profile
Company name: Zaorik Co., Ltd.
Established: February 4, 2019
Representative: Manabu Tasaka
Location: 5th floor, Resona Kudan Building, 1-5-6 Kudanminami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Business details: Development and operation of CV support tool “Zaorik” Marketing support business
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