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Home » NEDO Daio Paper decides to install a commercial plant for CNF composite resin “ELLEX-R67”

NEDO Daio Paper decides to install a commercial plant for CNF composite resin “ELLEX-R67”

Daio Paper decides to install a commercial plant for CNF composite resin “ELLEX-R67”
-Aiming to expand the CNF business, we plan to operate a facility with an annual production capacity of 2,000 tons in FY2025-
Through NEDO’s “Development of cellulose nanofiber-related technology that contributes to a carbon recycling society” (hereinafter referred to as this project), Daio Paper Co., Ltd. aims to reduce manufacturing costs, which is one of the social implementation issues of cellulose nanofiber (CNF). From FY2020 to FY2022, we developed a manufacturing process that dramatically improves the CNF pretreatment process and the productivity of composite resins. In April 2024, the CNF composite resin “ELLEX-R67” made using this manufacturing process was first used as a material for circular boards, which are one of the products familiar to daily life. In light of this situation, Daio Paper has decided to install a commercial plant using the ELLEX-R67, and will build a facility with an annual production capacity of 2,000 tons in 2025. This will make it possible to supply CNF composite resin at a quality, supply quantity, and cost level that can be used in a variety of applications such as automobile parts and home appliances, and is expected to meet market expectations and expand the CNF business.
[Image 1:×307.png ]
Figure 1 “ELLEX-R67” commercial plant process image
1. Overview CNF*1, which is a plant material, is a renewable resource that exists in nature. CNF composite resin can take advantage of the light and strong properties of CNF, and is expected to be used in automobile parts and home appliances. On the other hand, further cost reductions, improved physical properties, and expanded applications are required before they can be put into practical use and implemented in society. In this project*2, Daio Paper has been conducting demonstrations using a pilot plant that started operation in March 2020, as there is a very high need for higher cellulose concentrations in composite resins. In addition to integrated production from raw materials to CNF composite resin pellets, we have improved the technology to increase the concentration of cellulose in the composite resin, increasing the cellulose concentration in the CNF composite resin from 55% to 67%. In this way, we improved productivity, which was an issue, and significantly reduced manufacturing costs, and succeeded in developing technology for mass production ahead of the industry. Additionally, in terms of application development, we have begun supplying samples of ELLEX-R67 from November 2022, accelerating development for practical use. In April 2024, “ELLEX-R67” was adopted for the first time as a familiar product in daily life on a circular board in Shikokuchuo City, Ehime Prefecture. In May 2024, Daio Paper announced the installation of a commercial plant using ELLEX-R67, and will further promote commercialization. Details of each matter are as follows.
(1) Development of CNF composite resin manufacturing process Daio Paper has been working on this project from FY2020 to FY2022 with the aim of reducing manufacturing costs, which is one of the social implementation issues of CNF. We have developed a manufacturing process that dramatically improves resin productivity. In the CNF pretreatment process, Daio Paper has made full use of the papermaking technology it has cultivated over the years to establish mass production technology for carbamate-modified cellulose with urea, and to improve the productivity of composite resins, we are collaborating with Shibaura Kikai Co., Ltd. to achieve high efficiency. We have developed a composite technology of CNF and resin.
(2) CNF composite resin “ELLEX-R67” CNF composite resin takes advantage of the light and strong characteristics of CNF and is expected to be used in fields such as automobile parts, home appliances, building materials, daily necessities, containers and packaging. . “ELLEX-R67” is a high-concentration pellet containing 67% cellulose that has been partially converted into CNF, and has been developed through careful consideration of the degree of defibration from the viewpoint of quality and cost. It has specifications that are easy to mold. In addition, because CNF is plant-derived and the fibers are difficult to break, it is a material that can be expected to reduce plastics and recycle materials.
[Image 2:×298.png ]
Figure 2 CNF composite resin “ELLEX-R67” (67% cellulose)
(3) Adoption example: Since its inauguration in 2004, Shikokuchuo City, Ehime Prefecture has been in the pulp, paper, and paper processed products manufacturing industry in the Economic Structure Survey (Manufacturing Business Establishment Survey) published by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. According to the latest statistics, Daio Paper has been ranked No. 1 in Japan for the 18th consecutive year until 2022 in terms of manufactured goods shipped, and the Mishima Mill, Daio Paper’s main factory, is also located in the same city. As the city celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2024, as a commemorative project, a project was planned to use CNF, which is expected to be a next-generation new material in the paper industry, to create products that will be familiar to citizens in their daily lives. . After many discussions with Daio Paper about various uses, we decided to use ELLEX-R67 to produce circulation boards, and we decided to use it.
[Image 3:×294.png ]
Figure 3 Circulation board made of CNF composite resin “ELLEX-R67” (Shikokuchuo City, Ehime Prefecture)
(4) Commercial plant installation Since Daio Paper began providing samples of CNF aqueous dispersion in 2013, Daio Paper has expanded its lineup to meet diverse user needs and developed a manufacturing process using a pilot plant to reduce costs. We have made progress. In particular, the market has high expectations for a composite resin that takes advantage of the characteristics of CNF, and paper companies have been developing a manufacturing process at a pilot plant by making full use of its potential. Based on this result, we announced the establishment of a commercial plant in May 2024 to supply CNF composite resin at a quality, supply volume, and cost level that can be used in a variety of applications.
[Facility overview] (1) Production type CNF composite resin
“ELLEX-R67” (2) Production capacity 2000 tons per year (3) Installed factory Daio Paper Mishima Factory (4) Capital investment amount Approximately 4 billion yen (5) Start of commercial operations During 2025 (planned)
2. Future plans: CNF composite resin is a material that can take advantage of the light and strong characteristics of CNF. Based on the results of this project, Daio Paper aims to expand the use of CNF as an automotive component that takes advantage of its advantages such as weight reduction, material recycling, and plant-derived properties, by increasing the amount of material supplied and collaborating with users. We plan to proceed with the evaluation of large-scale component prototypes. In the future, through such initiatives, we will proactively develop applications in fields such as automobile parts, home appliances, building materials, containers and packaging.
[Image 4:×489.png ]
Figure 4 Practical timing and market size of CNF materials (NEDO document created in July 2021)
*1 Cellulose fiber with a fiber diameter of 3 to 100 nanometers, obtained by loosening plant fibers such as CNF pulp to the nano level. *2 Business name: Cellulose nanofiber-related technology development project that contributes to a carbon recycling society Period: FY2020 to FY2024 Business overview:
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