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Home » proteanTecs Ltd. proteanTecs will be exhibiting at SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 with the theme of “How to make electronic devices report their health status and performance.”

proteanTecs Ltd. proteanTecs will be exhibiting at SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 with the theme of “How to make electronic devices report their health status and performance.”

proteanTecs Ltd.
proteanTecs will be exhibiting at SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 with the theme of “How to make electronic devices themselves report their health status and performance.”
proteanTecs, an Israeli startup that leads the world in semiconductor performance monitoring systems, will be participating in Asia’s largest global innovation conference “SusHi Tech” to be held at Tokyo Big Sight from Wednesday, May 15th to Thursday, May 16th, 2024. We will be exhibiting at the Israel Pavilion of Tokyo 2024 Global Startup Program.
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The theme of the exhibition is “How to make electronic devices report their health status and performance.”
proteanTecs provides on-chip monitoring systems that can be integrated into semiconductors for all kinds of electronics, from large data centers to cars to smartphones.
This system provides multifaceted, long-term monitoring of
semiconductors from the early stages of design and manufacturing until they are incorporated and used in final products. The resulting data is then fed to a big deep data analytics engine powered by machine learning algorithms to accurately report the health of the
semiconductor chip, as well as provide reliability predictions and preventive measures to avoid failures. By doing so, we improve the quality of electronic products and improve the reliability of devices. In addition, by incorporating our system, it will be possible to significantly reduce power consumption while maintaining the integrity of the chip.
With locations around the world, proteanTecs’ major customers include automotive OEMs, cloud service providers, and mobile device
manufacturers, and it has already partnered with several major Japanese semiconductor companies.
At this exhibition, we will introduce proteanTecs’ various solutions, and use a wealth of videos and materials to explain how they bring product stability and reduce power consumption. We are planning to exhibit and introduce it.
Please come to the proteanTecs exhibition booth.
proteanTecs in SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 / Global Startup Program ■Holding date Wednesday, May 15, 2024, Thursday, May 16, 2024 ■Venue: Tokyo Big Sight (3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo)
■Exhibition location: SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 Global Startup Program West Exhibition Building Halls 1 and 2
City Pavilion Israel Booth
■Sponsored by: Economic Department of the Embassy of Israel, SivanS Co., Ltd. About proteanTecs
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proteanTecs is a leading provider of deep data analytics for advanced electronics monitoring.
Trusted by global leaders in the data center, automotive,
communications, and mobile markets, the company provides system health and performance monitoring from the production floor to the field. By applying machine learning to new data generated by on-chip monitors, the company’s deep data analytics solutions provide unparalleled visibility and actionable insights, driving new levels of quality and reliability. It will come true.
The company is headquartered in Israel and has offices in the United States, India, South Korea, and Taiwan.
For more information, please visit More details about this release: