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Home » Okayama University Okayama University Hospital Surgical Support Robot “Da Vinci” Ranks No. 1 in National University Hospitals in Annual Number of Surgery Reaching 100 Cases in Each of the Four Gastrointestinal Surgery Fields – First in Western Japa

Okayama University Okayama University Hospital Surgical Support Robot “Da Vinci” Ranks No. 1 in National University Hospitals in Annual Number of Surgery Reaching 100 Cases in Each of the Four Gastrointestinal Surgery Fields – First in Western Japa

National University Corporation Okayama University
[Okayama University] Okayama University Hospital Surgical Support Robot “Da Vinci” Ranks No. 1 in National University Hospitals in Annual Number of Surgery Reaching 100 Cases in Each of the Four Gastrointestinal Surgery Fields – First in Western Japan!
~We want to bring robot-assisted surgery to more patients~
May 8, 2024 (Reiwa 6) National University Corporation Okayama University
[Image 1:× g ]
-Key points of presentation-
Okayama University Hospital operates three Da Vinci surgical support robots (two Xi and one Si).
The Minimally Invasive Treatment Center plays a central role in efficiently operating the three da Vinci surgery slots across clinical departments.
In 2023, the number of robot-assisted surgeries was 587, ranking first among national university hospitals nationwide.
In March 2024, we achieved 100 da Vinci-assisted endoscopic surgeries in each of the four areas of esophagus, stomach, large intestine, and liver, bile, and pancreas. This is the first achievement in western Japan.

◆ Overview At Okayama University Hospital of the National University Corporation Okayama University (Headquarters: Kita-ku, Okayama City, President: Yasutomo Nasu), in 2010, we conducted a procedure to improve the benefits of endoscopic surgery, which puts less stress on patients’ bodies. We introduced the surgical support robot “Da Vinci” for the first time.
From April 2023, the number of surgical support robots in our possession will be 3 (2 da Vinci Xi, 1 da Vinci Si), and many clinical departments are performing robot-assisted surgery, but the Minimally Invasive Treatment Center has played a central role in efficiently operating the three da Vinci surgery slots across clinical
departments, and has created a system that can respond to the increase in the number of surgeries.
As a result, in 2023, we will perform more than 580 da Vinci-assisted endoscopic surgeries in the fields of urology, gastrointestinal surgery, respiratory surgery, and obstetrics and gynecology, which ranks first among national university hospitals nationwide. It becomes.
In addition, in March 2024, the number of da Vinci-assisted endoscopic surgeries in each of the four gastrointestinal surgery areas (esophageal, stomach, large intestine, liver, bile, and pancreas) will reach 100, which is the first time in western Japan that the number of endoscopic surgeries has reached 100. This has become a reality (according to our hospital research).
The Minimally Invasive Treatment Center will continue to
comprehensively manage robotic surgery, disseminate information both inside and outside the hospital, and strive to respond quickly and appropriately to the further increase in targeted surgeries. As a specialized hospital, Okayama University Hospital will continue to strive to provide high-quality, advanced, and advanced medical care to as many patients as possible. Please look forward to the continued efforts of Okayama University, a regional core and distinctive research university.
This matter was disclosed at Okayama University’s April 2024 regular press conference held on April 24, 2024.
[Image 2:×513.jpg] ◆Details Surgery support robot “Da Vinci” ranks first in national university hospitals in annual number of surgeries.Reaches 100 cases in each of four areas of gastrointestinal surgery, first in western Japan! ~We want to bring robot-assisted surgery to more patients~ ◆Reference
・Okayama University Hospital
・Okayama University Hospital Minimally Invasive Treatment Center
[Image 3:×346.png ]
[Image 4:×230.png ]
[Image 5:×972.jpg] Okayama University Hospital (Kita Ward, Okayama City)
◆Contact information for this matter
Okayama University Hospital Minimally Invasive Treatment Center (Gastrointestinal Surgery) Lecturer Fuminori Teraishi Okayama University Hospital Minimally Invasive Treatment Center (Urology) Lecturer Yasuyuki Kobayashi Okayama University Academic Research Institute Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Medicine) Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery Professor Toshiyoshi Fujiwara
Okayama University Shikata Campus, 2-5-1 Shikata-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama-shi, Okayama 700-8558 TEL: 086-235-7257
FAX: 086-221-8775
– Regarding collaboration with Okayama University Hospital (for those involved in pharmaceutical and medical device companies) – Okayama University Hospital New Medical Research and Development Center 2-5-1 Shikata-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture 700-8558 From the URL below Please contact us regarding the relevant project: – Regarding collaboration with Okayama University Hospital (for medical personnel and researchers) – Okayama University Hospital Research Promotion Division Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Promotion 2-5-1 Shikata-cho, Kita-ku, Okayama-shi, Okayama 700-8558 TEL: 086-235-7983 E-mail: ouh-csnw◎ *Please replace ◎ with @ inquiries regarding Okayama University’s industry-academia-government
collaboration, etc.- Okayama University Research and Innovation Co-Creation Organization Industry-Academia Government-Government Collaboration Headquarters 1-1-1 Tsushima Naka, Kita-ku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture 700-8530 Okayama University Tsushima Campus Main Building 1F TEL: 086-251-8463 E-mail: sangaku◎ * ◎ Please replace @ with
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/rd/p/000000215.000072793.html Okayama University Integrated Report 2023: Okayama University SDGs homepage: Okayama University SDGs – Thinking about the sustainability of local communities (YouTube): Okayama University Image Movie (YouTube) ):
Industry-university co-creation activity “Okayama University Open Innovation Challenge” recruiting co-creation activity partners for April 2024: Okayama University “THE Impact Ranking 2021” Overall ranking: Top 200 in the world, same number 1 in Japan!! Okayama University “University Brand Image Survey 2021-2022” “Proactive towards SDGs” Ranked No. 1 in Chugoku/Shikoku by Okayama University “University Image Survey from the Perspective of Human Resources Personnel in Companies” 2022 Edition Chugoku/Shikoku 1st place!!
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[Image 7:×825.jpg] Okayama University, a national university corporation, supports the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We also received a special award at the government’s 1st Japan SDGs Award. Please look forward to Okayama University, which promotes co-development and co-creation as a regional core and distinctive research university. Okayama University Selected for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s “Regional Core and Distinctive Research Universities Strengthening Promotion Project (J-PEAKS)” ~ Realization of Okayama University as a research university that co-creates the future of the region and the earth and becomes the core of global innovation As we accelerate, we will build a mountain range of Japan’s research universities that we can be proud of around the world.

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