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Home » The “Career Co-Education” program, which allows employees to redefine their jobs and careers by participating in Persol Career’s on-site classes at elementary and junior high schools, has been officially adopted as an open training program for Persol

The “Career Co-Education” program, which allows employees to redefine their jobs and careers by participating in Persol Career’s on-site classes at elementary and junior high schools, has been officially adopted as an open training program for Persol

Persol Carrier Co., Ltd.
The “Career Co-Education” program, which allows employees to redefine their jobs and careers by participating in Persol Career’s on-site classes at elementary and junior high schools, has been officially adopted as an open training program for Persol Group employees. I got it
~ Expanding the introduction of programs that sustainably promote both human capital management and social contribution activities ~ ……
Persol Career Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: Yutaka Senoo, hereinafter referred to as Persol Career), which provides the job change service “Doda”, provides career education instructor dispatch classes (on-site delivery) to elementary schools and junior high schools nationwide. The “career co-development” program, which was held for employees participating in “workshops to think about work” to redefine their own work and career, fosters career ownership in the Persol Group. Officially adopted for open recruitment training for employees.
By expanding the introduction of this program, which integrates human capital management and social contribution activities and promotes them together in a sustainable manner, we will be able to stabilize the career education program “Workshop for Thinking about Work” for elementary and junior high schools. We will create a system that allows us to deliver the materials free of charge to as many schools as possible in a sustainable manner.
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Development background of “Career “Co-Education” Program”
At Persol Career, as part of our social contribution activities to realize our group vision of “Work and Smile,” we encourage our employees to learn about “a variety of work options,” and form their own careers based on their own decisions. We provide the “Workshop for Thinking about Work”, a career education program that fosters the “zest for life” to elementary and junior high schools nationwide, free of charge. (Provision results in 2023: 144 schools, 17,238 children/students)
Under this program, more than 150 current Persol Group employees are dispatched to elementary schools and junior high schools each year to serve as instructors. Employees who participated in the classes said, “I thought I was teaching a class, but I received so much more from the children.” By facing the questions asked by children and directly seeing the changes in children after class, employees are encouraged to reflect, change the meaning they give to their work and change their behavior, and are likely to improve their motivation and performance in their main job. there is no. In a survey of employees who participated in on-site classes conducted in fiscal 2023, 90% of employees said it provided them with an opportunity to reflect on themselves, and 70% of employees said that the meaning of their work had changed and their work engagement had increased. doing.
In order to build a system to continue providing “workshops to think about work” free of charge to more elementary and junior high schools in a stable and sustainable manner, starting in 2021, we will have employees who act as lecturers conduct on-site classes. Started research and research on the impact and effects. In 2022, based on the survey results, the on-site classes themselves will remain designed with children and students as the top priority, but before and after the classes, employees will reflect on their work and career and redefine their future work. We have developed a unique career training program called the Career Co-Education Program, and have begun implementing it with some instructors and employees who participate in on-site classes.
In recognition of the visual impact and effectiveness of these on-site classes on employees and their track record as a training program, Persol Holdings Co., Ltd. has been offering an open career ownership program to Persol Group employees since 2024. ), the Career
Co-Education Program was officially adopted. The first round of in-house recruitment will begin in April, and from July employees selected by lottery will participate in on-site classes and training. About the “career co-education” program that nurtures both children and adults The “Career Co-Education” Program is based on the concept that “children and adults (employees) are students and teachers who learn and grow together.” Persol Career’s in-house training and career education for elementary and junior high schools are based on the concept. This is a cross-border experiential career training program that was originally developed by the person in charge of human resource development who is responsible for providing this program, and centers on the experience of teaching career education classes at elementary and junior high schools. The aim is to develop human resources who are motivated to work and actively find opportunities for growth.We aim to deepen and transform employees’ self-awareness, such as the meaning they give to their work and their career outlook, and to change their behavior toward personal growth and challenges. support.
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The program consists of four sessions, including actual teaching experience at elementary and junior high schools. 1. First, in preparation for standing in front of children as instructors and talking about their own career views and work, the students give meaning to their past work experiences through group work and define their own work through dialogue. (DAY 1) 2. After gaining a better understanding of your own career outlook and the significance of your work, you will participate in a visiting class called “Workshop to Think about Working” as a lecturer. Students will deepen their self-awareness through the experience of facing children’s honest questions about careers and work head-on. (DAY2-1) 3. After the class, based on the new awareness gained through the instructor experience, we did group work to reconsider what we want to be and who we are, and redefine our views on work and career. and decide on the first step toward the future. (DAY2-2) 4. After one month, reflect on the work and career views that you have redefined during the past month, envision a future where you can exercise career ownership in your own way, and reflect on your practice. Aim to make it a habit. (DAY3) ■About workshops for elementary and junior high schools where employees participate
In the career education on-site class “Workshop to Think About Work” that Persol Career provides to elementary and junior high schools across the country, we provide a combination of multiple workshops that the school desires.
There are two workshops in which regular employees participate as instructors: “Adult Interview” and “Job Market by doda.” It is designed with a focus on “adult interviews.”
Adult interview
After learning how to conduct interviews, the children interviewed adults who are active on the front lines (Persol Group employees) about things they would like to know as they grow up, such as their work and past careers. This is a workshop. By listening to vivid stories based on personal experiences, from stories about their personal lives that you don’t usually hear about to deep questions like “What is work?”, you can take home a lot of learning. Also, if you do it before taking a job search at school, you can change the perspective and method of asking questions, which can lead to a more in-depth job search.
Job market by doda
Persol Career employees, who have experience in various industries through their own job changes and the provision of services at Persol Career, will tell you about the industries they have experienced, the rewards of work, and the changes in their careers from the company they first joined to the present. This is a workshop where
participants will be introduced to the following topics, and then through dialogue with employees, they will think about their future careers. You can listen to stories from multiple industries/industries at once, and children/students can also choose their own field of interest. We not only provide career education opportunities to think about the profession you want to be in, but also provide you with a perspective on the field you want to be involved in (industry research). Another feature of this workshop is that you can learn about how to build a real career, including the option of changing jobs, through “introductions of previous jobs by people with experience in changing jobs.”
About Persol Group’s open career ownership program “@”
“@” is a publicly available career ownership program (publicly available training) provided by Persol Holdings Co., Ltd. to Persol Group employees. The aim is to support the exploration of career perspectives (views on life, work, etc.) so that each employee can more fully realize the group vision of “Work and Smile.” Through innovative and unique workshops, you can reconsider your career outlook from a different perspective, cross-border learning through exchanges with different people, regions, values, and cultures, and opportunities to collaborate with NPOs, local governments, etc. We aim to rediscover what we value and what we want to be through the experience of diving into a world we have never been exposed to before, such as participating in projects to solve social issues. About “Workshop for thinking about work for elementary and junior high schools” –
[Image 3:×319.jpg] “Workshop to think about work” is a career education program for fourth-year to third-year junior high school students that Persol Career provides free of charge to elementary schools and junior high schools nationwide. Career advisors from Persol Career, who continue to deal with the work of various people and companies every day, serve as lecturers, and provide lessons on how to make independent decisions and shape your career based on the experience and knowledge they have cultivated in the field. We offer classes that foster the “zest for life” and “basic skills for new members of society.”
When we asked children what they thought of “work,” many of them had negative opinions such as “it’s painful,” “tiring,” and “it can’t be helped in order to survive.” This activity began when some employees, who felt a sense of crisis, created career education workshops as a volunteer activity and provided them free of charge to several elementary and junior high schools. Since we started providing the company as an official workshop in 2018, we have provided classes a total of 565 times, 302 schools, and 33,138 children in more than 33 prefectures nationwide, mainly at public elementary and junior high schools. I am. (As of March 2024, including repeat schools)
Through workshops, we aim to help children gain hope for the future by understanding the positive aspects of “working,” encourage them to act with an awareness of independence, self-determination, and providing value, and increase their sense of self-affirmation. Masu. We survey children before and after class to examine changes in their awareness and behavior, as well as their retention status, and work together with teachers to support children in developing habits in their awareness and behavior. In addition, this workshop will be awarded the Excellence Award at the 11th Career Education Awards sponsored by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in 2021, and the Excellence Award for Companies Promoting Youth Experience Activities in 2024, sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. We have received the GOLD (Organization/Team Category) of the “Wellbeing Award 2024” sponsored by the Wellbeing Action Executive Committee, which is comprised of Asahi Shimbun Co., Ltd. and others.
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A system that continuously provides free career education
opportunities to elementary and junior high schools nationwide. At Persol Career, we believe that a system of “co-education” that allows adults (employees) to grow as well, and the provision of experiences that enable employees to realize their personal purpose, is necessary to realize the group vision of “Work and Smile.” We position this as an activity that contributes to increasing corporate value by expanding long-term business opportunities, improving productivity by increasing employee engagement, and creating innovation. By visualizing these effects, we aim to provide stable and sustainable free “workshops to think about work” to more elementary and junior high schools across the country.
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Comments from the operating organization manager regarding the expansion of the introduction of the Career Co-Education Program: “From education to co-education to co-education”
Tsuyoshi Ito, Manager of the Mission Co-Creation Promotion Department of the Corporate Strategy Headquarters, who manages and operates this program and the “Working Thinking Workshop” regarding the expansion of the “Career Co-Education” Program, commented as follows: doing. We provide “Workshops for Thinking About Working” free of charge to nearly 150 elementary schools and junior high schools each year. Through this activity, we also hope to “rectify regional disparities in career education opportunities.” We are dispatching employees to In order for us, as a for-profit company, to continue providing this activity to as many schools as possible in a stable and sustainable manner, it is essential that there be a stronger connection between this workshop, which is a social contribution activity, and our corporate value. Based on the hypothesis that it is possible to integrate human capital management and social contribution activities, universities and other institutions have been developing ways to visualize and maximize the positive impact that participation in social contribution activities has on employees. We have also conducted joint research with the cooperation of academia. This time, Persol Career’s “career” co-education program, which was originally provided to employees who participate in on-site classes, has been officially adopted as an open training program by the Persol Group, which has approximately 66,000 employees. We believe that we have received a certain level of recognition for our activities and effectiveness verification to date.
Going forward, we will continue to aim to expand our system to provide “workshops to think about working” to elementary schools and junior high schools across the country while increasing the effectiveness of our corporate value. We also hope to have external parties recognize that there are ways to contribute to corporate value, and to create a society in which more companies than ever actively support children’s career education. We have progressed from education to cooperative education (schools, local communities, companies, families, etc. work together to raise children), and then to co-education (children and adults participating in cooperative education grow and develop together). We aim to co-create a society in which children and adults learn together and foster a sense of “career ownership” in which children and adults decide their own work. Even in times that are difficult to predict, we will continue our activities in order to contribute in some small way to the realization of a society where all generations in Japan can chart their own careers with hope and each individual can experience “working well-being.” .
Tsuyoshi Ito Profile Management Strategy Headquarters Mission Co-Creation Promotion Department Manager/Co-Creation Producer
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Started his career by joining a general PR company. Then integrated marketing After working at a consulting company that practices In 2019, the company established its corporate mission – giving people the power to make their work their own – and launched the Career Ownership Living Lab. We plan various activities to explore “career ownership” with our partners. In 2021, we will launch the “Career Ownership and Future Consortium”. Currently, as a manager of the Mission Co-Creation Promotion Department, he is working on creating social actions that balance social impact and economic value (improving corporate value) and designing corporate value creation stories. About Persol Carrier Co., Ltd. Mission Co-Creation Promotion Department
The “Workshop to Think About Work” is run by the “Mission Co-Creation Promotion Department” located in Persol Carrier’s Corporate Strategy Headquarters. This organization is responsible for non-financial activities (social contribution activities and CSR activities) in order for the Company to create a “society that fosters career ownership” through sustainable growth, and to realize the group vision of “Work and Smile.” ), and is responsible for the planning and management of “Workshops for thinking about work” as well as “Tanimoku” workshops for helping others set goals, and companies and organizations that seek sustainable growth for individuals and companies. We plan and operate the “Career Ownership and Working Future Consortium,” a practical cross-border community that brings together human resources development departments. In addition, in order to enable for-profit companies to stably and sustainably provide non-profit activities that aim to have an impact on society, we will strengthen the connection between each initiative and corporate value. We are also visualizing and exploring
contributions to value improvement, and are exploring ways of social contribution activities of for-profit companies that will correspond to the new businesses advocated by new capitalism, mutual assistance capitalism, ethical capitalism, etc. I am.
■About Persol Career Co., Ltd. – – Persol Career Co., Ltd.’s mission is to give people the power to make work their own, and through the job change service “doda” and the high-class job change service “doda We offer In May 2022, we launched HiPro, a comprehensive support brand for professional human resources, and entered the side job/freelance field in earnest. By leveraging the collective strength of the Group, we will strive to create social value that focuses more than ever on the “work” of individuals, face social issues head-on, and aim to realize a society where all “work” brings smiles.
About our mission: More details about this release: