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Home » InsightTech Co., Ltd. Insight Tech, which utilizes VoC, starts providing “Purpose Visualization AI” to Aji nomoto Co., Inc., which uses AI to quantify the degree of penetration of purpose and philosophy.

InsightTech Co., Ltd. Insight Tech, which utilizes VoC, starts providing “Purpose Visualization AI” to Aji nomoto Co., Inc., which uses AI to quantify the degree of penetration of purpose and philosophy.

InsightTech Co., Ltd.
Insight Tech, which utilizes VoC, begins providing “Purpose
Visualization AI” to Ajinomoto Co., Inc., which uses AI to quantify the degree of penetration of purpose and philosophy
-Using AI to quantify in what context the six “contribution values” are permeated based on SNS comments and customer feedback-
Insight Tech Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Tomohiro Ito) is using AI to quantify the degree of penetration of each company’s purpose and philosophy. Chuo Ward, Representative Director and President: Taro Fujie).
This is an initiative to quantify the extent to which the six “contribution values” defined by the Ajinomoto Group to enhance its corporate brand through products and services have penetrated, and to understand the current situation and challenges for further
penetration of value. For quantification, we will utilize Insight Tech’s proprietary text analysis AI, “Purpose Visualization AI.”
[Image 1:×460.jpg] ■Ajinomoto Group branding philosophy (from Ajinomoto Group ASV Report 2022) The Ajinomoto Group aims to further improve its brand value by allowing customers to experience and realize through its products and services the four support values ​​that enhance corporate trust and support products and services, and the six contribution values ​​that lead to customer wellness. .
[Image 2:×1924.png ]
■Initiative details
This initiative targets 10 major brands and collects customer inquiries sent to the Ajinomoto Group, as well as comments made on SNS and complaints sent to the Dissatisfaction Purchase Center operated by Insight Tech. ) text data will be analyzed using AI to quantitatively evaluate the extent to which contribution value has penetrated in each brand.
Based on the content written in the text data of each VoC, we use text analysis AI to determine and quantify 1. whether it is a positive mention or not, and 2. which of the six contribution values ​​it falls under.
[Image 3:×1875.png ]
By compiling these results, we will be able to objectively evaluate the extent to which each brand’s contribution value was felt and permeated during that period. In addition, by focusing on the text data of VoC with high scores, it is possible to understand with high resolution the specific occasions (specific actions and situations of consumers) in which contribution value is permeated.
■ Expected effects of the initiative
The following effects are expected from these efforts:
・It is possible to understand whether the values ​​that should be strengthened according to the characteristics of each brand among the six contribution values ​​have penetrated.
・By focusing on VoC where the contribution value is felt, it is possible to discover occasions from the consumer’s perspective. ・Based on this result, it will be possible to plan various techniques and verify their effectiveness.
・As a result, the value of the contribution will be permeated, leading to further improvement in the value of the corporate brand.
This initiative will undergo trial operation in fiscal 2023, and will begin full-scale operation throughout the year from fiscal 2024. ■Insight Tech’s unique engine “Purpose Visualization AI”
Insight Tech customizes its proprietary text analysis AI “ITAS” according to each company’s challenges.
In this initiative, we utilize the text analysis AI “Itas” and customize it as a “purpose visualization AI” with the following functions.
[Image 4:×998.png ]
-Functions of “Purpose Visualization AI” customized from text analysis AI “Itas”-
・Evaluate the similarity of words based on big data of over 40 million complaints held by the Dissatisfaction Purchase Center
– Determine emotions for each element (clauses that make up the utterance) included in the consumer’s utterances
・Based on the above, the degree of penetration of each company’s purpose and philosophy is quantified (scoring) without the need for teacher data.
Insight Tech will continue to utilize its unique big data x natural language processing technology and problem-solving capabilities to solve business issues through customization of the text analysis AI “Itas”.
-Reference article-What Insight Tech can do to turn VoC data including consumer voices into value
■Comment from Tatsuya Okamoto, Ajinomoto Co., Ltd. (Executive Officer, Managing Director, Food Business Headquarters, Deputy Business Headquarters Manager, and Marketing Design Center Manager)
We have previously measured the results of branding through other annual research, but through our work with Insight Tech, we have been able to assess the degree of penetration of the value of our contributions to consumers and eliminate bias based on spontaneous utterances by consumers. It is now possible to visualize and quantify data more quickly and in a short period of time. We believe that by feeding back the suggestions and insights obtained from this to the communication and sales promotion strategies of each brand, we can lead to effective measures.
In order to realize our vision of “creating a world where voices are heard,” Insight Tech aims to highlight issues hidden in the voices of consumers through the customization of “Purpose Visualization AI” and text analysis AI “Itas,” and strengthen business. We will continue to contribute to the realization of a prosperous society.
More details about this release: