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Home » Review Co., Ltd. Research Report What kind of reviews on pet insurance do you refer to? 1st place was “com pensation content”!

Review Co., Ltd. Research Report What kind of reviews on pet insurance do you refer to? 1st place was “com pensation content”!

Review Co., Ltd.
[Research Report] What kind of reviews on pet insurance do you refer to? 1st place was “compensation content”!
“Sablog” (, an information media useful for daily life operated by Review Co., Ltd.
(, is a We conducted a survey targeting people aged 10 and older on the question of “What kind of reviews about pet insurance do you refer to?”
We will publish the results.
Survey overview
Survey target: Men and women in their teens and older
Survey date: March 2024
Research institution: In-house research
Survey method: Voluntary response via the internet
Number of people surveyed: 100 (72 women, 28 men)
Research report: *When quoting the results of this survey, please use the “Sablog” URL (
Survey results summary
When we conducted a survey to find out what pet insurance reviews are most helpful, the number one answer was “coverage”.
We will also introduce other items in ranking format.
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The first place was “compensation content”.
The second and subsequent rankings were “cheapness and rate of increase in insurance premiums,” and “coverage,” followed by “speed of response,” which came in fifth place.
1st place: Compensation details
・You want to choose insurance that suits your pet’s health condition and risks. Even if it’s cheap and the coverage is good, if the scope of coverage is narrow, I don’t think there’s any point in getting insurance in the first place. (Male in his 40s)
・In addition to the amount, the more generous the compensation, the better, so I think you should check the compensation. It would be helpful to have reviews from people who have actually been there. (Female in her 40s)
・As they are pets, I thought that if you keep them for a long time, they might get sick, so I focused on that. I had insurance that I couldn’t take out if I was sick, and insurance that told me to cancel if I got sick. (Female in her 30s)
The first place was “compensation content”.
Some respondents expressed the opinion that they would like to refer to reviews to find out what kind of illnesses they can treat and when they can actually use it.
2nd place: Cheapness and rise in insurance premiums
・This is a fixed cost that you pay monthly, so figure out how much it will cost. The contents are of course important, but most of the time I don’t use insurance. (Female in her 20s)
・I think the most important thing is to be able to continue paying for the long term, so I looked for insurance with an eye to whether the amount I could continue to pay was something I could continue to pay. (Female in her 30s)
・I think the warranty details are roughly the same, so I think the cheaper one is better. Insurance premiums that are easy to maintain are good. (Male in his 30s)
2nd place was “low insurance premiums and how they rise.”
Many people say that the lower the premium, the less burden there is and the easier it is to continue with insurance.
3rd place: Compensation target
・It costs a lot of money to receive treatment at a hospital, so it would be helpful to read word-of-mouth about what kind of treatment is covered, and what kinds of cases are not covered. . (Male in his 40s) ・Even if it appears that the insurance coverage and coverage are comprehensive, there is a note written in small print that states that the item is not covered, and it is not until you actually take the child to the hospital that you find out that it is not covered. When I realized this, I realized that I shouldn’t have taken out this insurance. (Female in her 20s)
・Most pet insurance policies cover dogs and cats, so I’m really curious if insurance for rabbits, ferrets, etc. will cover things like tests and medication. (Female in her 40s)
4th place: Ease of use after joining
・Unlike other insurances, I think it is quite difficult to understand how to use pet insurance. I look at reviews of ease of use rather than insurance premiums to see if I can use the warranty just by showing my insurance card like a human being when I go to the hospital. (Female in her 30s)
・We have a lot of animals that cannot be enrolled because of the pets we keep, so I think that is the most important aspect and that it is even easier to use. (Male in his 30s)
・When you actually use the insurance, you will feel bad if something goes wrong during the procedure or before the insurance premium is paid. (Female in her 30s)
5th place: Speed ​​of response
・Being able to talk about the speed of insurance response is something only people who have actually used insurance can do, so it is helpful. Pet medical care is said to be expensive, and I’m curious about how many days it will take to receive the money after submitting the documents. (Female in her 40s)
・Since there are many things that you are not used to or have questions about, you will want to be able to respond quickly. We believe that a quick response will allow you to use our services with peace of mind. (Female in her 20s)
・You can get information about compensation details by researching or asking directly, but reviews from people who have actually experienced it are the most reliable when it comes to speed of response. (Female in her 40s)
5th place is “speed of response”.
Pet medical expenses are expensive, so it’s best to get insurance coverage as soon as possible.
When we surveyed 100 people, 49.0% of them answered “compensation details.” In addition, many respondents stated that they were concerned about what the insurance would cover and how much compensation would be provided.
Since pet insurance is different from human insurance, many people are concerned about the coverage.
Why not use this as a reference when choosing pet insurance? ■About Review Co., Ltd.
Our company operates the information site “Sablogg
(” that is useful for daily life. We also manage YouTube channels, own media, and personal gyms. ■Company overview
Company name: Review Co., Ltd.
Address: GS Sakae Building 3F, 5-26-39 Sakae, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture Representative: Representative Director Satoru Toda
Established: January 5, 2022
Capital: 1 million yen
Business content: Management of web media
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