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Home » PLUS IMPACT officially launches “PLUS TALENT,” a talent matching/EOR (employment agency) platform specializi ng in developing country human resources.

PLUS IMPACT officially launches “PLUS TALENT,” a talent matching/EOR (employment agency) platform specializi ng in developing country human resources.

PLUS IMPACT officially launches “PLUS TALENT,” a talent matching/EOR (employment agency) platform specializing in developing country human resources.

*View in browser* *PLUS IMPACT Pte. Ltd.*
Press release: May 10, 2024
PLUS IMPACT officially launches “PLUS TALENT,” a talent matching/EOR (employment agency) platform specializing in developing country human resources.
*Overcoming the coup in Myanmar and restarting the company – changing company name and raising funds for further growth*
Launch party on May 8, 2024
PLUS IMPACT Pte. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as PLUS
IMPACT Inc.) is a talent matching/EOR (employment agency) platform specializing in fully remote human resources in developing countries, PLUS TALENT ( is now available.

Business abandoned due to coup in Myanmar
IMPACT used to operate the food delivery service “Hi-So” in Myanmar, but the business was closed indefinitely due to the coup in February 2021. However, after the coup d’état, many talented young people in Myanmar lost the opportunity to study and work, and as we witnessed the situation where talent was being buried, we changed our company name from Hi-So to PLUS.
By changing to IMPACT and providing PLUS TALENT, etc., we have decided to work to rectify various opportunity disparities in developing countries including Myanmar.

TALENT is a talent matching/EOR (employment agency) platform that connects companies in developed countries, including Japan, with talented human resources in developing countries. We provide matching opportunities with people who can work remotely, mainly IT engineers, but also web designers, inside sales, etc., and support companies in utilizing global human resources by handling employment contracts, salary payments, etc.
*Main features of PLUS TALENT*
* High cost performance: *
By utilizing human resources from developing countries, costs can be reduced compared to hiring human resources domestically. Specifically, IT engineers and web designers can be hired on a full-time basis from 120,000 yen per month, while inside sales and administrative positions can be hired on a full-time basis from 50,000 yen per month. *The above amount is the total amount paid including personnel salaries and our company’s fees.

* Securing excellent human resources:*
By utilizing our unique human resources database specialized in developing countries, we are able to hire companies in Myanmar and other developing countries in as little as three days in accordance with their needs. In particular, we already have data on more than 5,000 job seekers for engineering talent.

*One-stop service by Japanese:*
Our Japanese local staff will provide one-stop support from matching to employment contracts, salary payments, and attendance management. Even after you start working, you will communicate on-site on a daily basis, so even those who are worried about management can use this service with peace of mind.

* Productive workspace:*
Developing countries such as Myanmar do not have stable electricity and internet environments, making it extremely difficult to manage remote workers in a work-from-home environment. Therefore, in order to achieve stable business performance even in a remote work environment, we also provide a comfortable office space that can be used by the engineers we hire on our behalf.
*A separate monthly fee will be charged for the use of office space.

PLUS TALENT website (

Additional funding raised
In order to launch the new “PLUS TALENT”, we have raised additional funds from multiple angel investors living in Singapore and Japan.

* [* Investor comments* ]*
* Angel Entrepreneur Yoshihiko Kato *
I met Mr. Takada in 2018 when I attended a local lecture by the Yangon Overseas Association. The food delivery business, which we came up with after searching for a business opportunity together, was hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic just as we were trying to raise funds. We managed to complete the procurement and are now in full operation! A coup d’état suddenly occurred, and the suspension was suspended indefinitely. We have now changed our business format to EOR in an unyielding state, and first of all, we will continue to confront the inequality of opportunities in Myanmar and provide jobs to young people that make use of their individual potential. I continued to serve as a director and personally led follow-up investments as I worked toward a comeback. stay tuned.
*Yutaka Shinohara, Representative Director and CEO of EverConnect Co., Ltd.*