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Home » Web Mori Co., Ltd. Tottori Prefecture new project! “Trilogy” official logo design recruitment started

Web Mori Co., Ltd. Tottori Prefecture new project! “Trilogy” official logo design recruitment started

Web Mori Co., Ltd.
Tottori Prefecture new project! “Trilogy” official logo design recruitment started
[Prize 100,000 yen] Anyone can participate as many times as they like! ……
Tottori Prefecture will be inviting applications nationwide for the official logo of the new project “Trilogy”, which aims to solve the 2024 logistics problem.
No matter where you live or your age! The winner of the logo will receive a prize of 100,000 yen, so we look forward to seeing your creations.
Tottori Prefecture will be soliciting the official logo for the new project “Trilogy,” which aims to solve 2024 logistics problems.
[Image:×1754.jpg] Website:
Tottori Prefecture, together with related organizations, declared the “Trilogy” (sending/receiving/passing) promotion campaign on December 19, 2020.
“Trilogy” = A project to promote logistics in Tottori Prefecture This initiative is aimed at solving the 2024 logistics problem (limitations on transportation distance, rising logistics costs, etc.) in logistics (systems that ensure efficient production and smooth distribution of goods) within Tottori Prefecture.
To solve this problem, we need to consider logistics and logistics, which support our lives and industries, as something familiar to us. Therefore, we have decided to publicly solicit the official Tottori Prefecture logo to be used in future activities related to “Trilogy.” The adopted logo will be used for a wide range of purposes including Tottori Prefecture goods, posters, pamphlets, and web pages. Application Requirements
・Employees: 1 person ・Prize: 100,000 yen (If you are under 18 years old, you will receive a book card worth the prize money) ・Eligibility to apply: No restrictions (anyone can participate) ・Application deadline: June 2024 28th day
・Recruitment announcement: Scheduled for July 2024
The adopted logo will be used in various situations such as Tottori Prefecture’s public relations materials and events. Please send us your creative designs.
Apply here We look forward to receiving your applications.
Contact information
Tottori Prefecture, Commerce, Industry and Labor Department, Trade and Logistics Division, “Trilogy” Logo Design Recruitment 1-220
Higashimachi, Tottori City, 680-8570 (email)☎0857-26-7661

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