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Home » Custamedia Co., Ltd. Webinar May 15th (Wednesday) Genie Co., Ltd. and Castamedia co-sponsored webinar “A t horough explanation of the matching service business from its launch to growth! A new business model that connects needs and teeth?”

Custamedia Co., Ltd. Webinar May 15th (Wednesday) Genie Co., Ltd. and Castamedia co-sponsored webinar “A t horough explanation of the matching service business from its launch to growth! A new business model that connects needs and teeth?”

Custom Media Co., Ltd.
[Webinar] May 15th (Wednesday) Genie Co., Ltd. and Castamedia co-sponsored a webinar “A thorough explanation of the matching service business from its launch to growth! What is the new business model that connects needs?”
Castamedia Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Representative Director: Koji Miyazaki) and Genie Co., Ltd.
(Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Representative Director and President: Tomoaki Kudo) will be co-hosting a webinar.
[Image 1:×540.jpg] Nowadays, we live in a society overloaded with information. Under such circumstances, demand for matching services that “connect needs with needs” is increasing. You may have visited the following sites when looking for some kind of information.
[BtoC]・Job change/side job site・Marriage counseling site・Real estate estimation site・Bulk appraisal/Used goods purchase site…etc
[BtoB]・Site where you can download multiple service materials at once・Site where you can get competitive estimates・Approval Sites where you can purchase appointments with people, etc.
So, what are the steps to launch such a matching service?
This time, we will explain in detail everything from how to start a business to strategies for growing it, together with the site construction professionals, Castamedia!
Recommended for these people
・People who are collecting information to start a new business ・Those who want to start a new matching service
・Those who have difficulty acquiring new customers
・Those who are worried about differentiating their services from those of other companies
・People looking for new marketing methods
Webinar title
A thorough explanation of everything from the launch to growth of a matching service business! What is the new business model that connects needs?
Webinar details
Date and time: May 15, 2024 (Thursday) 13:00-14:00
Participation fee: Free
Format: Conducted online
Capacity: 50 people
*The URL will be provided to the applicant.
Details and application
For more information and to apply, please visit the website below.
– We ask that people from the same industry or individuals refrain from participating.
Hiroyuki Nakatani Executive Officer and CSO, Castamedia Biz.Dev Co., Ltd.
[Image 2:×200.jpg] After gaining experience in the rental server business, web consulting for major companies, marketing and web system construction solutions business, he joined Castamedia Co., Ltd. In addition to supporting platform operators through sharing economy and matching site construction, as general manager of the sales and marketing
department, he is promoting collaboration with external partners and developing new functions in building matching sites, which are in high demand during the coronavirus pandemic. Responsible for building internal and external systems, including planning.
Kaido Iida Genie Co., Ltd.
Executive Officer CMO
[Image 3:×200.png ]
In 2024, became Executive Officer and CMO of Genie Co., Ltd. I have been involved in marketing for 10 years. At a digital marketing consulting company, he has served as executive officer, COO, chief customer success officer, media officer, etc. We have participated in marketing support for over 80 companies in total and are striving to solve all business issues related to marketing.
About Castamedia Co., Ltd.
[Image 4:×112.png ]
With business bases in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kobe, we were the first in the world to develop CUSTOMEDIA, a membership service construction engine that can be flexibly customized to meet a wide variety of construction needs since the rise of SNS.
We provide various types of web marketing and offline customer attraction for customers who are considering starting a new business or starting a new business. We provide PR support such as press releases and media coverage, monetization consultation, legal consultation, and financial support for subsidies/grants and crowdfunding.
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