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Home » Know Before KnowBe4 and Toyo Technica co-host online seminar “Learning from Examples: Social Engineering Cou ntermeasures Forum”

Know Before KnowBe4 and Toyo Technica co-host online seminar “Learning from Examples: Social Engineering Cou ntermeasures Forum”

Know Before
KnowBe4 and Toyo Technica co-host online seminar “Learning from Examples: Social Engineering Countermeasures Forum”
Strengthen partner marketing activities in the Japanese market ……
Tokyo (May 10, 2024) – KnowBe4 (Headquarters: Tampa Bay, Florida, USA; Founder and CEO: Stu Sjouwerman), a leader in the global security awareness training market, has announced its To strengthen our partner marketing strategy, we will be co-hosting an online seminar “Learn from Examples: Social Engineering Countermeasures Forum” on Wednesday, May 15th with Toyo Technica Co., Ltd., a premier partner of KnowBe4.
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The reason behind this joint seminar is that there are concerns that “social engineering”, a cyber attack technique that exploits “human psychology” and manipulates people to their will, is becoming more sophisticated due to generative AI and deep fake technology. Social engineering is a theme that KnowBe4 has been pursuing for over 13 years since its founding. This seminar will focus on social
engineering and its countermeasures, with Hideko Igarashi, a former United Nations cybersecurity administrator who has long studied the late Kevin Mitnick, known as the legendary hacker and chief hacking officer of KnowBe4. In addition to welcoming as the keynote speaker, Tsutomu Hirose from KnowBe4 Japan, who has been appointed as a new KnowBe4 evangelist, will give a lecture on the growing threat of social engineering, with the theme “The dangers of social engineering attacks and what are the countermeasures?” . In addition, we will deliver practical information on social engineering countermeasures through user lectures from two companies, Nissin Foods Holdings Co., Ltd. and Japan Marine United Co., Ltd., as examples of the use of “KnowBe4.”
Since the beginning of the year, KnowBe4 has further strengthened its partner-led marketing activities around the world. This joint seminar with Toyo Technica is one such initiative.
Tony Jennings, Senior Vice President who oversees KnowBe4’s
international sales division including Japan, commented on this joint seminar with Toyo Technica as follows:
“KnowBe4 is strongly promoting marketing activities led by partners. We would like to express our sincere gratitude that this joint seminar with Toyo Technica will be held with the theme of social engineering as part of this. Data The majority of breaches begin with a social engineering attack. 74% of data breaches involve a human factor. Social engineering focuses on the human factor, even though it is the biggest threat to organizations. Social engineering is a theme that KnowBe4 has been pursuing for over 13 years since its founding. They focused on engineering. Also, as the first sales agent in Japan, Toyo Technica has been leading KnowBe4’s partner business in Japan. cannot speak about KnowBe4’s security awareness training business in Japan.Once again, we would like to express our deep gratitude for the collaboration with Toyo Technica, and at the same time, we would like to express our deep gratitude to Toyo Technica for hosting a seminar focusing on social engineering, which has been the theme of KnowBe4 since its founding. Thank you very much for your support.”
-Overview of the online seminar “Learning from Examples: Social Engineering Countermeasures Forum” hosted by Toyo Technica/KnowBe4- Date and time: Wednesday, May 15, 2024 13:15-15:35
Holding method: Using Zoom Webinar
Capacity: 300 people (first come first served)
Tuition fee: Free
Seminar details page: Seminar application page: -About KnowBe4 -KnowBe4 is the world’s largest integrated platform that combines security awareness training with phishing simulation and analysis, with a focus on building and configuring security culture and human defense layers. provider. KnowBe4 was founded in August 2010 in Tampa Bay, Florida, USA by IT/data security expert Stu Sjouwerman, and focuses on the “human element of security: overcoming human error.” By increasing each employee’s awareness of security, such as ransomware, CEO attacks/frauds, business email compromise (BEC), and other increasingly sophisticated social engineering techniques, individuals, organizations, and We help protect groups. As of September 2023, more than 65,000 companies and organizations have adopted KnowBe4 to build a “human” defense wall as the last line of defense. If you would like to learn more about KnowBe4, please visit
KnowBe4’s cloud-based integrated platform, the world’s largest, combining security awareness training with phishing simulation and analysis, includes the latest mock phishing/landing page practice templates (over 25,000) to address the ever-increasing number of phishing attacks. We provide a variety of training content (380 types of interactive training modules, 548 types of video training modules, 1531 types of security education/training content) to counter hacker techniques that are becoming more sophisticated every day (in-house research, 2024) (as of the end of March).

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