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Home » Owners Co., Ltd. Free to participate Why do “seller” owners become information weak? What is the essential know-how to avoid losing money when selling your business? ?

Owners Co., Ltd. Free to participate Why do “seller” owners become information weak? What is the essential know-how to avoid losing money when selling your business? ?

[Owners Co., Ltd.] [Free to participate] Why do “seller” owners become information weak? What is the essential know-how to avoid losing money when selling your business? ?

*View in browser* *Owners Co., Ltd.*
Press release: May 10, 2024
[Free to participate] Why do “seller” owners become information weak? What is the essential know-how to avoid losing money when selling your business? ?
*~On May 21st (Tuesday), a seminar will be held by owners who provide exclusive M&A agent services~*
Owners Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative Director: Sakuta
Ryukichi (hereinafter referred to as “Owners”) will discuss the theme of “Why do owners of “sellers” become information-poor?” along with trends in business succession and the latest information on the M&A industry in 2024.
An online seminar on essential know-how to avoid losses when selling a business will be held on May 21st (Tuesday) from 10:00 to 11:00. M&A is a once-in-a-lifetime event for business owners. However, most business owners have never experienced M&A and are unfamiliar with it. On the other hand, buyers have experience in acquisitions and have negotiation know-how, so sellers are often at a disadvantage in the market as they are “informed.”

Even if you seek advice from experts, typical intermediary services are often “neutral” and do not have the ability to protect sellers’ interests. As a result, there are many cases where business owners end up making decisions based on what the intermediary service tells them to do, and end up taking on excessive risks.

Therefore, Owners will start a free online seminar on know-how to avoid losses when selling a business, industry trends, etc., especially for business owners who are looking to collect information.

* ■Recommended for these people*
・Business owners considering business succession for the first time ・Those who want to know how to compare and consider
・Those who want to do M&A under better conditions
・Those who want to know the difference between M&A services and FA ・For those who want to know specific M&A cases of RISONAL

* ■Seminar overview*
Don’t leave the sale of your business to a brokerage firm.
~We will teach you the essential know-how to avoid failure when selling your business~

* Lecture content: *
・About business succession trends
・2024 M&A industry latest information
・Challenges in M&A services for small and medium-sized enterprises ・What you need to do to avoid losing money when selling your business -Things to do before and during the sale process
-To ensure better conditions
・M&A cases
– Business succession M&A
– Utilization of company split
-Transfer of asset management company

* Speakers:*
Owners Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President Certified Public Accountant
Ryukichi Sakuta

* schedule:*
Tuesday, May 21, 2024 10:00~11:00

*Seminar format:*

* venue:*
Online event (LIVE distribution)

* Entry fee:*

*How to apply:*
Please apply using the form on this page.
*Application deadline: May 20th (Monday) 23:59

*LIVE will be broadcast using ZOOM.
The viewing URL and connection method are listed in the “Thank you for applying for the online seminar and information on the day” that you will receive after applying for the seminar.
Please keep it in a safe place until the day of the seminar.

* ◼️About “RISONAL M&A”*
RISONAL’s M&A service provided by Owners is an exclusive M&A agent (FA) service for small and medium-sized businesses that specializes in protecting and maximizing the profits of seller-owners. M&A brokerage, which matches buyers and sellers from a neutral standpoint, is the mainstream for small and medium-sized businesses, but Owners provides FA (financial advisory) services that specialize in the pursuit of profit for customers through exclusive contracts with sellers. In addition to proposing buyer candidates that are highly compatible with your business based on industry and buyer company analysis, we also collaborate with major financial institutions, major M&A intermediaries, and matching services to search for buyers.
In addition, we help our clients realize their ideal M&A by providing support to increase corporate value before the transaction.

* ◼️Introduction of speakers*
*Owners Co., Ltd. Representative Director and President Certified Public Accountant*
* Ryukichi Sakuta *
In 2005, while a student at Keio University’s Faculty of Economics, he passed the second exam for certified public accountants. Currently joined EY Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC. Mainly engaged in audit work for listed and unlisted companies. In 2011, joined the current Deloitte Tohmatsu Financial Advisory LLC. Deloitte in 2013
After working in the New York office, he has been working in the Deloitte London office since 2015. Advisory Corporate Finance As a team director, he supported many European M&A projects for Japanese companies. Since 2019, he has been in charge of the startup finance advisory business at the Tokyo office. Founded Owners Co., Ltd. in 2021. Certified public accountant.
* ◼️About the owners*
Owners provides “RISONAL M&A,” a next-generation professional M&A service specializing in pursuing customers’ ideals, and “RISONAL WEALTH,” which supports subsequent asset management. We will expand the high-quality services that were previously only provided to large companies and their owners to small and medium-sized businesses. RISONAL’s exclusive M&A agent (FA) service is a service that specializes in protecting and maximizing the interests of
seller-owners. This is not an M&A brokerage service.
In order to make the sale of your business, a major life event, something you will not regret, our professional team, which includes certified public accountants and people with investment banking backgrounds, will pursue your ideals.

-Company Profile-
Company name: Owners Co., Ltd.
Representative: Representative Director and President, Certified Public Accountant Ryukichi Sakuta
Location: 16th floor, Roppongi Hills North Tower, 6-2-31 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Business content: Exclusive M&A agent service, asset management support service (including financial products intermediary business) URL:
*About details about this release*

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