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Home » Fujieda City Hall “Shizudai Bean Croquette Set Meal” will be sold exclusively at Kitchen Setoya!

Fujieda City Hall “Shizudai Bean Croquette Set Meal” will be sold exclusively at Kitchen Setoya!

Fujieda City Hall
“Shizudai Bean Croquette Set Meal” will be sold exclusively at Kitchen Setoya! ~ Utilizing soybeans produced at Shizuoka University Faculty of Agriculture ~ ……
Shizuoka University Bean Croquette Set Meal (tentative name) made with soybeans produced through the research activities of Shizuoka University’s Faculty of Agriculture, Fujieda Field, at the restaurant “Kitchen Setoya” located in the Fujinose Hall, a base facility in the Setoya district of Fujieda City. ‘ will be on sale for a limited time. Prior to the release, the prototype menu will be sampled by faculty and students from Shizuoka University’s Faculty of Agriculture, and final adjustments will be made based on their impressions and opinions before the official launch.
Features/Sales points etc.
・In response to an offer from Shizuoka University’s Faculty of Agriculture that said, “We would like to use agricultural products produced as research results for regional development,” we decided to use local agricultural products as a place to provide “food” in hilly and mountainous areas on a daily basis. This collaboration was made possible by Kitchen Setoya, which is consciously working to promote the appeal of the region.
・A second menu that utilizes soybeans newly produced this year will be released in the future.
Reference information
・Research at Fujieda Field, Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University Soybean varieties: Fukuyutaka, Enrei
By collaborating with compost manufacturers and investigating changes in the types of microorganisms in the ground depending on the type of compost.
We are researching soil improvement methods that can increase yields. Through efforts in 2021, we were able to find a type of compost that would lead to increased yields. Through future research, we aim to clarify the relationship between compost and microorganisms. Content
[Tasting event]
Date and time: May 15th (Wednesday) 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Venue: Kitchen Setoya (876 Hongo, Fujieda City, Fujinose Kaikan) Participants: Faculty and students of Shizuoka University Faculty of Agriculture (17 people in total)
Contents: Tasting the prototype menu, exchanging opinions, deciding on the official name of the set meal
[General sales]
Scheduled to start selling in late May (sales will end when soybeans run out) Inquiries etc.
Hilly and Mountainous Region Revitalization Promotion Division (TEL. 054-639-0120)
Kitchen Setoya (TEL. 054-397-5027)
More details about this release: