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Home » CancerX General Incorporated Association CancerX “Let’s learn about the HPV vaccine” online event will be held on May 26th

CancerX General Incorporated Association CancerX “Let’s learn about the HPV vaccine” online event will be held on May 26th

[CancerX General Incorporated Association] CancerX “Let’s learn about the HPV vaccine” online event will be held on May 26th

*View in browser* *General Incorporated Association CancerX*
Press release: May 10, 2024
CancerX “Let’s learn about the HPV vaccine” online event will be held on May 26th
The Cancer
Start here – Learn about the HPV vaccine with Minpapi! “It will be held. Cervical cancer is a serious disease that affects approximately 11,000 people and causes approximately 2,900 deaths annually in Japan. Cervical cancer is a preventable cancer, and HPV vaccination is important. Currently, in Japan, routine HPV vaccination is being administered to girls from the 6th grade of elementary school to the 1st grade of high school, but the 3-dose vaccination rate is only 1.9%*, meaning that sufficient vaccination is not being carried out. *From the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s “Number of people receiving regular vaccinations”
One of the reasons for the low uptake rate is the parental
generation’s illiteracy about the HPV vaccine and feelings of anxiety due to information in the media. This time, CancerX will hold an online event where you can learn from the instructor and deepen your understanding of cervical cancer and the HPV vaccine.
〇Event overview
Date and time: Sunday, May 26, 2024 21:00-22:00
Venue: Distribution on online platform
Sponsor: CancerX General Incorporated Association

Lecturer: Kanako Inaba Minpapi! Representative Director
Speaker: Shuichi Nawata CancerX/Department of Pharmacy, Showa University Yokohama Northern Hospital/Father of a junior high school daughter
Erina Hanzawa CancerX co-founder/producer/mother of one
Moderator: Takako Murai CancerX/Junshin Gakuen University School of Health and Medical Sciences, Department of Nursing/Mother of one child

○Participation fee 500 yen

〇About CancerX General Incorporated Association
Through collaboration between industry, academia, the government, and medical professionals, we will continue our activities with the aim of achieving comprehensive solutions to social issues related to cancer and realizing a society where people do not get upset even if they are told they have cancer. I’ll come.

〇Contact information regarding this press release
CancerX General Incorporated Association Public Relations: Moriuchi
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