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Home » Earth Care Co., Ltd. Which cleansing product would you choose, depacos or affordable? Introducing recommended products for “Mother’s Day”

Earth Care Co., Ltd. Which cleansing product would you choose, depacos or affordable? Introducing recommended products for “Mother’s Day”

[Earth Care Co., Ltd.] Which cleansing product would you choose, depacos or affordable? Introducing recommended products for “Mother’s Day”

*View in browser* *Earth Care Co., Ltd.*
Press release: May 11, 2024
Which cleansing option would you choose, depacos or affordable? Introducing recommended products for “Mother’s Day”
*Earth Care Co., Ltd. conducted a survey on “cleansing” among 100 women between the ages of 30 and 50. *
As a result of the survey, we found that 10.8% of people use depacos* and 65.7% of people use affordable cleansing services*.
We will introduce recommended items for cleansing at depacos and affordable prices.

First of all, I would like to introduce the 1st to 3rd place for *Depakosu*. 1st place: Cosme Decorte AQ Miliority Repair Cleansing Cream
2nd place: Clé de Peau Beauté Crème de Machiant

3rd place: Kanebo Mellow Off Veil
All the cosmetics at Depacos are quite expensive, making it difficult to purchase them yourself. That’s why it’s highly likely that she’ll be happy if you give her a gift on Mother’s Day.

Next, we will introduce the 1st to 3rd best cleansing products for affordable prices.
1st place: Curel Moisturizing Emulsion Care Makeup Remover

2nd place: Cow brand additive-free makeup remover milk

3rd place: Ihada Medicated Moisturizing Milk Facial Cleanser Affordable cleansing products are in an affordable price range. If you feel embarrassed about giving an exciting gift, a small-price cleansing may be a good idea.

The reasons why the above cleansing is recommended are explained in the article below.
We also introduce cleansing rankings from various angles, so please take a look. View article [Survey overview]
Survey target: 100 women aged 30 to 50
Survey date: Saturday, March 23, 2024
Survey conducted by: Earth Care Co., Ltd. (in-house survey)
Survey method: Internet survey
The contents of this press release are published on our company’s website “Suhada Skin Care”.
view the details

*When quoting the contents of this press release, please comply with the following.
・Statement that the survey was conducted by Earthcare Co., Ltd. ・Link to Earth Care Co., Ltd. (⇊)
Earth Care Co., Ltd.
Address: 2-21-5 Kamishinden, Toyonaka City, Osaka 560-0085
Established: February 2000
Representative: Representative Director and President Tatsuya Inoue Capital: 10 million yen
Business details: Planning, development, manufacturing and sales of cosmetics and health foods, internet mail order sales
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