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Home » Senba Bussan Co., Ltd. YES Online School Eiken (R) CSE score 2500/2300/2100 acquisition course Newly established

Senba Bussan Co., Ltd. YES Online School Eiken (R) CSE score 2500/2300/2100 acquisition course Newly established

Senba Bussan Co., Ltd.
YES Online School [Eiken (R) CSE score 2500/2300/2100 acquisition course] Newly established
~A new proposal unique to an English school that “acquires CSE scores strategically, not by chance”~
The private tutoring school YES and YES Online School
(, operated by Senba Bussan Co., Ltd.
(Headquarters: Higashiosaka City, Osaka Prefecture, Representative Director Shuhei Yasuda), will be offering EIKEN CSE scores in May 2024. We would like to inform you that we have newly established a course to obtain Eiken CSE scores of 2500/2300/2100, with the aim of giving priority to obtaining high scores as early as possible and using them advantageously for university entrance exams and job hunting. Masu.
[Image:×1086.jpg] What is Eiken CSE score?
It is a universal score scale CSE (Common Scale for English) expressed in each grade of Eiken, and is an index that can objectively evaluate English proficiency. (Eiken 1st grade perfect score 3400, Pre-1st grade 3000, 2nd grade 2600, Pre-2nd grade 2400, 3rd grade 2200) Skill-specific abilities can also be determined using common indicators for all grades, making it an excellent indicator for measuring ability without being influenced by the exam grade or the difficulty of the exam questions.
The number of people who need the Eiken test is increasing: The latest status of the Eiken S-CBT test
The first S-CBT test of the Eiken renewal will be held from May 11, 2024. As of May 12, 2024, although there have been changes to the content, there are some venues, classes, and dates that are already full for July, which is two months from the date of test application. There are even some people who choose to take the exam.
[Background of the establishment of the new Eiken CSE score improvement course] As mentioned above, the Eiken test is popular, but in recent years it has been attracting attention, as it is possible to use only the score regardless of whether you pass or fail the grade, such as applying to universities and companies and scoring foreign language tests for independent entrance exams. So, this opportunity is rapidly
Currently, I think there are many people who say, “I intended to pass but ended up failing, but luckily I was able to use my score.” However, from now on, in the limited time until the actual entrance exam, we will not be concerned about passing the exam, but will adopt a study method that prioritizes improving the score, and will first achieve the original goal of entering the school or joining the company, and passing the exam. After that, the number of people may increase.
In order to meet the needs of the most suitable course specialized for such people, YES has decided to establish a new course.
[Recent university entrance exam reforms and examples of using scores] As an example of “using scores” mentioned above, taking the 2025 entrance exam, Waseda-Keio, a highly prestigious private university, has announced the use of CSE scores, which is attracting attention. (Please check the guidelines for details on the entrance exam content for each university)
The required score differs depending on each university, department, etc., but since many students require a score of 2500 or higher for their first-choice school, YES has set a score of 2500 or higher as the first goal for the course.
In addition, even if you cannot reach 2500 due to time constraints, there are some universities where you can effectively use the 2300/2100 level, so we will organize a curriculum with 3 courses set in advance to accommodate each individual.
[CSE score improvement course overview]
If you just want to get a high score on the CSE, you may be able to achieve it sooner than passing the exam.
We aim to quickly obtain an overall high score by carefully analyzing the textbooks, using them, and providing complete one-on-one lessons in accordance with the curriculum that thoroughly improves the score based on a precise analysis of the individual’s areas of strength. . We are able to create a curriculum that is individually optimized for each student, specializing in purposes that are rare at the moment, thanks to our school’s accumulated know-how accumulated over many years of one-on-one English instruction and lessons. This is our strength.
Although it will be a completely different approach from just one level, we are confident that we will be able to develop a diverse and innovative approach to improving English skills that is not uniform. We also support scheduling that increases opportunities and
accelerates score improvement by combining not only conventional exams but also S-CBT exams.
[Message from YES]
We will help you achieve your goals with the skills and curriculum unique to a school specializing in English qualification exams, including Eiken. It is predicted that the number of exams that are primarily based on CSE scores will become more and more popular, so I will continue to dedicate myself to the class, hoping that many people will take advantage of this course and help them realize their dreams. Masu.
YES Online School will continue to keep up with the times, understand various needs, and repeatedly create and improve curriculum and courses that will benefit our students.
[How to apply, free trial, and contact us]
Phone: 06-6777-5000 or
Official homepage
We accept applications at
[Related press release]
【Related Sites】
Private tutoring school YES Online School official website Official X (old Twitter)
【Company Profile】
Company name: Senba Bussan Co., Ltd.
Head office location: 2-8-1-2F Shimokosaka, Higashiosaka City, Osaka Prefecture Representative: Representative Director Shuhei Yasuda
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