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Home » Earth Care Co., Ltd. There is a 20-30% difference in the usage rate of lotion between men and women! Thorough research on lotions that you want to repeat

Earth Care Co., Ltd. There is a 20-30% difference in the usage rate of lotion between men and women! Thorough research on lotions that you want to repeat

[Earth Care Co., Ltd.] There is a 20-30% difference in the usage rate of lotion between men and women! Thorough research on lotions that you want to repeat

*View in browser* *Earth Care Co., Ltd.*
Press release: May 12, 2024
There is a 20-30% difference in the usage rate of lotion between men and women! Thorough research on lotions that you want to repeat *Earth Care Co., Ltd. conducted a survey on “lotion” to 400 men and women between the ages of 18 and 35. *
Beautiful skin gives a clean feeling and is popular among both men and women. Skin care is essential for beautiful skin.

Earth Care asked 400 men and women between the ages of 18 and 35 about lotions. * ★Do you use lotion? *
* Females aged 18-24: “Yes” 85.0%, “No” 15.0%*
*Male aged 18-24: 52.5% “Yes”, 47.5% “No”*
*Women aged 25-35: “Yes” 80.8%, “No” 19.2%*
*Male aged 25-35: 56.7% “Yes”, 43.3% “No”*
The survey results revealed that there is a large difference in the usage rate of lotion between men and women. We also found that the usage rate by age group for same-sex people is almost the same.

Furthermore, we asked the following questions to those who answered that they use lotion.
* ★What effect do you most expect from a lotion? *
* 1st place: Moisturizing effect *
* 2nd place: Acne care effect *
* 3rd place: Whitening effect *
The above rankings were calculated from the sum of the responses of men and women, but even when looked at by gender and age group, the highest percentage of people expected a “moisturizing effect.” * ★What lotion do you use repeatedly? *
* 1st place: MUJI (lotion) *
* 2nd place: Coix barley lotion *
* 3rd place: Melano CC*
The results revealed that many people are looking for lotions that are “easy to purchase” and “at an affordable price.”

However, rather than using popular products, we recommend using products that suit your skin type.

In order to have beautiful skin, it is necessary to perform “proper moisturization” that replenishes moisture and oil with skin care. The following article introduces the correct moisturizing method, recommended items, and precautions.
See details
Please feel free to use it as a reference.
[Survey overview]
Survey target: 400 men and women aged 18 to 35
Survey date: March 11, 2024 (Monday)
Survey conducted by: Earth Care Co., Ltd.
Survey method: Internet survey

The contents of this press release are published on our company’s website “Suhada Skin Care”.
See details *When quoting the contents of this press release, please comply with the following.
・Statement that the survey was conducted by Earthcare Co., Ltd. ・Link (⇊) established to Earth Care Co., Ltd.
Earth Care Co., Ltd.
Address: 2-21-5 Kamishinden, Toyonaka City, Osaka 560-0085
Established: February 2000
Representative: Representative Director and President Tatsuya Inoue Capital: 10 million yen
Business details: Planning, development, manufacturing and sales of cosmetics and health foods, internet mail order sales
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