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Home » Over 200 applications! Kennosuke Tanaka’s book publication commemorative event: The future opened up by career ownership

Over 200 applications! Kennosuke Tanaka’s book publication commemorative event: The future opened up by career ownership

Over 200 applications! Kennosuke Tanaka’s book publication
commemorative event: The future opened up by career ownership – Distribution begins –

Press release: May 13, 2024
Over 200 applications! Kennosuke Tanaka’s book publication
commemorative event: The future opened up by career ownership – Distribution begins –
*Explaining the contents of the new books “Evolving Career Ownership” Fujitsu Learning Media and “Practical Career Ownership” Chuokeizaisha through dialogue*
The PROTEAN Career Association (General Incorporated Association, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Representative Directors: Kennosuke Tanaka, Toru Ariyama, hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) aims to build better relationships between organizations and individuals, and to develop individuals’ independent careers. This is an organization that supports. “~PROTEAN Career Guru” held on Wednesday, April 17, 2024 We are pleased to announce that we have started distributing the archive of Kennosuke Tanaka’s book publication commemoration event – The future opened up by career ownership. *
* Representative Director of PROTEAN Career Association/Hosei University Professor Kennosuke Tanaka of the Faculty of Career Design has published the contents of his new books “Evolving Career Ownership” by Fujitsu Learning Media and “Practical Career Ownership” by Chuokeizaisha.
This is explained through a dialogue with Hiroto Harada. *
Click here for free/archive viewing application URL

* ◆Archive distribution overview *
* “~PROTEAN Career Guru” held on Wednesday, April 17, 2024
This will be an archive distribution of Kennosuke Tanaka’s book publication commemoration event – The future opened up by career ownership. *

* [Free/Archive viewing application URL] * *The viewing URL will be sent to the email address you entered when applying.

《Recommended for these people》
Persons in charge of human resources at companies (in the training and human resource development areas) and those considering in-department training.

* ・Opening (Miho Imai) *
What is Protean career theory and the key to proactive career development?

* ・Book overview (Kennosuke Tanaka) *
“Career Ownership in Practice:
Overview of “Evolving Career Ownership” and 20 Action Guidelines to Promote Sustainable Growth of Individuals and Organizations. Explains topics such as “Why career ownership now?” and “How to cultivate independence to grow individuals and organizations” while quoting the contents of the book.

* ・Conversation (Kennosuke Tanaka x Hiroto Harada) *
Creating the future of “work styles” in this country means things like what to do with your main job and side job, how to integrate work and life without separating them, and how to form a career within and outside the organization.
* ◆Book introduction *
*Career ownership in action: 20 behavioral guidelines that promote sustainable growth for individuals and organizations*
*Author: Kennosuke Tanaka Publisher: Chuokeizaisha*
Career ownership, which refers to a way of working and living in which each person independently develops their own career while feeling rewarding, is explained in an easy-to-understand manner while providing behavioral guidelines.
*Evolving career ownership*
*Author: Fujitsu Learning Media Supervisor: Kennosuke Tanaka* This book explains the relationship between the concept of “career ownership,” which is indispensable for future business people, and “human capital management,” which is important in today’s corporate management.
* ◆Speakers *
*Kennosuke Tanaka*
Professor, Faculty of Career Design, Hosei University / Representative Director, PROTEAN Career Association
After completing doctoral course at Hitotsubashi University Graduate School of Sociology, former visiting researcher at UC Berkeley and former visiting researcher at University of Melbourne.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Special Researcher SPD University of Tokyo/PhD: Sociology. He has worked on many
collaborative projects that connect universities and companies. Specializes in career theory and organizational theory. Served as an outside director and outside advisor for 35 companies. Individual investor. Author of 34 books. His major publications include “PROTEAN: The strongest career capital theory to continue working on the front lines until age 70” and “13 simple ways to solve career problems.”
There is a Career Workout. New books “Evolving Career Ownership” and “Practical Career Ownership” are on sale in March 2024.
* Hiroto Harada * Director of PROTEAN Career
Association/Representative of Office H&H
Worked at a general trading company for 42 years, the first half in the human resources department for 17 years (recruitment, training, transfer/labor affairs, personnel systems/evaluation,
retirement-related, temporary staffing, welfare benefits, overseas human resources (US personnel system, HR training, welfare benefits) Such),
In the latter half of my career, I was involved in media
business-related business planning and development, as well as company management (running 8 companies for 20 years, including the cable TV company J:COM, including 10 years as president of 4 companies). After obtaining the career consultant qualification, I have lectured at several companies’ career design seminars, given career interviews, and focused on revitalizing the middle to senior demographic. My life’s work in the future is to plan the mass production of dynamic seniors who will enjoy the 100-year lifespan.
Favorite sayings are “Energy is good for oneself and others, mutual prosperity” and “Create your own opportunities and use them to change yourself”
* ◆Moderator *
* Miho Imai *
PROTEAN Certified Facilitator
Nationally Qualified Career Consultant (JCDA). After two years of experience in labor management in the human resources department of an energy-related company, I moved to an event planning company at the age of 20. We will launch a new business department, put together a team of about 100 women, and plan events and develop products based on the concept of regional revitalization by women. She became
independent after getting married in her late 20s. Currently working as a freelancer, working in corporate PR and as a career consultant, working on career support activities and giving lectures and seminars. * ◆ Association Overview * Official name: PROTEAN CAREER ASSOCIATION Location: Shinjuku Washington Hotel Building Main Building 2F, 3-2-9 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Business overview: Career interactive organizational development support service/Career support service for individuals/Certification system management
Representative Director: Kennosuke Tanaka (Professor, Faculty of Career Design, Hosei University) / Toru Ariyama (Representative Director and CEO, 4designs Inc.)
Established date: March 2020
Association website:

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