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Home » Shingen Co., Ltd. Side job How much do you earn per month? The results of a survey of 200 people with side jobs regarding their “main way of working” and “what they think about side jobs” have been revealed!

Shingen Co., Ltd. Side job How much do you earn per month? The results of a survey of 200 people with side jobs regarding their “main way of working” and “what they think about side jobs” have been revealed!

[Shingen Co., Ltd.] [Side job] How much do you earn per month? The results of a survey of 200 people with side jobs regarding their “main way of working” and “what they think about side jobs” have been revealed!

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Press release: May 13, 2024
[Side job] How much do you earn per month? The results of a survey of 200 people with side jobs regarding their “main way of working” and “what they think about side jobs” have been revealed!
“SHUFUFU”, an information media for housewives operated by Shingen Co., Ltd., conducted a questionnaire survey regarding “side jobs.” We will publish the results.
Survey overview
Survey method: Internet survey
Research institution: In-house research
Number of people surveyed: 200 men and women
Target audience: People who are currently earning income from a side job in addition to their main job.
Survey gender: 97 men, 103 women
Survey age group: 20s: 36 people, 30s: 68 people, 40s: 63 people, 50s and above: 33 people
Survey period: May 2024
Research report:
*When quoting the results of this survey, please use the “SHUFUFU” URL (
What is your average monthly income from your side job?
When asked about the average monthly income from side jobs, the most common answer was “10,000 yen or less (41.5%)”.
This was followed by “10,000 to 30,000 yen (32%)” and “30,000 to 50,000 yen (19%).” Approximately 90% of people who earned money from side jobs earned less than 50,000 yen per month.
What kind of side job do you do? (Multiple possible)
Regarding what kind of side job they do, the first choice was “a job that is easy to fit in with my time (56.%),” and the second was “a job that only one person can do (43.5%).” It is assumed that people often work on side jobs after their main job is finished or during holidays, so it seems important for side jobs to be jobs that are easy to schedule.
What is your main method of working as a side job?
When asked about the main method of working in a side job, the first answer was “Can be completed by just one person (57.5%),” and the second place was “Communicating online (no face-to-face meetings)” (29.5%). If you have to work on a job that requires coordinating time with other people, it may interfere with your main job, so perhaps being able to complete the job by yourself is an important point when it comes to side jobs.
What kind of side job do you do using the work method you selected above? 1st place: Can be completed by just one person
BGM production for smartphone games. It was not really suitable for side jobs because it was time consuming and the price per job was low. (Male in his 40s)

I mainly work as a carpenter. (50s~Male)

Live streaming of games and video posting (male in his 30s)

It’s poi-katsu. It’s easy to work on because you can work on it as much as you like in your free time (female in her 20s)

I chose stock illustrations. I post illustrations during my free time. I’m happy to be liked by people. (Female in her 30s)

I invest as much as I like. (Male in his 40s)

Movie preview. fun. (50s~Male)

I do it because people ask me to tell them fortunes. I’m glad that people are happy with this, but I would like to expand it a little more. (Female in her 40s)

Lecturer job. You will be appreciated and you will be able to contribute. (Female in her 40s)

Thumbnail production. Script creation. (Female in her 30s)

They sell the fish they catch on the market. It’s a side job that also doubles as a hobby, so it doesn’t bother me too much (man in his 40s)

Miscellaneous goods importer (male in his 40s)

Narration and RVC. It has been my dream since childhood to use my voice for work, so I started doing it when I turned 30 (female in her 30s)

* Several people who have side jobs that can be completed by just one person said that they are doing it as an extension of their hobbies and that they are doing work that they are grateful for. *

2nd place: Online communication (no face-to-face meeting)
I’m editing videos. (Male in his 20s)

I work as a writer of web articles and correct essays for university entrance exams. It’s a field I’m good at, so I can earn money without stress, and it doesn’t interfere with my daily life, which is helpful. (Female in her 30s)

Write your impressions after watching the anime (50s ~ female)

Translation work (woman in her 30s)

YouTube video editing (female in her 30s)

Making and selling handmade accessories is a lot of fun (female in her 30s)

Give advice by consulting people about their problems. I can make use of my past experience. (50s~Male)

Packing and shipping of products as directed. It’s a small amount, so it’s good to be able to do it in your spare time and earn some income. It’s easy because you don’t have to interact directly with customers. There are times when I don’t have any work, so I think it’s good to have a certain amount of work every month. (Female in her 40s)

* Among those who answered “interact online (no face-to-face meetings),” there were those who used computers or smartphones for work, shipping, etc. *

3rd place: Requires a visit to the workplace
I work in nursing care. It’s good because I can work when I want. (Male in his 30s)

I work in customer service. It’s physically tiring because I’m basically working with children, but I think it’s a fun and rewarding job. (Female in her 30s)

I have a part-time job as a nurse. (Female in her 20s)

My work method is reception desk work. There are waves when I’m busy with work or when I have free time. I’ve just started, so I want to get used to it quickly, so it’s better if there aren’t too many waves. (Female from 50s)

I’m a sign language interpreter. (50s~Male)

Piano instructor (female in her 40s)

I used to work in a research lab for a large company, and my specialty was software, so I do programming as a side job as a subcontractor. (50s~Male)

* It seems that many of those who answered “I need to visit the workplace” have side jobs that require specialized skills in interpersonal work. *

4th place: Online interaction (with face-to-face meeting)
I am working as a writer, but while it is tiring, I have become interested in a wide range of fields. (Female in her 30s)

What do you think about doing a side job? (Multiple possible) When asked what they thought about doing a side job, the first response was “I didn’t make as much money as I expected (51.5%),” and the second response was “I wish I had started it sooner (37%).” It seems like it’s still a high hurdle to seek the same treatment and stability in your side job as you do in your main job. However, there were also many positive responses to side jobs, such as wishing they had started them sooner.
Summary of survey results
After conducting a questionnaire survey on “side jobs” among 200 men and women,
Regarding the average monthly income from side jobs, the most common answer was “less than 10,000 yen.” This might be the average price if you do it in your spare time.
When asked about what kind of side job they do, “a job that is convenient for their time” was ranked number one. There is also a need to balance it with your main job, so if you choose a side job, people prefer jobs that allow them to easily adjust their working hours.
When asked about the main method of working side jobs, the most common answer was “Can be completed by just one person.” Work that can be done at your own pace in your free time seems to be popular. When asked about their thoughts on doing side jobs, the majority said, “I don’t make as much money as I expected.” Most people answered that their side job income was less than 10,000 yen per month, so it may be that many of them want to earn more.
Do you all have a side job?
■About Shingen Co., Ltd.
We operate the lifestyle information site “SHUFUFU
(” for housewives with the theme of “I’m a little happy to know.”
In addition to this, we also develop business management tools, operate owned media, and conduct site analysis surveys.
Company Profile
Company name: Shingen Co., Ltd.
Address: 1-15-3 Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Representative: Representative Director Hiroyuki Takagi
Established: January 9, 2018
Capital: 1.5 million yen
Business content: Management of web media
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