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Home » Plaid Business video media “PIVOT” with over 1.5 million YouTube subscribers introduces “KARTE for App ” to its app

Plaid Business video media “PIVOT” with over 1.5 million YouTube subscribers introduces “KARTE for App ” to its app

PIVOT, a business video media with over 1.5 million YouTube
subscribers, introduces “KARTE for App” to its app
The KARTE series supports PIVOT’s strategy to promote “making learning a habit” and support users in taking on new challenges.
KARTE for App, a CX platform for mobile apps provided by Plaid Co., Ltd. (Chuo-ku, Tokyo: Representative Director and CEO Kenta Kurahashi) is a business video media provided by PIVOT Co., Ltd. (Shibuya-ku, Tokyo: Representative Director Norihiko Sasaki) We would like to inform you that it has been introduced to the “PIVOT” app. The KARTE series, including KARTE for App, and the customer success team will support the company’s strategy of supporting users’ “learning habits” and improving business skills by strengthening their own products. In addition, at the same time as the introduction of KARTE for App, business video media PIVOT has also introduced the KARTE series such as “KARTE Datahub”, “KARTE Message”, and “KARTE Blocks”.
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Reason for choosing KARTE for App: In order to support “new
challenges” that are an individual’s PIVOT, it is important to strengthen our own products and increase engagement with each and every user.
KARTE for App, which PIVOT has introduced this time, is a one-stop service for smartphone application data measurement, user analysis, and the implementation of measures such as optimal push notifications and message distribution based on the data, for the KARTE series of app marketing. It’s a product. In order to support the habit of learning through content, improve business skills, and take on new challenges beyond that, we need to use not only statistical data such as demographics obtained from YouTube, but also 1st Party Customers who gather in our products. The company has decided to introduce the KARTE series, including KARTE for App, because the company believes that it is extremely important to understand the interests and interests of each user from data.
In particular, we are developing new features to deliver new viewing experiences to users, such as KARTE’s functions that can visualize and analyze customer behavior with high resolution, KARTE Message that can optimize push notification delivery, and KARTE Datahub that can integrate and utilize data other than apps. The comprehensive capabilities of the KARTE series, which can comprehensively handle data infrastructure establishment and policy implementation, have been highly evaluated.
This time, we spoke to Takahisa Abe, marketing director of PIVOT Corporation, and Daiki Hachisuka, product manager, about the circumstances that led to the introduction of KARTE for App.
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Product Manager Daiki Hachisuka (left photo) and Marketing Director Takahisa Abe (right photo)
While YouTube currently has over 1.5 million subscribers, please tell us why you are also focusing on your own products.
Mr. Abe: It’s the same with YouTube and our own products such as apps, but what we want to do is to get users to take a step forward by providing content. I believe that this will lead to our mission of “PIVOTing Japan.” When we want to support that first step more than ever, we often find that our own products can do more. YouTube doesn’t provide functions beyond watching videos and inputting information. Mr. Hachisuka: The important point in supporting the user’s first step is data. Of course, we can view YouTube viewing data as statistical information, but it mainly focuses on demographics such as gender and age. On the other hand, when it comes to apps and the web, it becomes possible to obtain additional information with consent, which greatly expands the possibility that we can quickly notice the interests and changes of each user and support them in taking on new challenges. With our own products, we want to provide value to each and every user more than ever.
I heard that you were confused between the two companies. What was the reason you decided to introduce the KARTE series?
Abe: There are two main reasons why we decided to introduce a new engagement tool. Up until now, we had been mainly implementing measures such as email newsletters, but it was not possible to personalize the information according to people’s interests, so it was a one-way notification system. The second aspect is customer support. Until now, we had introduced tools from foreign companies, but there were not many staff in Japan who understood the technical aspects. When a problem arose, we had to communicate with our home country, but due to time differences and other issues, things did not go smoothly. At first, I thought it was an internal issue and searched for various causes, but in the end it turned out to be a problem at the other end (the tool), and it sometimes took 2-3 weeks to resolve the issue. Mr. Hachisuka: Because of these difficulties, we started considering a tool that would allow us to utilize data more than before and had a reliable support system, but in the end, we were torn between Plaid and another company. When I received the proposal from Plaid, I was really impressed by the content. He understood PIVOT’s services well and gave a very specific suggestion, saying, “This is what happens to YouTube users at times like this, so your company’s service can guide you through screens like this.” I didn’t have to explain our services, and I was able to get a proposal for content that would normally work after about 3 rounds from the first time, which made me very happy.
I think they are currently preparing for implementation. Please tell us your impression of Plaid’s support system.
Mr. Abe: Currently, we are holding regular biweekly meetings in preparation for the implementation, and I am satisfied that I can see the person in charge and ask any questions immediately on Slack. Mr. Hachisuka: It may not be the same as the support system, but there are many people at Plaid that I know, which gives me a sense of security. This is not just about personal connections, but Plaid himself regularly goes out to various places to send messages and hold events, so I think there is an environment where there is a lot of ground and it is easy to get to know each other. . I think it’s easy to create that kind of trust because we create an environment where people can see each other’s faces on a daily basis.
Lastly, please tell us what you would like to work on in the future and what your prospects are.
Mr. Abe: We are still in the process of implementing it, and we are getting excited about the various things we can do with the KARTE series even if we only do it once every two weeks. On the other hand, since there are so many things I can do, I would like to steadily increase the things I can do one by one and move toward the advanced version.
Mr. Hachisuka: Looking further ahead, as I mentioned at the beginning, we would like to grasp the timing of users’ behavioral changes and support them on their path forward. PIVOT is a business media, so people who are interested in business are watching it. After that, there was a time when I wanted to take on a new challenge within the company, change jobs, start a business, start investing, or learn English, so I actually quit my job and made a big career change. Sometimes we receive messages from viewers. I think that capturing the moment when the switch for behavioral change is turned on and communicating appropriately is an area that many media outlets have not yet achieved. I also think that this is a potential that we can only achieve because we are a business media company. For example, you should be able to find out what the user is currently focusing on learning, so if you combine that with AI, you can find out what actions are best for that person, and what the person is lacking in. I believe that by understanding this, we can provide stronger support. I think that one of the core technologies that will make this possible will be the communication part that can be achieved with the KARTE series.
After hearing your expectations for our core technology, we wanted to quickly realize recommendations using KARTE Datahub, which can be seamlessly linked with BigQuery. Thank you for the interview.

About business video media “PIVOT”
PIVOT is a business video media whose mission is to “PIVOT Japan.” We deliver free video content every day that enhances the mindset and skill set of a new era.
▼PIVOT Corporate Site
About CX platform “KARTE”
“KARTE” is a CX (customer experience) platform that analyzes the behavior of customers using websites and apps in real time, visualizes each customer individually, and realizes free communication tailored to each customer in a one-stop manner. The service started in March 2015. It is highly scalable and can be used to meet marketing issues and needs in a variety of situations, not just on-site. KARTE enables an overwhelming understanding of customers by integrating and analyzing all data from an individual customer perspective, and improves the value of experience (CX) for end users.
About Plaid Co., Ltd. We are a technology company whose mission is to “maximize people’s value through data.” In 2015, we officially launched the CX (customer experience) platform “KARTE.” In 2018, we began offering “KARTE for App” for smartphone apps and “KARTE Datahub” which connects all customer-related data with KARTE.

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