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Home » Utilly 43.4% of respondents said they had made a donation for the purpose of disaster relief |Survey on donations for the purpose of disaster relief (April 2024)

Utilly 43.4% of respondents said they had made a donation for the purpose of disaster relief |Survey on donations for the purpose of disaster relief (April 2024)

[Utilly] 43.4% of respondents said they had made a donation for the purpose of disaster relief |Survey on donations for the purpose of disaster relief (April 2024)

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Press release: May 13, 2024
43.4% of respondents said they had made a donation for the purpose of disaster relief |Survey on donations for the purpose of disaster relief (April 2024)
Corporate SaaS comparison media Utilly (Operating company: GO TO Co., Ltd. MARKET (located in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) conducted a survey on donations aimed at disaster relief in April 2024.
Survey overview
The outline of this questionnaire survey is as follows.
– Survey implementation date: April 23, 2024
– Number of people surveyed: 309 people
– Place of residence: Nationwide
– Gender Male Female
– Age: 20 years old or older and less than 60 years old
– Research method: Internet research
– Research media: Utilly URL |
Survey results summary
A summary of the survey results is as follows.
– 43.4*%* of those surveyed answered that they had made a donation for the purpose of disaster relief.
– The age group with the highest percentage of respondents who had experience in donating was those in their 50s, followed by those in their 30s.
– Regarding the method of donation, the highest proportion answered “donating on the street to local governments and support
Survey details
For details of the survey, please refer to the URL below.

Q. Have you ever made a donation for disaster relief? Please select the one that most applies.
Of those surveyed, 43.4% of respondents answered that they had made a donation for the purpose of disaster relief. On the other hand, 31.7% responded that they had no experience in donating and had no plans to donate.
Responses regarding experience in donating for disaster relief purposes were aggregated by age group. The age group with the highest percentage of respondents who had experience in donating was those in their 50s, followed by those in their 30s. On the other hand, the highest proportion of respondents in their 40s answered, “I have neither experience nor plans to donate,” accounting for 37.5%. Q.What method did you use to donate? Please select all that apply. Regarding donation methods, the most common was “on-the-street donations to local governments and support groups,” followed by “online donations to local governments and support groups.” Survey details
For details of the survey, please refer to the URL below.
About Utilly
Utilly ( is GO TO MARKET Co., Ltd. ( ) is a corporate SaaS comparison media for business people. It provides functions such as a portal for posting content and white papers related to corporate services.
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