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Home » Humanome Research Institute Co., Ltd. and CyberomiX Co., Ltd. will begin joint research on elucidating pathological conditions and efficiently discovering drug targets using artificial intelligence for spatial transcriptome analysis.

Humanome Research Institute Co., Ltd. and CyberomiX Co., Ltd. will begin joint research on elucidating pathological conditions and efficiently discovering drug targets using artificial intelligence for spatial transcriptome analysis.

Humanome Research Institute Co., Ltd. and CyberomiX Co., Ltd. will begin joint research on elucidating pathological conditions and efficiently discovering drug targets using artificial intelligence for spatial transcriptome analysis.

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Press release: May 13, 2024
Humanome Research Institute Co., Ltd. and CyberomiX Co., Ltd. will begin joint research on elucidating pathological conditions and efficiently discovering drug targets using artificial intelligence for spatial transcriptome analysis.
*We will work on the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic drug technologies through AI development that utilizes pathological image information and large-scale transcriptome data that are simultaneously measured in the spatial transcriptome*
* Humanome Research Institute Co., Ltd. *

Since its founding, Humanome Research Institute has been developing new AI technologies to realize a healthy society through the integration of multimodal data. To date, we have led the social implementation of AI technology through joint development with pharmaceutical companies such as Eisai and Daiichi Sankyo, and participation in national projects such as AMED and JST-CREST. Representative Zeze has previously served as an associate professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology and team leader at the Artificial Intelligence Research Center of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, and is currently working at AMED. CREST/JST CREST/JST
He is working to bridge the gap between artificial intelligence and the medical and life science fields through his activities in both academia and industry, such as serving as an advisor for PRESTO and project manager for the Awakening project of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology.

Cyberomics is a startup that creates diagnostic and therapeutic drugs by integrating advanced genomics analysis and pathological analysis. In recent years, spatial transcriptome technology that analyzes gene expression together with intracellular location information has evolved. We have the know-how. We are already collaborating with numerous universities and hospitals to conduct spatial transcriptome analysis of clinical sections. In addition, Mr. Watanabe, the representative director and president, will serve as a principal researcher and specified associate professor at the Kyoto University iPS Cell Research Institute and Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine until 2023, and has written more than 100 papers. He is also an active researcher.

In this joint research, representatives from both companies who built their careers in academia will work together to combine the strengths of different fields: academia and industry, medical life sciences and artificial intelligence. We will analyze this data using AI analysis and take on the challenge of searching for new therapeutic and diagnostic drugs using approaches that go beyond conventional concepts. In addition, we will create an advanced business style in the healthcare field and advance processes from basic research to drug discovery and clinical application as a one-stop service. This new style of startup collaboration will accelerate the social
implementation of pharmaceuticals.
[About Humanome Research Institute, Inc.]
– Company name: Humanome Research Institute Co., Ltd.
– Address: 2nd floor, SA Ten House, 2-4-10 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0045 – Representative: Jun Seze, Representative Director and President – URL:
– Business details:
Research and development of AI and data analysis technology for understanding humans and humans, AI technical support and joint development for promoting DX through biological and environmental measurements, and no-code environment development for the spread of AI development.
[About CyberomiX Co., Ltd.]
– Company name: CyberomiX Co., Ltd. (Cyberomics)
– Location: 5th floor, Miyako Building, 233 Isa-cho, Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto
– Representative: Ryo Watanabe, Representative Director and President – URL:
– Business content: Pharmaceutical development using advanced genomics analysis and contract academic research services, etc. *About details about this release*

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