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Home » Ubie formulates and publishes social impact indicators and logic model centered on “maximizing healthy life expectancy”

Ubie formulates and publishes social impact indicators and logic model centered on “maximizing healthy life expectancy”

Ubie Co., Ltd.
Ubie formulates and publishes social impact indicators and logic model centered on “maximizing healthy life expectancy”
~Estimated to have contributed to extending healthy life expectancy by over 27,000 years and creating economic value of over 150 billion yen since our founding~
Ubie Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Co-Representative Directors: Yoshimichi Abe and Kota Kubo; hereinafter referred to as “Ubie”) quantitatively evaluates the positive impact of its business activities on society and effectively increases them. We would like to inform you that we have formulated and published social impact indicators and a logic model for achieving this goal. Among the indicators we have developed, we estimated the impact of extending healthy life expectancy (*1), which is most relevant to our vision, and found that the healthy life expectancy we have contributed through our business since our founding in 2017 is estimated to be over 27,000 years. , the economic value was suggested to be more than 150 billion yen. Click here to learn more about impact metrics and logic models
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Ubie is a health tech company whose mission is to use technology to guide people to appropriate medical care. Japan has one of the highest average life expectancies and healthy life expectancies in the world, but it is still thought that approximately one-sixth of one’s life (*2) is wasted due to illness. One of the reasons for this problem is the “inadequacy of matching between consumers and appropriate medical care,” in which people do not receive appropriate medical services even though effective treatments exist. By solving this problem, Ubie aims to create a social impact centered on maximizing healthy life expectancy.
Our company helps about 10 million people a month receive appropriate medical care through “Ubee,” which allows you to search for disease information and nearby medical institutions based on symptoms, and “Ubee Disease Q&A,” which allows you to research diseases and treatment methods. We provide access support. In addition, for medical institutions, we provide Ubi Medical Navi, which supports improving the quality of medical care, and has been introduced to more than 1,700 medical institutions nationwide. Furthermore, by utilizing these platforms, we are also developing services that connect pharmaceutical companies with consumers and medical institutions. By providing consumers and medical institutions with a wealth of information on diseases and treatments held by pharmaceutical companies, we are helping to raise awareness of diseases and treatments. Through these businesses, we have been able to match many consumers with appropriate medical care and thereby extend healthy life expectancy. In addition, the social impact of business leads to financial growth, and by reinvesting the profits earned, we create opportunities to match more consumers with appropriate medical care, creating a synergistic effect between social contribution and financial growth. We are building a unique business model that generates
[Image 2:×620.png ]
The social impact index is a yardstick used to qualitatively and quantitatively understand the impact created by our business, and to conduct activities to effectively increase it. We have formulated seven KPIs and two KGIs that are strongly related to the realization of our mission and vision and our competitive advantage, and have also attempted to estimate the impact of extending healthy life expectancy, which is most closely related to our vision. As a result of our estimation, the impact of extending healthy life expectancy that we have contributed together with our stakeholders through our business since our founding in 2017 is estimated to be over 27,000 years. Furthermore, when the economic value was estimated using
impact-weighted accounting methods, the value was suggested to be more than 150 billion yen. We believe that startups like our company can take the initiative in evaluating the intended impact and presenting examples of how to utilize those information assets for business and organizational growth, contributing to the healthy development of the industry. .
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Going forward, Ubie will quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the value it contributes together with stakeholders through the
measurement of social impact indicators, and will actively engage in more constructive dialogue with stakeholders and formulate and implement more effective management policies. I will use it
effectively. Furthermore, we will further accelerate our unique business model that creates a synergistic effect between social contribution and financial growth, and work to achieve both
sustainable social problem resolution and economic growth, and to realize our mission and vision.
*1 We interpret and define an increase in quality-adjusted life years (QALY) as an extension of healthy life expectancy, taking into account its suitability as an indicator such as the explainability of the relationship with our mission and business, and its sensitivity. did. *2 Disease burden vs. health expenditure per capita – Data by Our world in Data, the disease burden in Japan in 2019 was 15,885.71 DALY per 100,000 people, approximately 0.159 DALY per person. For the sake of simplicity, we assumed that 1 DALY = 1 year of healthy life lost, and interpreted that as of 2019, on average, each person lost 0.159 years, or about 1/6 of a year.
(Matters to keep in mind)
・In general, it should be noted that healthy life expectancy is the “average of the period in which there are no restrictions on daily life” and “the average of the period in which one is conscious of being healthy” and is calculated using the Sullivan method. ・As of May 2024, we have not been able to evaluate the contribution ratio of our platform, and it must be noted that this is the “impact contributed together with stakeholders” such as pharmaceutical companies and medical institutions.
・The inclusion targets (11 diseases, 18 treatments) as of May 2024 are some of the diseases that Ubee is treating as of May 2024, and there are variations in user data used as the basis for estimation. Differences between user attributes and actual epidemiological distribution cannot be taken into account, and QALY evidence includes many foreign documents (QOL values ​​are generally not compared between different races and societies), etc. In view of this, it should be noted that the estimated results of the impact of extending healthy life expectancy are only reference values.
・When converting QALY into monetary value, only a part (direct paid effects) of the method presented by the referenced VBA HEALTH CLUSTER Social Impact of Innovative Medicine is estimated, and there are differences by medical background in the age distribution of users. It should be noted that the estimated results of monetary value conversion are only reference values, considering the fact that they do not take into account the following.
(Towards more accurate evaluation)
・In line with the formulation of guidance on impact evaluation, we will consider evaluation and disclosure using appropriate methods. ・It is believed that more accurate evaluations can be made by not only referring to previous studies but also conducting research in line with the objectives.
・If necessary, we will consider expanding the scope of diseases and treatments to be included.
・In line with the increase in the acquisition rate of behavioral change evidence and the increase in the types of data that can be acquired, we will consider implementing evaluation methods that are more in line with the actual situation.

[List of services provided by Ubie Inc.]
▽ Symptom search engine for consumers “Ubee”
Japanese version:
US version:
▽“Ubee Medical Navi” for medical institutions▽“Ubie Link” connects consumers and clinics
[About Ubie Inc.]
We are a health tech startup founded in May 2017 by a doctor and an engineer with the mission of “guiding people to appropriate medical care through technology.” Using AI as its core technology, we have developed and provided “Ubee,” which guides you to appropriate medical care based on your symptoms, and “Ubee Medical Navi,” a service package for medical institutions that supports improving the quality of medical care. We are working to create a society where everyone can access the medical care that suits them.
Address: 6th floor, Nihonbashi Horidome 2-chome Building, 2-4-3 Nihonbashi Horidome-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0012
Established: May 2017
Representative: Co-Representative Director Yoshimichi Abe, Doctor / Co-Representative Director Kota Kubo
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