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Home » AXS Design Co., Ltd., which has been No. 1 in the number of new construction starts in Ishikawa Prefecture for 9 consecutive years, announces “SHIFT”, a long-life Heike house that allows you to freely change the floor plan even after construction.

AXS Design Co., Ltd., which has been No. 1 in the number of new construction starts in Ishikawa Prefecture for 9 consecutive years, announces “SHIFT”, a long-life Heike house that allows you to freely change the floor plan even after construction.

AXS Design Co., Ltd., which has been No. 1 in the number of new construction starts in Ishikawa Prefecture for 9 consecutive years, announces “SHIFT”, a long-life Heike house that allows you to freely change the floor plan even after construction.

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Press release: May 13, 2024
AXS Design Co., Ltd., which has been No. 1 in the number of new construction starts in Ishikawa Prefecture for 9 consecutive years, announces “SHIFT”, a long-life Heike house that allows you to freely change the floor plan even after construction.
*~A comfortable home that is kind to the earth and your household budget, with a special feature of “changeability” that allows you to change the floor plan to suit your life stage~*
* AXS Design Co., Ltd., a house manufacturer operating in Ishikawa, Toyama, and Fukui prefectures (Head office: Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Representative: Yoshinori Tae)
(hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) has developed a long-life one-story house “SHIFT”, a new product that allows you to freely change the floor plan to suit any life stage using a new construction method. *

This house allows you to “shift” the floor plan to accommodate the various “changes” that occur in your life, such as marriage, childbirth, children’s independence, changing family structures, and lifestyles that change with age. *

* “SHIFT” provides important performance (earthquake resistance, durability, maintainability, etc.) for a house to be used comfortably for a long time.
It is a house with special housing performance that has high added value: it achieves a high level of insulation (energy saving), and the floor plan can be freely changed (changeability). *

*A model house preview (reservation required) is scheduled to be held on May 18th and 19th, 2024 in Kureha-cho Nishi, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture. *
* If you want to build a house where you can live comfortably for a long time, or if you are interested in Heike housing, please come visit us. *
See details

* ■Development history*
* ~We must create long-life housing, homes where people can live comfortably for a long time~*
The keyword that triggered the development was
It reflected issues of modern society such as “100-year lifespan,” “30-year average lifespan of Japanese houses,” “vacant house problem,” “realization of a sustainable society,” “carbon neutrality,” and “SDGs.”

As a result of thinking about how to build a house to solve these issues, we came up with a house that people can live in comfortably for a long time and a house that will be used for a long time.

Generally speaking, in order to live a long and comfortable life, the first thing to consider for retirement is that the family should be of the Heike lineage.
The second objective was to improve the housing’s performance in terms of durability, ease of maintenance, earthquake resistance, and heat insulation and energy efficiency (long-term quality housing
However, I had my doubts as to whether these two things were enough to make a house comfortable to live in for a long time, or whether it would be a house that would be used for a long time.

If we imagine changes in lifestyles, including changes in family structure, in 30 or 50 years, or even beyond that, we may find that houses whose floor plans cannot be changed will end up being demolished or vacant (unused). I thought that it would be (no). This can be imagined by comparing the floor plans of 50 years ago and the modern floor plans.

Unfortunately, the floor plans of typical wooden houses in Japan cannot be changed freely after they are built. We believed that unless we break this common sense and create houses where it is commonplace to freely change the floor plan even after construction, we will not be able to truly create a house that can be lived in comfortably for a long time and a house that will be used for a long time.

Based on this idea, the first product, Ichino-tei, was created, and the Heike House, “SHIFT”, was created by making various
improvements, and was born as “a house that allows you to freely change the floor plan even after it has been built.” is.

* ■Features of SHIFT*
~Advantages of living in a sustainable home where you can live comfortably for a long time~
In traditional Japanese wooden houses, it was difficult to freely change the floor plan due to structural constraints.
Therefore, in order to suit your lifestyle, you may need to rebuild the building approximately 20 to 30 years after construction. It required large-scale renovations, which was a huge burden in terms of cost and environment.

On the other hand, in the variable house “SHIFT”, the partition walls can be moved and removed freely, minimizing the constraints of structural walls and pillars in general wooden houses, and changing the family structure and lifestyle of each generation. You can freely change the floor plan as your style changes.

Therefore, it has various advantages that traditional wooden houses do not have. * ●Comfort: You can change the space from a studio style to a 3LDK to suit your lifestyle*
* ●Safety: Be prepared for risks such as family structure,
hobbies/preferences, physical changes, etc.*
* ●Economical efficiency: By changing the space to what you need without rebuilding, you can live for a long time while keeping costs down*
* ●Continuity: Not only can it be passed down to the next generation, but it is also advantageous to sell, so the asset value is less likely to decline*
* ●Environmental friendliness: Since the cycle of demolishing and building is extended, it can contribute to a sustainable society by reducing CO2 and resources*

■Example of floor plan changes that take advantage of variability [20s/30s] ~ Create a luxurious and precious time for two in one room ~ In a new life just the two of us, we can live freely and share a large space of 37 tatami mats in luxury. Centered around a spacious LDK where you can relax and relax, you can also secure space for telework. Free use of a large one-room space
One room image
terrace image

[30s/40s] ~Increase the number of rooms and create a private space~ The floor plan can be changed to 2LDK or 3LDK according to the birth and growth of children. The floor plan allows family members to maintain a good sense of distance while enhancing communication and privacy.
By being able to move partitions freely, you can eliminate dead spaces that are difficult to use and make effective use of space.
Provide a private space for children
living space image
Western room image

[50s/60s] ~Expanding the LDK and enriching living space and hobby space~ After your child becomes independent, you can expand the LDK by removing the child’s room and making it a study, or by moving the water area.
You can change the floor plan to suit your lifestyle, which is different from when you first got married.
Changed the space to feel more spacious
kitchen image
LDK image

[70s and up] ~ Dealing with physical risks in old age through efficient lifestyle ~
It is said that we are living in an age of 100 years, and the advantage of a one-story house is that you can live barrier-free and worry-free as you get older.
The new construction method makes it easier to change the layout of water areas such as bathrooms and toilets.
Even if a wheelchair becomes necessary, it is possible to create a space and lifestyle line that accommodates changes in the body, such as by concentrating wide water areas in one place, ensuring aisle width for easy movement, and creating a space and lifestyle line that accommodates changes in the body.
There is also a tatami area and other spaces for when grandchildren come. living image
Japanese-style room image
In this way, being able to meet the needs of a wide range of floor plans to suit different life stages not only makes it possible to live with peace of mind into the future, but also makes it easier to maintain the value of your assets even if you sell or move. I am.

* ■Variations*
*~3 exterior designs and interior variations available~*
You can choose from three roof shapes and three colors, from a design with distinctive clean horizontal lines to a style that gives off the sense of solidity and stability of a one-story house. You can choose from three interior design variations.

*Exterior design*
*Interior variation*
* ■Other features of “SHIFT”*
・With gravity ventilation function, effective heat exhaustion can be expected in the summer.
・Floor made of solid wood with excellent moisture control properties ・There are fewer rising parts of the foundation, improving maintenance and ventilation under the floor.
■Main housing performance
*Grade is a reference value. The numbers may vary depending on the building.

* ■ Model house overview *
Location: 1-54 Kurehacho Nishi, Toyama City
Structure: Traditional wooden frame construction method
Number of floors: Heike-style building
Floor plan: 37 tatami one room
Site area: 214.57 square meters (64.90 tsubo)
Building area: 82.84 square meters (25.05 tsubo)
Total floor area: 78.66 square meters (23.79 tsubo)
Insulation performance class: equivalent to class 6
Insulation performance: 0.39W/(square meter K)
Primary energy consumption grade: equivalent to grade 3 (highest grade) Earthquake resistance grade: Earthquake resistance 2 equivalent (standard is earthquake resistance 3 equivalent)
Deterioration prevention grade: Equivalent to grade 3 (highest grade) Maintenance management measure grade: Equivalent to grade 3 (highest grade) Ventilation system: Third class ventilation system
Foundation durability design standard strength: 30N/mm2 (correction +6) (planned service life approximately 100 years)

■Model house preview information
*Start date: May 18th (Sat) and 19th (Sun), 2024*
* Holding time: 10:00-18:00*
* Venue: * * Kurehacho Nishi, Toyama City *

* Note: Reservation required*
Preview application * ■SHIFT overview*
Name: “SHIFT”
Provided area: Ishikawa prefecture, Toyama prefecture, Fukui prefecture Website:
Phone number: 0120-130-333
Company Profile
Trade name: AXS Design Co., Ltd.
Representative: Representative Director Yoshinori Tae
Address: 1-380 Fujie Kita, Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture 920-0345 Established: November 1, 2005
Business content: General housing, rental housing, commercial facilities, architectural design (new construction/renovation) Capital: 10 million yen
*About details about this release*

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