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Home » Hands Co., Ltd. A circle of reuse connected by unused aprons. Donation of old Hands aprons

Hands Co., Ltd. A circle of reuse connected by unused aprons. Donation of old Hands aprons

[Hands Co., Ltd.] A circle of reuse connected by unused aprons. Donation of old Hands aprons

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Press release: May 14, 2024
A circle of reuse connected by unused aprons: Donation of old hands aprons Hands Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, President: Satoru Sakurai) donated old uniform aprons as part of its sustainability efforts.

In line with the change in the corporate logo in October 2022, uniform aprons have been gradually renewed at stores nationwide since June last year. The old aprons collected during the changeover are checked one by one, and those that are still in usable condition are donated to local event management, after-school daycares, welfare centers for people with disabilities and children with disabilities, farmers, etc., for reuse. I am. As of May 2024, approximately 1,400 aprons have been donated, and the old aprons are now being used for a second time. Used for event management within the prefecture through Kiryu Citizen Activities Promotion Network, a general incorporated association in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture.
– * Hands’ efforts to achieve the SDGs *
Our company is committed to the 2030 vision adopted at the United Nations Summit in 2015.
We are actively working to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2020. We are actively engaged in activities such as the “Eco in Hands” project, which donates a portion of sales to the Sorabea Fund, and the reduction of packaging materials.

We believe that this initiative is an initiative that can contribute to achieving the SDGs by creating a new circulation of aprons that can still be used and effectively utilizing them where needed, thereby reducing waste.

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