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Home » Shannon Co., Ltd. What are the roles of “generation AI” and “people” in creating and utilizing BtoB ar ticle content?

Shannon Co., Ltd. What are the roles of “generation AI” and “people” in creating and utilizing BtoB ar ticle content?

Shannon Co., Ltd.
What are the roles of “generation AI” and “people” in creating and utilizing BtoB article content?
Shannon Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Minato-ku, Tokyo, President and CEO: Kenichiro Nakamura) uses the marketing-specific generation AI “Shannon Content Assistant” to solve the challenges of creating article content in the BtoB area. A webinar will be held on May 16th (Thursday) to explain in detail how this can be resolved.
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Click here for details and application Webinar content
・Since it is a niche field, it is difficult to find a suitable writer who understands the specialty.
・It would be ideal to write the articles yourself, but you are busy with other duties and cannot find the time to write them.
・ I would like to ask a team member to write an article, but it is difficult to delegate article writing due to lack of experience. These are common challenges when creating article content in the B2B space. I wonder if many people have the same problem?
In this webinar, we will explain in detail how these challenges can be solved using Shannon Content Assistant, a generative AI dedicated to marketing.
Generative AI is a very useful tool, but it cannot solve all problems on its own. Therefore, the division of roles between humans and AI will be important. This webinar will also explain in detail how to do this.
■ Webinar content:
・Efficient method of creating article content using generation AI ・ How to utilize article content using generation AI
・Effective division of roles between humans and generative AI in article production
If you are a BtoB marketer who is having trouble creating and utilizing article content, please take this opportunity to
Event overview
・Title: What are the roles of “generation AI” and “people” in creating and utilizing BtoB article content?
・Date and time: May 16th (Thursday) 11:00-11:40 (40 minutes) (You can watch the missed broadcast for one week from the session)
・How to participate: We will send you the viewing URL on the day of the event. ・Participation fee: Free
・Target: Corporate marketing department, corporate planning department ・Application URL: About Shannon Co., Ltd.
Shannon provides products, solutions, and services that solve corporate marketing issues with cloud technology at its core. Shannon’s marketing cloud, which realizes digital and analog marketing that combines digital and analog, and provides events, seminars, marketing automation, CMS, ad technology, and metaverse, is suitable for any industry, from finance, IT/communications, manufacturing to public institutions. It is used in a variety of situations, from large to medium scale.
・Company name: SHANON Inc. (English: SHANON Inc.)
・Stock code: 3976 (TSE Growth)
・Representative: Kenichiro Nakamura, President and Representative Director ・Location: 4th floor, Mita 43MT Building, 3-13-16 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo ・Business content: Planning, development, sales, and support of cloud-based marketing solutions
Provision of marketing-related consulting and services
Contact information regarding this matter
Shannon Co., Ltd. Marketing Department
TEL: 03-6743-1565
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