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Home » KID ACADEMY A report on the special lecture hosted by KID ACADEMY by Keiichi Takeda and Nozomi Takiguchi has been released!

KID ACADEMY A report on the special lecture hosted by KID ACADEMY by Keiichi Takeda and Nozomi Takiguchi has been released!

[KID ACADEMY] A report on the special lecture hosted by KID ACADEMY by Keiichi Takeda and Nozomi Takiguchi has been released!

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Press release: May 14, 2024
The report on the special lecture by Kiichi Takeda and Nozomi Takiguchi sponsored by KID ACADEMY has been released!
*Explore everything from the basics of seeing and listening skills to the secrets of partnership*
From the right: Professor Keiichi Takeda, Professor Nozomi Takiguchi, and Reiko Soma.
KID held at Kobe Art Center Prokofiev Hall on April 21, 2024 At the special lecture hosted by ACADEMY, a total of 113 participants spent a valuable time learning and growing together both in person and online.
This lecture will be held at KID, which is known for its educational programs that bring out the potential of children.
ACADEMY (Secretariat: Kobe City, Founder: Reiko Soma) is working with special advisor Dr. Keiichi Takeda (Professor Emeritus of Osaka Kyoiku University/Advisor of Osaka Medical and Pharmaceutical University LD Center)
The event was held with Dr. Nozomi Takiguchi (Representative of Aoyama Kokoro’s Consultation Office/author of “The Psychology of Husbands Who Can’t Read the Atmosphere and Wife Who Suddenly Goes Angry”, Yamato Publishing, etc.).
The event was held at the Kobe Art Center, doors opened at 12:30, and the lecture was held in three parts from 13:00 to 16:00.

In the first part, Mr. Takeda gave a lecture on the theme of “the ability to see and listen”, which is the basis of learning, and in the second part, Mr. Takiguchi gave a lecture on the theme of
“understanding Cassandra”. I got it.
Part 1: Lecture by Professor Takeda
Part 2: Lecture by Professor Takiguchi
In the final discussion session, facilitator Reiko Soma had an in-depth discussion with Professor Takeda and Professor Takiguchi based on the theme of the lecture. Through the exchange of opinions from each perspective, the participants were able to gain new knowledge.

This lecture attracted participants from various regions from Tokyo to Fukuoka. In addition to the 40 people who participated in person, 73 people participated online, giving a total of 113 people a valuable time to learn and grow together.
I would like to introduce some of the feedback I received from the participants. (Excerpt)
* \Voices from participants/*
・Mr. H (Fukuoka Prefecture)
There were many examples of actual support and case studies that were very helpful. It was a time that made me reconsider how I can be involved as a supporter in my work. thank you very much.

・Mr. T (Hyogo Prefecture)
Professor Takeda’s lecture on learning support and when to incorporate ITS was very helpful.
In addition, since there is no manual on how to deal with Dr. Takiguchi’s Cassandra syndrome, I felt the need to carefully approach the parents. thank you very much.

・Mr. H (Kyoto Prefecture)
I learned a lot from hearing about cases of Cassandra syndrome.

・Mr. K (Osaka Prefecture)
As a supporter of parents and children, it was an opportunity to reconsider the importance of not only understanding and supporting the child’s current situation, but also envisioning the future of the child through the theme of Cassandra. .

・Mr. I (Tokushima Prefecture)
I attended because I was interested in Cassandra, but it was also great to learn about LD. This was a good opportunity to learn more about junior high school students, as many of them come across as having learning disabilities when they normally interact with children older than elementary school age. I immediately bought two of Takeda Sensei’s books.
KID ACADEMY plans to continue to provide more people with an approach to improving education and human relationships through events like this.

With the philosophy of “For the future of children,” we work towards equality in education around the world.
Currently operating nursery schools and support facilities for children with developmental disabilities nationwide (Kanagawa, Saitama, Shizuoka, Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Hyogo, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Ehime, Fukuoka)

【Company Profile】
Company name: Kids Developer Co., Ltd.
Head office location: 10E-07, 6-9 KFM, Mukayo-cho Naka,
Higashinada-ku, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture
Representative Director: Reiko Soma
Established: 2011/9
Business details:
・Management of company-led nursery schools
・Operation of child development support business
・Operation of after-school day services
・Operation of employment support business
・Management of soccer school
・Management of preschool classrooms
・Management of training projects
・Planning and operation of community salons
・Overseas international school consulting business
・Franchise business
・Athlete second career support project
*About details about this release*