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Home » Nagoya Railway Co., Ltd. The cumulative number of visitors to Museum Meiji Village will soon reach 50 million!

Nagoya Railway Co., Ltd. The cumulative number of visitors to Museum Meiji Village will soon reach 50 million!

Nagoya Railway Co., Ltd.
The total number of visitors to Museum Meiji Village will soon reach 50 million! ~Commemorative head marks posted on steam locomotives and village buses~ ……
Museum Meiji Village (1 Yamamoto, Inuyama City, Chairman: Ado Yamamoto) is pleased to announce that the cumulative number of visitors since its opening in 1965 (Showa 40) is expected to soon reach 50 million.
The cumulative total of 50 million residents will be reached on May 17th, based on the number of visitors up to May 13th.
Upon reaching this milestone, we will hold a commemorative ceremony and present a commemorative gift to the 50 millionth customer. In addition, commemorative head marks will be attached to the steam locomotives and village buses in the village after the arrival date, and they will be in operation for a limited time.
The details are as follows.
-Meiji Village Main Gate (Museum Meiji Village)-
[Image 1:×717.jpg] ■ Ceremony to commemorate reaching 50 million people
1. Date and time: Friday, May 17th (scheduled immediately after village opening) 2. Location: Near the main gate of Meiji Village *Inside the museum Meiji Village
3. Details: The 50 millionth customer will be presented with a catalog and a commemorative gift from our museum director, Takeshi Nakagawa. ■Publishing a head mark to commemorate reaching 50 million people 1. Target vehicles/steam locomotive No. 12, village bus (car side) 2. Posting period: From the time the village reaches 50 million visitors until the 19th (Sunday)
[Image 2:×658.png ]

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