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Home » Takatsuki City Kyogen master Shigeyama Shigosan’s performance commemorating his recognition as a Living National Treasure will be held in Takatsuki

Takatsuki City Kyogen master Shigeyama Shigosan’s performance commemorating his recognition as a Living National Treasure will be held in Takatsuki

Takatsuki City
Kyogen master Shigeyama Shichigosan’s performance commemorating his recognition as a Living National Treasure will be held in Takatsuki The prestigious Shigeyama Sengoro family of Kyogen Okura school gathers together ……
On Sunday, May 19, 2020, the 31st Shigeyama Clan Deluxe Kyogen Festival will be held at the Takatsuki Castle Park Arts and Culture Theater, bringing together the prestigious Shigeyama Sengorō family of Kyogen Okura-ryu. Mr. Shigeyama Shichigosan, who has been certified as a Living National Treasure, will perform the program “Nawaei” and bring the charm of Kyogen to the fullest to the audience.
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A Kyogen performance by the Shigeyama Sengoro family, a renowned Kyogen family, will be held at Takatsuki Castle Park Arts and Culture Theater again this year. The highlight of this 31st performance is the popular performance “Nawa Nai,” in which Mr. Shigeyama Shigeyama, who has become a Living National Treasure, plays the lead role to commemorate his recognition. Please pay attention to the solo performance of Tarokaja, played by Mr. Shichigosan, as he speaks with gestures and imitations while tying a rope. In addition, we will deliver performances such as “Two Daimyo”, which expresses the generosity of the Middle Ages while having a theme of ascension, and “Chatsubo”, a light-hearted depiction of the interaction between a countryman and a swindler. There is also commentary by Sennojo Shigeyama, so even those who are not familiar with Kyogen can enjoy it.
[Performance overview]
Date and time: May 19, 2020 (Sunday) 2:00 p.m. (Doors open at 1:15 p.m.) Venue: Takatsuki Castle Park Arts and Culture Theater North Building Middle Hall (all seats reserved)
Price: General 3,500 yen (Takatsuki Cultural Friends Association 3,150 yen), Student 1,000 yen
Takatsuki Castle Park Arts and Culture Theater South Building (6-8 Nomicho) Approximately 8 minutes’ walk from Hankyu Takatsuki Station
Approximately 13 minutes’ walk from JR Takatsuki Station
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Takatsuki Castle Park Arts and Culture Theater performance/event information (Takatsuki Castle Park Arts and Culture Theater homepage)
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Takatsuki Castle Park Arts and Culture Theater
Phone: 072-671-1062 (10:00 to 17:00) *Closed on Mondays (excluding holidays) More details about this release: