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Home » “Green Festival “Kanagawa Future Forest Creation” 2024 in Sagamihara” ~ Tree-planting Festival commemora ting the 70th anniversary of Sagamihara City’s municipal organization ~ will be held on Sunday, May 26th.

“Green Festival “Kanagawa Future Forest Creation” 2024 in Sagamihara” ~ Tree-planting Festival commemora ting the 70th anniversary of Sagamihara City’s municipal organization ~ will be held on Sunday, May 26th.

Sagamihara City
“Greenery Festival “Kanagawa Future Forest Creation” 2024 in Sagamihara” ~ Tree-planting Festival commemorating the 70th
anniversary of Sagamihara City’s incorporation will be held on Sunday, May 26th.
We offer a variety of experiential events that you can enjoy with your family while being soothed by the fresh greenery!
Forests are an important resource with multifunctional functions that nurture timber resources and water sources, provide recreational areas, and serve as a habitat for a variety of living things. They also contribute to the conservation of national land and the prevention of global warming. It is an essential part of our lives. An event to promote such forest creation, “Green Festival “Kanagawa Future Forest Creation” 2024 in Sagamihara ~ Tree Planting Festival to Commemorate the 70th Anniversary of the Enactment of Sagamihara City” will be held on Sunday, May 26th in Minami Ward of the city. It will be held at “Komorebi no Mori”.
[Image 1:×720.jpg] What is “Green Festival”?
The Green Festival is a tree-planting event held every other year in Kanagawa Prefecture to continue disseminating the reforestation efforts of Kanagawa Prefecture and the city, and to promote forest creation in collaboration with the citizens of the prefecture. is. In 2020, we will hold a tree-planting festival to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Sagamihara City’s establishment as a city at the “Komorebi Forest” in the city’s Minami Ward.
A commemorative ceremony will be held on the day, and the exhibition booth will offer a variety of experiential events that the whole family can enjoy, including a log cutting experience, a VR forest bathing experience, soccer putter golf, and the Galaxy Forest Play Park.
Event overview
[Name] Green Festival “Kanagawa Future Forest Creation” 2024 in Sagamihara ~ Tree-planting festival commemorating the 70th anniversary of Sagamihara City’s municipal organization ~
[Date and time] May 26, 2020 (Sunday) 9:30-15:00
[Venue] Komorebi Forest (8-chome Ohnodai, Minami-ku, Sagamihara City) [Sponsor] Kanagawa Prefecture, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Trust Midori Foundation [Contents] (No advance application required, please come directly to the venue) (1) About the 70th anniversary commemoration program
■Prologue (10:50-11:10) Performance: Komorebi Saxophone Ensemble ■Commemorative ceremony (11:20-12:00)
1. Greetings from the organizer
2. Guest introduction
3. Forest volunteer award
➃Agreement signing ceremony
➄Commemorative tree planting
■Epilogue (12:00-12:10) Cast: 2023 Miss Japan Green Ambassador Sayaka Uemura
[Image 2:×1155.png ]
Komorebi Saxophone Ensemble
[Image 3:×3900.jpg] Sayaka Uemura

(2) About the exhibition booth (partial excerpt)
1. Firewood chopping experience
・You can experience chopping wood using a wood splitter.
2. Log cutting experience
・You can experience log cutting using a saw.
3. VR forest bathing experience
・You can experience cutting down trees through VR goggles.
4. Soccer putter golf
・You can enjoy putter golf using a soccer ball.
5. Exhibition and sale of wooden products made from wood from Sagamihara Tsukui ・Display of a children’s top table made from wood from Sagamihara Tsukui, and a portable desk made from sawdust from Sagamihara Tsukui. We sell toilets.
6. Experience related to health promotion
・We will measure masticatory force using gum, learn how to read nutritional information, play a bean-catching game, and have a quiz rally.
7. Galaxy Forest Play Park
・Galaxy Forest Play Park, which is usually held at Camp Fuchinobe Reservation, will be held at Komorebi Forest as a visiting version this time.
It will be installed in . You can experience Tarzan rope and hammock. 8. Town coin experience
・We are planning to hold a stamp rally using coins from the town. There are lots of other fun booths!
[Image 4:×2208.jpg] Firewood chopping experience
[Image 5:×2048.jpg] Log cutting experience

[Image 6:×1098.jpg] VR forest bathing experience
[Image 7:×2925.jpg] Exhibition and sale of wooden products made from wood from Sagamihara Tsukui

[Image 8:×2700.jpg] Galaxy Forest Play Park
(3) Komorebi Forest Nature Observation Group
(Same-day application) Capacity: Approximately 100 people (13:00-14:30) Together with volunteer groups active in the Komorebi Forest and Kanagawa forest instructors, we will observe the precious plants, insects, and wild birds that live in the Komorebi Forest, and gain an understanding of the importance of urban greenery and environmental conservation. You can deepen your
[Image 9:×788.png ]
Komorebi Forest

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