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Home » We are now accepting applications for the innovation field of the “Rural Producer Training Course” sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries! Online lecture to learn about transcendent urban development in rural areas

We are now accepting applications for the innovation field of the “Rural Producer Training Course” sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries! Online lecture to learn about transcendent urban development in rural areas

Regional revitalization innovator platform INSPIRE
We are now accepting applications for the innovation field of the “Rural Producer Training Course” sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries! Online lecture to learn about transcendent urban development in rural areas
Rural innovation that penetrates through the Jomon style
Shugo Yanaka (MBA professor, Graduate School of Business
Administration, BBT University), founder and representative director of INSPIRE (located in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo), a general incorporated association that operates INSPIRE, one of the largest regional revitalization innovator platforms in Japan, said: An online lecture in the field of innovation will be held on Friday, May 17, 2024 at the “Rural Producer Training Course” sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
We plan to explain the collective knowledge of “transcendence town development (R)” systematized based on a community of 10,000 innovators who are active in regional revitalization town development across Japan, and share practical know-how for rural innovation. is. We will also cover the essence of the long-selling book “The Strongest Jomon-style Business,” so anyone interested in the Jomon period can also enjoy it. As an introductory public course, anyone with an interest in the topic can participate.
[Image 1:×1260.jpg] “Rural Producer Training Course” sponsored by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Introductory course: Innovation field
[Sponsor] Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
[Date] May 17, 2024 (Friday) 19:00-20:30
[Lecturer] Shugo Yanaka | MBA Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, BBT University / Representative Director, INSPIRE General Incorporated Association
[Online Tool] Zoom Webinar
[Target participants] We welcome a wide range of people who are interested in community development.
[Participation fee] Free
[Official page]
[Application form]

▼Lecture summary

Superb urban development in rural areas – Rural innovation in the Jomon style – Rural innovation involves not only the “problem-solving type,” which identifies local social issues and logically derives solutions, but also the “value-creating type,” which starts from a breakthrough idea and connects it with rural social issues. It is important to combine approaches.
How do innovators who create something from zero create new businesses in rural areas?
At INSPIRE, one of Japan’s largest regional revitalization innovator platforms, we will teach you “business design techniques for transcendent town development” that systematize the collective knowledge of innovators working on regional revitalization in a value-creating manner.
In 2024, we will also feature the essence of the long-selling book “The Strongest Jomon-style Business,” so anyone interested in the Jomon period can also enjoy it.

-Agenda to be explained in lecture-

◎Business design techniques
・Superior urban development by innovators who create something from zero ・Value-creating business design practiced by innovators — Dissecting the hentai of regional revitalization
・Ogiri innovation that creates breakthrough ideas
・Typical pattern of business model that continuously generates cash

◎Promotion techniques
・Regional promotion techniques that are essential for the development of a launched business
・Ultra-practical rural marketing strategy –combining logical and creative thinking
・Producers should be careful about the population involved! –What is the true nature of the relevant population that agrees with the general opinion but is ambiguous with the specific opinions? ・Digital marketing determines the success or failure of promotions

◎Platformization technique
・Innovator platform rooted in local culture
・Ideathon as a catalyst –Case study: “Rural Impossible” – creating a new rural village with breakthrough ideas
・Accelerator as a device –Case study: “Takeoff Shizuoka” where regional revitalization projects are being created one after another ・Jomon-style business that accelerates rural innovation — release its perverted nature

▼Instructor profile

Shugo Yanaka
Professor, MBA, Graduate School of Business Administration, BBT University / Representative Director, INSPIRE General Incorporated Association
[Image 2:×1050.jpg] business producer. Born in Kosai City, Shizuoka Prefecture. Graduated from the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Urban Engineering. Prior to his current position, he worked at Booz Allen Hamilton, a foreign capital/strategy consulting firm, where he provided strategy planning and implementation support for government agencies and private companies. Launched INSPIRE, one of the largest regional revitalization innovator platforms in Japan, and developed initiatives to share collective knowledge of
transcendent urban development with society. As a lecturer at the Cabinet Office’s “Regional Revitalization College,” he achieved the highest level of satisfaction with his courses. Serves as an expert for central ministries and local governments in the field of regional revitalization. He has served as a member of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ “New Rural Policy Study Group” and as an expert member of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) Rural Innovation Expert Meeting. He has traveled to 30 countries around the world and has expertise in regional revitalization both domestically and internationally. With offices in Japan and Australia, he is involved in the creation of extraordinary cities across the globe. His book “The Strongest Jomon Business” (Nihon Keizai Shimbun Publishing) won the “TOPPOINT Award” for best business book chosen by 10,000 business leaders. [Official site]

▼How to participate

Please check the official page of the organizer, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries’ “Rural Producer Training Course”, and apply using the form.
[Official page]
[Application form]

▼Reference book The strongest Jomon-style business: Four principles that create innovation (Nihon Keizai Shimbun Publishing) Written by Shugo Yanaka
[Image 3:×2222.jpg] A business book that systematizes the thought process of innovators by sublimating over 10,000 years of wisdom from the Jomon period into business theory. Explains the practical theory of Jomon-style business, which is characterized by intuition, cooperation,
creativity, and gratitude. Based on the Jomon and Yayoi binary framework, we propose four principles for creating new business. In 2019, it won the best business book at the “TOPPOINT Award” chosen by 10,000 business leaders. It was ranked #1 on the weekly bestseller list at major bookstores such as Maruzen, Book First, and Kinokuniya Bookstore. Ranked #1 in Amazon’s “Learning about Business from History” category. Received feedback from various media such as Nippon Television, J-WAVE, and Discover Japan.
Book information (Amazon)

▼Contact us
INSPIRE General Incorporated Association
Cerulean Tower 15th floor, 26-1 Sakuragaoka-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
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