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Home » Street Smart Co., Ltd. Free seminar Thorough explanation! Compatibility with the Electronic Bookkeeping Act using Google Workspace

Street Smart Co., Ltd. Free seminar Thorough explanation! Compatibility with the Electronic Bookkeeping Act using Google Workspace

[Street Smart Co., Ltd.] [Free seminar] Thorough explanation! Compatibility with the Electronic Bookkeeping Act using Google Workspace

*View in browser* *Street Smart Co., Ltd.*
Press release: May 15, 2024
[Free seminar] Thorough explanation! Compatibility with the Electronic Bookkeeping Act using Google Workspace
*Introducing a new service that we independently developed based on the needs of companies that have installed Google Workspace! * Street Smart Co., Ltd. (location: Kita-ku, Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture, President and CEO: Ryuji Morita, hereinafter referred to as Street Smart), which supports DX for companies and educational institutions, is a company that supports DX for companies and educational institutions.
We will be holding a free seminar on the Electronic Bookkeeping Act (hereinafter referred to as the Electronic Bookkeeping Act) that will be held using Workspace.

Google Workspace
has obtained the “Electronic Transaction Software Legal Requirements Certification” reviewed by the Japan Document and Information Management Association (hereinafter referred to as JIIMA), and is able to operate data storage in accordance with the law.

In this seminar, StreetSmart, which helped create a manual that covers the settings for Google Workspace to comply with the Electronic Book Act, will
We will thoroughly explain the settings required to start compliant with the Electric Book Act in Workspace.

In addition, *Master FileMover, a new service developed independently based on the needs of companies considering compliance with the Electric Book Act using Google Workspace*
We will introduce the overview and advantages of introducing it.

▼Please apply using the entry form below.
* Recommended for these people *
・For accounting departments and IT personnel who have installed Google Workspace and want to comply with the Electric Book Act while minimizing system and costs.
・Google Workspace administrator

Seminar overview
*Holding date*: The event will be held every week on the following dates until the end of June.
・May 30th (Thursday) 15:00-16:00
・Wednesday, June 5th 13:00-14:00
・Wednesday, June 12th 13:00-14:00
・June 20th (Thursday) 15:00-16:00
・Wednesday, June 26th 13:00-14:00
*Please note that the end time may change depending on the progress.

*Location*: Online
*The secretariat will provide information on how to connect by the day before the event.

*Participation benefits*: Free trial environment of new service “Master FileMover”
*Only available to those who wish, trial period is limited.

*How to apply*: Please apply using the entry form for your desired date. *Deadline: 23:59 on the day before each event
*Please note that participants from other companies in the same industry are not allowed to participate.

Street Smart Co., Ltd.: Enterprise Division Business Manager Kosuke Fujita Google Workspace for businesses
I lead a team in the business area that provides introduction and education support, and am responsible for formulating and implementing strategies to realize StreetSmart’s mission of “connecting technology and people.”

-For inquiries regarding this release-
Street Smart Co., Ltd. Enterprise Division
Email address:
Inquiry form:
Street Smart Co., Ltd.
Certified as a Google Training Partner in 2014. Currently working in the fields of Work Transformation and Education.
Google Cloud with two specialization certifications in the field As a partner company, we provide support and solutions for the promotion and utilization of DX and ICT education for companies and educational institutions.
Please feel free to contact us for any inquiries or inquiries. 【Company Profile】
Company name: Street Smart Co., Ltd.
Representative: Ryuji Morita, President and Representative Director Address: 3rd floor, Kanden Fudosan Umeda Shindo Building, 1-1-5 Dojima, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
Established: 2009
Capital: 60 million yen (including capital reserves)
Consolidated employees: 50 people
Business content: DX promotion business for companies and educational institutions
Master Apps:
Master Program:
*Google Workspace, Google Meet, Google Chrome and Google Cloud are LLC trademark.
*About details about this release*