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Home » Suho Co., Ltd. How to choose a company you can entrust with game development! A thorough explanation of the points to be noted from the development flow!

Suho Co., Ltd. How to choose a company you can entrust with game development! A thorough explanation of the points to be noted from the development flow!

Suho Co., Ltd.
How to choose a company to hire for game development! A thorough explanation of the points to be noted from the development flow! ……
For those who are wondering, “Which company should I outsource?” when outsourcing game development, we will explain the costs and points to keep in mind. If you are a company or person in charge of outsourcing game development, please refer to this article.
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■How to choose a company to request game development
There are five main steps in game development. A product is released to the world after going through the following steps: “Creation of specifications,” “Preparation of development tools,” “Creation of materials,” “Programming,” and “Testing.”
A “specification document” describes the concept and outline of a game, and serves as the basis for game production. The specifications, which can be said to be the blueprint of a game, include not only the content of the game to be developed, but also specific numerical goals such as target settings, man-hour estimates, and KPIs. It is important to choose a game development company with which you can communicate closely from the specification creation stage.
In game development, we prepare tools that are tailored to the characteristics of each game. Representative examples include Unity and Unreal Engine. The tools will differ depending on the equipment being used, so you will need to receive explanations from the development company before making decisions and proceeding.
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“Creating materials” that are actually used in games. The image used differs depending on the game, such as 2D or 3D. In addition to images such as characters and backgrounds, you also need to prepare background music and sound effects. The cost varies greatly depending on whether the production company prepares it from scratch or edits something already prepared for the game. You need to understand the details before setting the cost.
“Programming” is the process of reflecting what you have created in the game. When programming, it is necessary to constantly share the progress of the project, such as whether the project is being produced according to the project’s intentions, the extent to which
modifications can be made, and whether the project is on time. “Testing” is carried out to confirm functions and fix defects during the development and release of a game to the point where it can be played at a basic level. Based on the test results, it is necessary to consider correction plans and future measures.
■If you want to request game development, go to Suho Co., Ltd. Since game development is the domain of experts, experience and background are important when choosing a company. “Suho Co., Ltd.” has been involved in game and application development for over 10 years, so we have a rich track record and vast know-how. I mainly work on mobile game development for iOS and Android.
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It is also possible to take over, develop and operate games that are already in service. We have experience in developing IP games and can handle communications with copyright holders without any problems. Due to our extensive experience, we are able to provide consistent support from planning to development at relatively low costs. ■Features of “Suho’s High Run & Wide Run”
“Suho’s High Run & Wide Run” is a service for companies that are unsure about expanding overseas with game apps that utilize Japanese game apps, anime, and manga IP. We support the overseas expansion of titles that are currently or no longer available in Japan.
Professionals in each field necessary for expansion, such as development, operation, and culturalization, will support you at every stage of overseas expansion.
■Service content
“Suho’s High Run & Wide Run” provides various services necessary for expansion, such as content development, marketing, management/CS, and culturalization. After a maximum of three months of preparation, we will continue to provide operational and marketing support even after the service launches.
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Suho Co., Ltd.
Address: Room 708, Nishi-Shinjuku KF Building, 8-14-24 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
Tel: 03-4400-9082
[Contact information regarding this matter]
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