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JAL Regarding recruitment for JAL career recruitment for business planning position joining in 2024

Regarding recruitment for JAL career recruitment for business planning position joining in 2024
~We will start recruiting for the summer term from May 15th~ ……
May 15, 2024
[Image 1:×513.jpg] In addition to mid-career recruitment, which is carried out throughout the year, JAL will be implementing potential recruitment and career matching recruitment during the summer term (see the overview below for details). In order to realize the 2021-2025 medium-term management plan, JAL needs human resources who respect diverse values ​​and take on the challenge of change to create new value. For this reason, we will expand mid-career recruitment and actively recruit human resources with a variety of outside knowledge and experience. We look forward to receiving applications from those who would like to work with us to create the future of JAL. [Summary of newly recruiting summer term selection] Recruitment period: May 15th (Wednesday) to June 9th (Sunday), 2024 1. Potential recruitment We will focus on the latent abilities of the applicants themselves, and We are looking for human resources with the potential to succeed (latent ability, possibility, future potential). Number of applicants: Approximately 20 people Target: People whose date of birth is after April 1, 1994 (*1). No work experience or skills required. Assignment location: Please apply by specifying the course (*2), and our company will specify the initial assignment location after making an offer. Your initial assignment may be in the field department (airport, reservations, cargo, flight management, etc.).
2. Career Matching Recruitment We are looking for people who can utilize their high skills and specialized knowledge that they have cultivated through their past work experience to put their abilities to work immediately. Number of applicants: Approximately 10 people Target: Those who have 5 years or more of work experience and have the experience and skills to be immediately effective in a field other than the “departmental recruitment” that is open year-round
(regardless of age) . Assignment: After hearing the details of the job you would like to work on during the selection process, we will suggest an initial placement where you can utilize your experience and skills. If you would like to work in a department that is hiring through departmental recruitment, please apply for departmental recruitment. (*1) Reason for age restriction: To promote career development through long-term employment. (*2) A course does not indicate a specific department, but rather indicates the direction of experience and success. Please reconsider the source of your thoughts, what you want to achieve, what you want to achieve, and choose a course that is close to your own thoughts. In addition, this recruitment will target the Corporate Course, Operations Course, Business/Marketing Course, and Data Science/Digital Technology Course, and recruitment will be conducted by department for the Airline Engineer Course.
[Image 2:×802.jpg] (Reference) [Summary of selections accepted throughout the year] Recruitment period: All year round Number of applicants: Several people in each department Please select your desired initial assignment from the available vacancies and apply. *Required experience and skills vary depending on the department you are applying to. *The initial assignment after joining the company will be the department you applied for, but you may be assigned to other departments in the future based on your wishes and aptitude. *During the selection process, we may suggest categories other than those for which you applied, depending on your characteristics. *Please check for departments currently recruiting. Applications will be closed as soon as the number of applicants for each category is reached. For details on recruitment, please refer to the JAL recruitment website
( Additionally, we have recently established an alumni network that connects JAL and JAL retirees. The Alumni Network aims to connect with former employees who are active in various industries. If you are a former employee of our company in a business planning position, please refer to We are also considering expanding this system in stages to include jobs other than business planning jobs and JAL Group companies. JAL is also expanding its career return hiring for business planning positions targeting alumni (former employees) who are active in various fields. that’s all More details about this release: